Jen - I'm loving olive oil at the min! When H was born he had really really bad dry skin, which was odd considering he was only over due by 4 days! Used the olive oil and with in 3 days it had completely gone, i now use it every now and then when giving him a little massage. He's yet to get craddle cap, i'm hoping he won't but if he does i have my oil on had
Stargirl - Wow you have been busy hun, hope your mum has a brilliant time....even if she does get sore fingers from opening all those presents haha. I had the implant put in, twice, and having it taken out was just as easy! Good luck with LO's jabs, i hate those pesky things i'm dreading H having his
x x x
Well what a flipping night, i am fit to drop! For some crazy reason H decided to have a strop before bed. He had his 8pm feed and from them moaned and groaned and cried and just generally was unhappy

In the end it was 12.30 before he settled for the night. I tried everything, tummy massage, rocking, patting, reading, singing, silence, gripe water even offered another feed at 12 as figured he would be wanting a bottle...he didn't he just spat it back out. In the end i put him in his cot awake popped in dummy and put on his womb noise and stroked his face til he nodded off. I have no idea what time it was when i nodded off but he woke again at 2.30am for a bottle but only drank 3 oz's. I fully expected him to wake earlier but he didn't wake again til 6.30am OH gave him another bottle and he's been asleep since.
Also to top off my crap night. H's movement sensor alarm went off in the middle of the night

I have never ever moved so fast in all my life, OH didn't even get his head off the pillow before i was out the room. My heart was in my freaking mouth and after checking him and smoothering him in kisses i had a little relief 'cry'

. He had had a good old fidget and had moved to the far top corner of the mat, so it couldn't pick up his movements and sounded the alarm.
As much as it terrified me and shocked me to the core i am amazed at these clever little devices....i can only imagine how many little ones they have/will save.