***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Yh it was really scary :( I just hope it doesn't happens again! He's just had his 3rd gaviscon so I hope to start seeing the results!

That's fab about Jack hun, you should be proud!! I bet you feel good today after a good sleep!!

Trey is still waking about 3 times during the night, he's 9 weeks now and i'm struggling to get him into a routine but I hope he settles into one himself soon.

Morning ladies and babies! Hope everyone is well this morning!

We are currently driving down to the south coast to have a day on the beach!! Can't wait to get there :-)

Have a great day whatever you are doing!! xx
Chezza - sounds like you have a fab day planned. Harry and I are on our own today. Daddy is working all day :( and my mum goes Wales today. We're not joining her till Tuesday. I will be ignoring the nice weather outside and will be stuck inside wrapping presents ready to take with me. So far I have 23 out 60 wrapped!!! X

I am so proud of myself. I managed to sing and dance Evan to sleep last night and didn't get stressed or upset. My mum has had to help out the last few nights so really glad I did it on my own since DH was out last night :)

Then the little monkey rewarded me by sleeping from 11.30 to 8! I didn't wake up between either. Feel like a new woman lol!

Hope you have a lovely day Chezza. I'd love to take Evan to the beach but it's at least a 2.5 hour drive to the nearest beach. We're off to a BBQ at my sisters. Already requested shady bits as it's set to be stupid temperature

Have a lovely day ladies and babies :) xxx
Morning ladies :D

Sophie - that's brilliant Ella slept through, hope you made the most of the sleep! Fingers crossed its a regular occurrence ;) H settled himself beautifully last night, he woke t 2.20am i tried the whole popping dummy back in but it didn't work this time and by 3am i was feeding him, he took a full bottle (6oz) so must have been hungry. I did pop him back to bed half awake and he settle himself again so to me that is a victory lol I suppose he'll drop the 3am feed when he's good and ready :D

Babybushie - I hope you see an improvement with the gaviscon over the next day or so, hopefully it'll do the trick for him. I can only imagine how it must have felt to see him struggle to breathe, you did fantastically to keep your cool and help him, well done. H had an episode of choking on milk a few weeks back, the most single terrifying thing i've ever seen. Let us know how you get on with the gaviscon x

Chezza - Sounds like you've got a fun filled day ahead....i'm not jealous in the slightest! My mum has kidnapped the kids and is taking them to the beach for a few hours. I've got to trawl the shops looking for a new dress for a wedding and OH wants a new suit, might see if he'll throw in lunch too :D

Stargirl - I don't do the wrapping in my house, i'm rubbish at it. My OH wraps everything, i write the tags lol To be fair he does do a better job lol. I hope you don't mind but i'm gonna pinch this idea!! My mum is 50 next year, if i do it then thats 10 less OH will have to wrap....he should thank me for that! haha

Amy - Well done hunny, you should feel mega proud. It hard enough for any mum to cope with a baby who just refuses to sleep let alone a lady with PND. Just take it one victory at a time and you'll soon be right :D Glad you managed a decent nights sleep too, everything feels easier/better after a good nights sleep!

x x x
Emma start buying now! Seriously trying to fine 60 presents for someone who is really hard to buy for is really hard!!! And costly! I only started last month and it has cost me loads. But it'll be worth it to see her face :)

I only managed to wrap 10 more and the got fed up. Had a bit of a off day today. Felt really fed up and annoyed at the littlest things. Kinda feels like pms and I'm putting it down to having had the implant in on Wednesday. I think my body is saying "no! Not more hormones!!!" Lol x

Morning ladies and babies,

Hope everyone is well?

Another disturbed night with Joseph, bed at 9.30, up at 2.45 and then a very unsettled sleep on me until 5.50. But he has just had a 5 hour sleep on my chest mid feed! He's all over the place at the mo.

I've tried talking to OH many times and it just falls on deaf ears. I am worried about what access he would get to joey if I left him. He's useless with him alone and the thought of him getting overnight access makes me feel sick.

Emma- lucky you! Did you make the most of his sleep time this morning,?

Nikki- hope the twins get on ok with their jabs, let us know xx

Hey tinkerbates,

No i didn't get chance to make the most of the sleep, he woke up! Haha. Considering the amount of sleep he's had he's a grumpy little sod! I think he might have a bit of belly ache tho as he hasn't pooped since yesterday morning and he's got a bit of gas too, plus this warm weather doesn't help! It could be that the weather is disturbing your little boys sleep too? Poor little mites. That 5 hour sleep sounds good, hope you managed to get some shut eye, even a cat nap can make all the difference!

I know it's harder said than done but don't worry about OH access to LO. If he's anything like my EX he'll not want to have him over night it's too much like hard work!

x x x

I am pretty sure it is the heat, we have had some terrible bouts of crying from him too, he is a very grumpy little chap ATM!

Evening Ladies,

Well, what a rubbish night I had last night. I went out for 4 whole hours (door to door) to a 30th party, I left Joey with my Mum and I stayed at my Mum's too, plan being that I could avoid the night feed after a few drinks but still be on hand if anything cropped up. Well, I text my Mum the whole time I was out and she assured me all was ok, when I got in at 12.30am he was screaming the house down, shaking cos he was so upset :-( Mum admitted he hadn't even been to sleep but she had wanted me to have some down time with OH having been rubbish she knew I had needed a break. But OMG it broke my heart, I scooped him up and fed him and he fell asleep within 10 mins, he must have just really missed his Mummy :-(

Consequently I feel like the worst Mummy ever for leaving my poor boy xx

Amy- I massively struggle with me time, I have to get my Mum to come round just so I can wash my hair once a week!

