***April & May Mummy & Baby***

well that was traumatic Rian just had his first set of jabs nevet heard a scream like it. Hes now laying on settee snoring!!

Can i ask Rian little folds in his neck look red and sore i clean after every feed and bath times is thefe anything i can put on it? Xn

Bless him...hope he doesnt get any side affects - hope you are ok too!!

JJ has the same - I clean carefully with water and cotton wool and apply a teeny bit of sudocrem. xx
The HV sent me some questionnaires for anxiety and depression to check where I am. It didn't look good :(. Got a phone appointment with my doctor tomorrow. I've felt better dealing with Evan today but I still feel so low. Doesn't help that my hayfever makes me feel like a prisoner - at a prison where all the doors and windows are open cos it's so hot. If I could get out and about I'd probably feel so much better. I am planning on going shopping tomorrow, have a few gift vouchers from my birthday to use so hopefully that will help.
Amy, retail therapy is the way to go! Hugs hun, i am feeling low too so can understand. Poor you with the hayfever.
Its my birthday on Saturday but i honestly dont feel like doing anything, i feel so fat, tired and miserable

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Aww ladies I'm sorry to hear your feeling so low, I'm glad your getting the help you need from HV and doctor amy, retail therapy is definitely the way to go!!

Knopk you've only just had a baby hun!! I'm sure your no where near as big as you think, us ladies are always super hard on ourselves. I have flabby bits but I figured its taken 9 months to get like this, it'll take another 9 before I lose the weight :) totally understand the tiredness tho, these broken nights sleep are killer!


I've been a bit naughty and ordered a gliding nursing chair for H's room! I thought about getting one before but decided against it as I figured it wouldn't get used. I assumed by the time H was 6 months and in his own room he'd be sleeping through the night! Haha little did I know he'd be moving into his room so soon, and he's far from ready to sleep through. Last night I ended up feeding him sat on the floor, not very comfortable at all! So were gonna be feeding in style tomorrow night, it's being delivered tomorrow morning :)

So sorry you are feeling so down Amy :hugs:Always here if you need to talk xx

Knopk....dont be so hard on yourself! All our babies are so young...the weight / lumps n bumps will take a little while to go x

Emma - good move! I love my gliding rocker...it's so comfortable...you could easily fall asleep in it! I use it a few times a day! DH loves feeding LO in it too :smug:xx
well that was traumatic Rian just had his first set of jabs nevet heard a scream like it. Hes now laying on settee snoring!!

Can i ask Rian little folds in his neck look red and sore i clean after every feed and bath times is thefe anything i can put on it? Xn

Awww I am so worried about this when Anna has hers! Hope he is ok now. Did you go in the room with him?

Sudocrem is best for anything! Pat dry after a bath and thin layer of sudocrem. It is the best stuff ever!! I use it for everything on Anna and me lol. xxx

Ladies, if your little ones are suffering with cradle cap either on their head or forehead/eyebrows...forget the shampoo stuff...Olive oil is the best!! Be careful in this heat though so do it at night time. It works wonders. I wash her face and head and then pat dry and then apply olive oil and in the morning its all crisped up and flaking and over the day just seems to clear up! It's amazing! I tried the shampoo and that seemed to make it worse!
Oh, thanks for the tip, Jen. Ella's got this at the moment. Looks like she's got dandruff lol!
Might try that for H. I've been using the shampoo and though its clearing it its not clearing it quick enough for my liking. :)

Hope everyone is well? H and I have had a few busy days. My mum is 60 next week so we've been organising everything for her big day. My sister and brother and I have bought her in total 60 pressies. One for every year. She's got about 10 expensive ones and the rest are little nik naks. It's going to take her all day to unwrap them lol. We're away next week as well so been getting organised for that!

I had the implant fitted yesterday. It was a breeze having it put in compared to childbirth lol.

