Morning ladies
Sophie - that's brilliant Ella slept through, hope you made the most of the sleep! Fingers crossed its a regular occurrence

H settled himself beautifully last night, he woke t 2.20am i tried the whole popping dummy back in but it didn't work this time and by 3am i was feeding him, he took a full bottle (6oz) so must have been hungry. I did pop him back to bed half awake and he settle himself again so to me that is a victory lol I suppose he'll drop the 3am feed when he's good and ready
Babybushie - I hope you see an improvement with the gaviscon over the next day or so, hopefully it'll do the trick for him. I can only imagine how it must have felt to see him struggle to breathe, you did fantastically to keep your cool and help him, well done. H had an episode of choking on milk a few weeks back, the most single terrifying thing i've ever seen. Let us know how you get on with the gaviscon x
Chezza - Sounds like you've got a fun filled day ahead....i'm not jealous in the slightest! My mum has kidnapped the kids and is taking them to the beach for a few hours. I've got to trawl the shops looking for a new dress for a wedding and OH wants a new suit, might see if he'll throw in lunch too
Stargirl - I don't do the wrapping in my house, i'm rubbish at it. My OH wraps everything, i write the tags lol To be fair he does do a better job lol. I hope you don't mind but i'm gonna pinch this idea!! My mum is 50 next year, if i do it then thats 10 less OH will have to wrap....he should thank me for that! haha
Amy - Well done hunny, you should feel mega proud. It hard enough for any mum to cope with a baby who just refuses to sleep let alone a lady with PND. Just take it one victory at a time and you'll soon be right

Glad you managed a decent nights sleep too, everything feels easier/better after a good nights sleep!
x x x