Nikki- Really glad all went well :)

Panda- How old is your LO? I would kill for that much sleep!

Emma- Woo hoo! Good news for you :-)

Chezza- How was your day? xx
Awww Tinkerbates don't feel bad, you need your you time and it must have been nice to have calmed him so quickly on your return. He needs to have a happy mummy too :)

Evan seems to be getting the hang of sleeping. Last night he went down just past 10 and woke at 9! I was surprised he wasn't hungry but he fed lots before I put him down. He's now having another nap with daddy.

Hopefully it will be cooler today, it was over 30 yesterday and I did not like it
Hey Ladies & Babies :-)

Tinkerbates - DO NOT FEEL BAD!! You are entitled to some "me time"! It's horrible that Joey was upset...way to go for making you feel bad lol...but could it possibly be the heat that contributed to the upset aswell?

Well, our beach trip was a disaster...should have taken 1hr 30mins to get down there...it took 3 hours! We got a space on the beach, but my dog wouldnt settle, even in our beach tent - and JJ wasnt very happy, despite being nice and cool in the shade with a fan...so we didnt stay too long sadly! It was nice to walk through the cold waves though :-) I was also getting very stressed out by a snooty old cow who was moaning, very loudly, about the noise that the dogs / babies / children around her were making...she kept moaning that the noise was ruining her day, so I shouted "you should have bloody stayed at home then!" Grrrrrrrrrr!!

Amy - so happy that Evan is sleeping through - 11 hours???? How the heck are you managing that!! Lol xxx
Hi ladies, it was my birthday yesterday and i was treated like a queen - DS1 woke up 2 hours later than normal, i.got lots of pressies from DH and then we went into.town for lunch and stroll in.the park and in the evening we orderes thai and had a feast.
Its hot in our bedroom so Mark sleeps in a bouncer in.the kitchen during the day, last night.we had to get our dyson out as it was 28c in our bedroom ( we are in the loft).
I would settle for 24-25 c really but not more

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Happy birthday for yesterday knopk, I agree about the temp - our room hit just over 27 and was still 26 at 6am.

Chezza I have no idea how Evan is sleeping so long. We have no set routine apart from calming down time from 9. The rest we just follow his lead. Maybe he knew mummy was sad so behaved like an angel xx
Aww tinkerbates don't feel bad Hun, ur aloud some me time. Bless u, must of been hard tho to see ur lil one upset.
She is 12 weeks, from about 5 weeks was waking up at 4/5am from 8pm last nite she went from 7am to 7.30pm this morning.
Hope ur enjoying the lovely weather ladies,
Ava has her second jabs wed, does anyone know if its just the one injection or 2? Xxx
Aww tinkerbates don't feel bad Hun, ur aloud some me time. Bless u, must of been hard tho to see ur lil one upset.
She is 12 weeks, from about 5 weeks was waking up at 4/5am from 8pm last nite she went from 7am to 7.30pm this morning.
Hope ur enjoying the lovely weather ladies,
Ava has her second jabs wed, does anyone know if its just the one injection or 2? Xxx

I think jack had 2 jabs at his last appointment Hun. Xx
Thanks ladies, everyone has said the same and also advised that you sometimes have to be cruel to be kind to make sure they are used to other people in the long run. It absolutely broke my heart though! :-(

Chezza, Sorry your day didn't go as planned, kids and animals eh?! lol.

Happy birthday Knopk, glad you had a lovely day.

Had a lovely day today, it was my nieces birthday so had a BBQ for her which Me, Joey and OH went to and credit where it is due, OH took the reigns with Joey so I could chill out with my family so that was nice AND he got up at 6am with him and I stayed in bed til 8am :-)

Just not sure what is best to do with Joey now as he fell aslepp on the way home about 7.30pm and we have put him down in his crib dressed but he is flat out. He is due a feed at 10pm, I guess he will sleep through that and wake at stupid o'clock but if he doesn't do you think I should do his night time routine (bath, pj's, bottle) or just quick change, feed and back in bed? Also will sleeping in his clothes be ok? xx
Hey TB, glad you had a good day - and yay for OH for letting you sleep in / looking after Joey so you could relax :-)

If Joey is due a feed around 10pm - (having not eaten for around 4 hours or so?), I would be inclined to wake him, change him and feed him to get him back off. (I know they say you shouldnt wake a sleeping baby, but I've woken JJ quite a few times and as long as its to offer a bottle, he has no problem with it lol!) Otherwise you may risk being knocking his routine out a little...but perhaps the best thing to do is trust your instinct...do whatever you think is best! Good luck :-) xx
Hey ladies & babies, hope you've all had a good weekend. Somehow it's Sunday night and I am sat here wondering what to do this week.

Happy belated birthday knopk - hope you had a good day!

We have JJ's rotavirus jab on Weds (eeeeek), getting him weighed on Thurs and have friends round on Friday...but I dont have any plans at all for Mon / Tues! So hard to do certain things when it's so hot...JJ is not a fan of the heat (unlike his mummy...I'd sit out in it all day long if I could!).

Very happy that JJ is in a nice little routine now...he is sleeping through (95% of the time!) to 6am...then having 5 x 7oz bottles a day every 3.5 - 4 hours...bath time at 20.30, then bed at 21.30pm - I'm starting to feel quite organised and settled again!

Have a good week whatever you are doing!! xx
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Chezza, i think.rotavirus vaccine isnt an injection, its drops. Correct me ladies if i am wrong

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Chezza, i think.rotavirus vaccine isnt an injection, its drops. Correct me ladies if i am wrong

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Oh I hope so, that would be great!! Slightly worried about the side effects, but so many ladies have said it's definitely worth going through with...x

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