H has his needles today at 10 am. I'm not sure how I'm going to be really. If he doesn't scream scream (iykwim?) I'll be ok. My mums coming with us for moral support. X

Jen - I'm loving olive oil at the min! When H was born he had really really bad dry skin, which was odd considering he was only over due by 4 days! Used the olive oil and with in 3 days it had completely gone, i now use it every now and then when giving him a little massage. He's yet to get craddle cap, i'm hoping he won't but if he does i have my oil on had :lol:

Stargirl - Wow you have been busy hun, hope your mum has a brilliant time....even if she does get sore fingers from opening all those presents haha. I had the implant put in, twice, and having it taken out was just as easy! Good luck with LO's jabs, i hate those pesky things i'm dreading H having his :(

x x x

Well what a flipping night, i am fit to drop! For some crazy reason H decided to have a strop before bed. He had his 8pm feed and from them moaned and groaned and cried and just generally was unhappy :( In the end it was 12.30 before he settled for the night. I tried everything, tummy massage, rocking, patting, reading, singing, silence, gripe water even offered another feed at 12 as figured he would be wanting a bottle...he didn't he just spat it back out. In the end i put him in his cot awake popped in dummy and put on his womb noise and stroked his face til he nodded off. I have no idea what time it was when i nodded off but he woke again at 2.30am for a bottle but only drank 3 oz's. I fully expected him to wake earlier but he didn't wake again til 6.30am OH gave him another bottle and he's been asleep since.

Also to top off my crap night. H's movement sensor alarm went off in the middle of the night :shock: I have never ever moved so fast in all my life, OH didn't even get his head off the pillow before i was out the room. My heart was in my freaking mouth and after checking him and smoothering him in kisses i had a little relief 'cry' :roll:. He had had a good old fidget and had moved to the far top corner of the mat, so it couldn't pick up his movements and sounded the alarm.

As much as it terrified me and shocked me to the core i am amazed at these clever little devices....i can only imagine how many little ones they have/will save.


Hope all mummies and babies are good!

Trey keeps on bringing up his feeds, it feels like well over an hour after he's eaten he's still doing little burps and bringing up milk. I always burp him halfway thru a bottle feed and some time it seems like he's bought up everything he has taken but then he cries for more food?

He's otherwise a content and happy boy :)

Anyone have any advice or experienced this?



Hope all mummies and babies are good!

Trey keeps on bringing up his feeds, it feels like well over an hour after he's eaten he's still doing little burps and bringing up milk. I always burp him halfway thru a bottle feed and some time it seems like he's bought up everything he has taken but then he cries for more food?

He's otherwise a content and happy boy :)

Anyone have any advice or experienced this?



Hey BB :-)

Hmmm, no experience personally, but from reading alot of posts on this forum, sounds like it could be a touch of reflux...? Could be wrong though...hopefully some more experience ladies might be able to help xx
Yep does sound like reflux. Jack would continually bring his milk up after his meal. He had reflux and ever since he has been given gaviscon I think he has been sick like 5 times in the last 7 weeks. Worth going to the doctors Hun xxxx
Oh Tinkerbates, your man isn't being very sympathetic or helpful at the moment is he :-(

Does he do the night feeds at the weekend? If not, why not!! Would give him a good insight in to your world and let you have some proper sleep!!

How did Joey do last night?? xxx

He really isn't, he has him for an hour or so hen he gets in from work but he NEVER does night feeds or early mornings, not even at weekend. He refuses to change pooey nappies and feeds him maybe once every 3-4 days, it is like being a single parent to be honest.

Joey was great the night before last, went down at 7.30 and slept til 4am :) then we got up but slept on the chair until 7am. Last night he didn't do as well, think he was over tired so was fighting sleep, it took us from 7.30-9.30 to get him to sleep and he woke up at 3am. I got up with him and he had a further, very disturbed sleep until 6.30am. He fell soundly asleep on me a little while ago and I have managed to put him in his car seat and he is well away :-) soooo I am supposed to be doing some jobs, but instead I am on here! lol.

How is everyone else? xx
Afternoon ladies hope you've all day a lovely day and made the most of this weather?!

Well H had an awkward night last night. Had his last feed at 10pm and went down at 11pm. Woke at 2.30am and wouldn't settle the rest of night, it was 4.40am before i gave in and woke OH to help out. Felt bad or waking him as he has work but needed a helping hand and some sleep!

