I feel mean saying it but I really don't want to be pregnant again. I hated it towards the end!! I couldn't walk and I was in so much pain. I want Anna to have a brother/sister but I dunno if I can do it all again. Maybe when I lose weight I might be less heavy on my hips and knees and hopefully less swelling but at the moment I am terrified of becoming pregnant again! xxx
I'm with you on this Jen!!
From start to finish my pregnancy was a struggle granted not as bad as some peoples but compared to my first pregnancy i was hell! LOL I suffered horrible sickness, constipation, headaches/migraines and the dreaded SPD!! The best bit about my pregnancy was the labour! It's the only thing that went well hahaha

My last pregnancy was the other way round,pregnancy was a breeze labour was hell so knowing my luck another pregnancy would probably just be hell all round!
Well i've had an uneventful weekend really. I went shopping saturday and bought 2 dress ready for my friends wedding. A white and black poka dot dress for the day time and a royal blue dress for the evening
Then sunday spent at my mums in her back garden and enjoyed a fruity cider or 2....yummy!
Last night i bathed H and got him ready for bed early he took his bottle and was in bed by 8.30 and asleep by 9.15pm! The earliest he has ever been to bed i was shocked he actually went down. Only catch was as he went down and hour early he woke and hour early for a bottle which he drank all of. So it's proved my point that he does still need his early morning bottle...i'll just wait for him to decide it's no longer needed.
He's woke in such a grump today. It's far too hot for him, we have a south facing front room and sun is just pouring through the windows i've got the patio doors open the fan on and curtains slightly drawn to give us some shade but he's still not settling. Won't even sleep for long so he's so tired

It's gonna be a long day.
x x x