***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Well it's that time of night again, time for H to fight his sleep and refuse to go to bed! Lol

I don't get why?! He's had a lovely bath, a massage 5 and half ounces of milk, winded, another belly massage and he's still grumbling in his cot! He pretty obvious he just wants to sleep on me, which is lovely but i'm shattered and i'm teriffied i'm gonna fall asleep with him on me. Or that we'll get into a bad habit of him not settling unless he's on me.

So advise ladies, how do i settle him? I've spent an 45 mins up there so far, i've resorted to laying him on his side so i can pat his bum with out picking him up. He's not upset or crying, just arms and legs everywhere and squalking! lol

x x x

Hey Emma, have you tried walking away and letting him try to self settle?? xxx

Hey ladies,

Yep i've tried walking away, it doesn't work! Lol He'll start of quiet but it soon turns into a full blown cry :( And i have J in bed by then, so trying to keep full blown crying to a minimum as i don't want J waking up! It's awkward to say the least lol

H can settle himself however, he does it in the A.M after his feed. I put him down as soon as i've winded and he'll wiggle and do little moans but then nods off. So i know he can do it, i just don't get why he refuses to do it in the evening! Stubborn little boy hahaha

Well last night ended up and ok night once we'd got him down for the night. He eventually went to sleep not long after my last post, about 10.30ish.

I was in bed by 11pm, to say i was tired was an understatement, as soon as my head was on the pillow i was out for the count!

H woke at 2.20am, not crying, just moaning. I would normal run in bottle in hand before the moan escalated into a full blown cry, but last night i thought 'ummm i wonder'. So went in and popped in dummy. And he settled :shock: I did think 'but he might be starving?!' But reasoned with myself that he kicks off enough in the day when hungry, he'll spit dummy out and let me know if he was hungry then too.

Well after 5 mins out popped dummy, but alas he remained asleep. Slept from 2.20am til 3.40am :shock:

He woke had 5 and half ounces and nodded back off. Woke again at 7.45 for a nappy change, nodded back off and woke again at 8.30 for bottle (5oz) and is still asleep now :lol: I've open blind, pulled back curtains but he's having non of it lol

Might sneak back into bed myself and catch some more :nap:


Hope all mummies and babies are good!

Trey keeps on bringing up his feeds, it feels like well over an hour after he's eaten he's still doing little burps and bringing up milk. I always burp him halfway thru a bottle feed and some time it seems like he's bought up everything he has taken but then he cries for more food?

He's otherwise a content and happy boy :)

Anyone have any advice or experienced this?



I missed this :/

My niece had exactly the same problem, she struggled to put on weight too due to the amount of milk she was bringing back up.

It turned out after much pushing on her mums behave that she did have reflux problems. She was given gaviscon which helped for a while, but unfortunately it was the cue for her. She's now on nutramigen lipil 2 milk (she's prescribed this), domperidone and ranitidine.

It took my SIL months to get her little girl treatment as her GP refused to believe anything was wrong as she was always happy and smiling when doc saw her!

Hope your doctors isn't such an idiot and helps your little one. Good luck for today :)

x x x
The twins have their jabs in the morning, that will be fun! Luckily my sister and neice fly in tomorrow for a few days, so more hands to soothe upset babies, yay! I am so excited, my mum is the only family member to meet them so far, and they are 9 weeks tomorrow :)

Hey nikki just wanted to say good luck getting the twins jabs done. Hopefully it won't cause them too much bother.

And yay for your sister and niece visiting, hope you all have a really nice time, minus the jabs of course :lol:

x x x
Morning ladies and babies,

Hope everyone is well?

Another disturbed night with Joseph, bed at 9.30, up at 2.45 and then a very unsettled sleep on me until 5.50. But he has just had a 5 hour sleep on my chest mid feed! He's all over the place at the mo.

I've tried talking to OH many times and it just falls on deaf ears. I am worried about what access he would get to joey if I left him. He's useless with him alone and the thought of him getting overnight access makes me feel sick.

Emma- lucky you! Did you make the most of his sleep time this morning,?

Nikki- hope the twins get on ok with their jabs, let us know xx
Morning ladies and babies,

Hope everyone is well?