However OH nearly went to work with a black eye! Harrison was being fussy with one of his feeds so i asked OH if milk was following freely as the teat can some times get blocked. To which he replied by holding the bottle so i could see milk dripping and said 'i would say so' in his sarcastic tone! I think had i have had the energy and him not been holding H i would have thumped him one. But alas i reacted very maturely and let it pass. I did tell him all about it via email this morning, to which he denies all knowledge of it happening! lol It's the first time he's ever reacted like that so i'm putting it down to being tired and letting it pass!

Me and H have made the most of the weather and went on a 3 and half mile walk, my feet are killing me but it was nice to get out and be able to walk without SPD limiting how far i can go etc I gotta admit tho my blisters got the better of me and i walked into town to catch the bus on the way back! lol Which was no good for the purse as i ended up buying H another Lamaze toy! Here he is talking to Freddie the firefly!

Joey hates the lamaze toys! I bought him 3 and he screams when I show them to him :-/ xx
I had such a horrible day yesterday :( Evan just screamed at my boob everytime I tried to feed him and it all got too much. Had to hand him over to my mum while I sobbed. Been worried about pnd so spoke to the hv and will keep monitoring it.

Have had a much better day today though. Apart from my hayfever which is horrific - the only thing that annoys me about bf is that I can't take the good drugs.

Evan is still snotty so he might have a touch of hayfever too. Got some saline spray to help him at night.

Aww hun, that is why I couldn't stick with the BF'ing, it really did depress me and he was starving too.

How are you feeling today? xx
Aww poor Santiago. But well done you with the Spanish :)

Where can I get a gliding rocker ladies?

Amy, sorry you are feeling so low, but it is good you have recognised it, some dont and end up with big problems. Chine up and big hugs xxx

Stargirl- That is a great idea, I have taken note for my Mum's 70th :)

Babybushie- That is similar to Joey and he has reflux, though the HV assures me he is not bringing up all he's had but advised to keep an eye on his weight (no probs on that score!) xx
Loads of places sell the gliding rockers...try ebay, mothercare, kiddiecare. I got mine from very because i have an account with them and it was next day delivery! I'm a very impatient lady lol

It has literally just arrived! I'm so tempted to try and drag the box upstairs and put it together...but it's fairly heavy and i'll end up at the bottom of the stairs with said box on top of me! Lol

Plus H is napping in his cot and i don't want to wake him. So i'm gonna have to wait for OH to get home. It's going to be a long day....i wanna play!!
Oh Tinkerbates, your man isn't being very sympathetic or helpful at the moment is he :-(

Does he do the night feeds at the weekend? If not, why not!! Would give him a good insight in to your world and let you have some proper sleep!!

How did Joey do last night?? xxx

He really isn't, he has him for an hour or so hen he gets in from work but he NEVER does night feeds or early mornings, not even at weekend. He refuses to change pooey nappies and feeds him maybe once every 3-4 days, it is like being a single parent to be honest.

Joey was great the night before last, went down at 7.30 and slept til 4am :) then we got up but slept on the chair until 7am. Last night he didn't do as well, think he was over tired so was fighting sleep, it took us from 7.30-9.30 to get him to sleep and he woke up at 3am. I got up with him and he had a further, very disturbed sleep until 6.30am. He fell soundly asleep on me a little while ago and I have managed to put him in his car seat and he is well away :-) soooo I am supposed to be doing some jobs, but instead I am on here! lol.

How is everyone else? xx

Forgive me for speaking out of turn....but.....lazy bugger!!!!! There is NO excuse not to help you!!!! I feel pretty p***ed off on your behalf....xx
Loads of places sell the gliding rockers...try ebay, mothercare, kiddiecare. I got mine from very because i have an account with them and it was next day delivery! I'm a very impatient lady lol

It has literally just arrived! I'm so tempted to try and drag the box upstairs and put it together...but it's fairly heavy and i'll end up at the bottom of the stairs with said box on top of me! Lol

Plus H is napping in his cot and i don't want to wake him. So i'm gonna have to wait for OH to get home. It's going to be a long day....i wanna play!!

You literally just made my day telling me they have them in Very! WOOP *runs off to order* XX

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