Another disturbed night with Joseph, bed at 9.30, up at 2.45 and then a very unsettled sleep on me until 5.50. But he has just had a 5 hour sleep on my chest mid feed! He's all over the place at the mo.

I've tried talking to OH many times and it just falls on deaf ears. I am worried about what access he would get to joey if I left him. He's useless with him alone and the thought of him getting overnight access makes me feel sick.

Emma- lucky you! Did you make the most of his sleep time this morning,?

Nikki- hope the twins get on ok with their jabs, let us know xx

Hey tinkerbates,

No i didn't get chance to make the most of the sleep, he woke up! Haha. Considering the amount of sleep he's had he's a grumpy little sod! I think he might have a bit of belly ache tho as he hasn't pooped since yesterday morning and he's got a bit of gas too, plus this warm weather doesn't help! It could be that the weather is disturbing your little boys sleep too? Poor little mites. That 5 hour sleep sounds good, hope you managed to get some shut eye, even a cat nap can make all the difference!

I know it's harder said than done but don't worry about OH access to LO. If he's anything like my EX he'll not want to have him over night it's too much like hard work!

x x x
Evan has slept from 10-10 for two nights now with a half hour feed/change at 5.30. I should be over the moon but my sleeping is still pretty poor. It was slightly better last night though so feeling less like a zombie.

Saw the doctor yesterday and she advised me to speak to the HV regarding counselling. She wasn't sure on taking antidepressants and BF and I've been on them in the past with little effect. If I wanted counselling through them I would be on a long waiting list. So all in all it hasn't really got me anywhere.

Evan has been incredibly screamy in the evening for he last few nights. He normally screams until he exhausts himself. He gets passed from me, to my dad and then my mum who seems to have the knack of sending him off to sleep (by singing and dancing). He also seems to be bored within 5 minutes of doing anything so keeping him entertained is a nightmare... especially when I'm exhausted.

Anyone else struggling to get any 'me-time' - Evan doesn't have regular or reliable naps during the day and by the time he is asleep at night I go to bed to.
Oh Amy, that doesn't sound very positive. You would think if you took the big step to say you need help, that you would get it & not fobbed off to your hv or put on a long waiting list. I would still try seeing what your hv has to say. Maybe they'll be more helpful.

I am struggling with any me time too. I could quite easily not get round to having lunch some days! This week has been especially bad though as my OH has been ill off work so I've been having to look after him & the baby on my own.
Hey ladies, thanks for the good wishes, the twins jabs went ok, and its just lina who needed some calpol this afternoon because she was really grizzly, Santi has slept all day! Lol! Taken advantage and been in the pool :)
Hi ladies hope ur all well? Such brave babas having their jabs done. :-)) past few nights Ava has gone from 8pm till 6.45! Really pleased with that.
Am off to the next sale tomorrow meeting my friend at 4am! Anyone else going?? Xx
My poor baby. I don't know what's wrong with her. She's been grizzly all day but this evening she has been really screaming. I've never seen her so bad. The only thing that calms her down is breastfeeding. She's not even drinking though, just sucking every now & then. Have taken her temp & it's fine. Really don't know what's wrong with her :(
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There must be something in the water Sophie, JJ's been grizzling quite badly since 3pm...and tonight is the first night ever that he will not go to sleep...he's usually so good!

Naughty babies :-( xx
H has been grizzly all day, thought it was because of the weather, I'm now thinking it might have something to do with the heap of poo he expelled all over me this evening! Lol *boke*

Foolishly took his nappy off thinking he was done, screamed for OH to come help me as there was nothing I could do and what did he do?...took a flipping picture! I'd have done the same but I'm not admitting that to him lol.

So its that time of night again, H is bathed, fed and winded and refusing to sleep! Lol currently sat quietly in his room out of view ready to pop dummy back in if he begins to scream lol

The joys of motherhood. Xx

Sophie is baby isn't actually feeding more using you as comfort why don't you try a dummy? I know some people can't stand the things, I'm not overly keen but H loves them.

Strange that everyone's having an off day. I was really worried that she might have caught OH's stomach bug. He's been ill off work all week with fever and being sick. It's now progressed into a cold and sore throat.

@Emma: I've tried her with a dummy before and she really didn't get on with it. Don't like them anyway so was happy she refused it. Think I'll have to try it again though if she has another evening like tonight as you're right, I was the human dummy!
She's fallen asleep now and I've carried her to bed. So far, so good.

Hope everyone has a good night.
Dare i say it...i'm gonna say it....H managed to put himself to sleep!!

I put him down about 9.15pm, he wriggled and groaned a little. I sat waiting for him to kick off with a dummy ready to pounce and he just fell asleep....didn't need to see to him at all!! No patting of bum, or rocking or jigging or dummy...i'm still in shock and still don't believe it....lets see how long he sleeps for haha

x x x
Dare i say it...i'm gonna say it....H managed to put himself to sleep!!

I put him down about 9.15pm, he wriggled and groaned a little. I sat waiting for him to kick off with a dummy ready to pounce and he just fell asleep....didn't need to see to him at all!! No patting of bum, or rocking or jigging or dummy...i'm still in shock and still don't believe it....lets see how long he sleeps for haha

x x x

Thats exactly what Rian does and he goes till 5-6ish xx
Dare i say it...i'm gonna say it....H managed to put himself to sleep!!

I put him down about 9.15pm, he wriggled and groaned a little. I sat waiting for him to kick off with a dummy ready to pounce and he just fell asleep....didn't need to see to him at all!! No patting of bum, or rocking or jigging or dummy...i'm still in shock and still don't believe it....lets see how long he sleeps for haha

x x x

Good luck!! Keeping everything crossed for you xxx
Thanks Emma :)

Docs gave me some gaviscon, I've only manage to use one sachet today so far and he still bought up a lot of milk, in guessing it takes a few satchets.

I think I'm going to try him with a different milk if I don't see a change in the next few days.

He had this really scary episode last night where he seemed to be choking, he was holding his breath and snot and was coming out of his nose, he was fighting to breath, it was the most awful thing I have ever seen :( I was tapping his back to help him bring up what what was stuck and he started breathing normally, I cried my eyes out after, I was soo scared. Called nhs direct and talked the doc this morning and they both said it could be nasal drip where snot runs at the back of his throat and it shocks him and he doesn't Know whether he should cough it up or swallow it down so he got stuck in limbo. We be got a nasal aspirator and some nasal drops which he hates but I hope it'll clear the snot, poor bubba

Hooray! Ella slept through til 5! That's just over 6 hours in a stretch! There was me worried she'd be waking up every hour or something because she was so unsettled in the evening. Just have to hope she falls back to sleep ok.
How did it go with you, Emma?f
Thanks Emma :)

Docs gave me some gaviscon, I've only manage to use one sachet today so far and he still bought up a lot of milk, in guessing it takes a few satchets.

I think I'm going to try him with a different milk if I don't see a change in the next few days.

He had this really scary episode last night where he seemed to be choking, he was holding his breath and snot and was coming out of his nose, he was fighting to breath, it was the most awful thing I have ever seen :( I was tapping his back to help him bring up what what was stuck and he started breathing normally, I cried my eyes out after, I was soo scared. Called nhs direct and talked the doc this morning and they both said it could be nasal drip where snot runs at the back of his throat and it shocks him and he doesn't Know whether he should cough it up or swallow it down so he got stuck in limbo. We be got a nasal aspirator and some nasal drops which he hates but I hope it'll clear the snot, poor bubba


God that must've been scary for u!
Regards the gaviscon it reccomends u use 6 sachets over a 24 hour period. Only then will u notice a difference. I have to make sure that I give Jack the majority of his during the day bcos it seems as tho he has got himself into a little sleep pattern! Not sure I any of u remember but I put a thread up a couple of weeks ago panicking that I could t get him in any kind of routine even tho he is 15 weeks(9 weeks adjusted). But for the last 5 nights he's been having his last feed between 10-11pm and going right through till 5-6!!. Like last night he was asleep by 10.46 and then woke up at 5,30 today! Very happy mummy here. I'm very proud of him xxx

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