***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I am onh an ipad so cant help soph, sorry!
Good luck with the baby weight loss tambo, my diet has started and i am 5kg down in just 10 days, hoping that the breastfeeding will keep the weightloss fast like this!
I put on 18kg during pregnancy. Have managed to lose 11kg from pushing the baby out, breastfeeding etc. but still have a pesky 7 to go! Can't wait to start exercising again. Really want my appointment with my gyno. Am so annoyed I have to wait another 2 weeks for the all clear.
I put on 30kg with the twins! Lost 13 after birth, now another 5, so 12kg to go! Wish i,could run it off but massive boobs preventing that!
am a bit worried about jogging with full boobies!!! will have to time it so I can go straight after a feed, I think.

How much do you have to eat in a day to get enough calories for breastfeeding, Nikki? Do yu need double what I need??
They say 800cals a day for twins. I was eating whatever i wanted, assuming that the weight would fall off with feeding, but it didnt! So i shifted to my previous diet, lots of protein, minimum carbs, things like nuts, boiled eggs, lean meat and lots of fish and heaps of salad and veg. Now it is falling off me.
I've been given a list of things to avoid eating as they supposedly make colic worse. Couldn't believe it but salad was on there!! i love salad!
The weight has come off quite easily for me as another thing on the list was chocolate & dairy products!!!
Wow, i would die if i couldnt have my salads! Luckly we dont have any colic, i hope we dont get any either!
Weighed my monkey and he is jist over 14 lb 12 oz now at just over 10 weeks which is 91st centile and ge was born on the 75th, at least they cant moan i am overfeeding him ha ha

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Hi Ladies,

How is everyone? Not managed to get on for a while so I am out of the loop! Just skimmed the last few pages to try and catch up :-)

Been out for lunch with my Mum AGAIN today, Joey is a million times happier when we are out than when we are in.

This heat has really got to him and his sleeping through has flown out of the window, goes down about 9.30pm but is very unsettled, then wakes around 2am but wont go back down so I sit up with him and he drift off about 4am, we both sleep on the chair until 5.45ish when he wakes again for his morning feed. Getting absolutely no help with OH with the night feeds and early get ups so I am worn out. Then he tells me I don't care about him any more because I go to bed with Joey and wont stay up with him to watch a film. Don't think he understands how tired I am! xx
Oh dear, Tinkerbates, that doesn't sound good. Maybe try saying he should help with a feed or early mornings at the weekends and see how up for staying up late he is?

I had an awful day yesterday. It was OH's first day back after paternity leave so I was on my own all day for the first time. To start witht, Ella had a crap night's sleep, which is unusual for her. She was then in a bad mood all day & screaming crying unless I was walking round holding her in a certain way.
I hardly got anything done & was really looking forward to OH getting home & taking over.
When he got home, he said he didn't feel so well. I thought he was just being lazy & couldn't be bothered to take Ella. Thank goodness he stayed away from her in the end!
He progressively got worse, was sick, had a fever and was shaking with cold or boiling hot and also had a headache. When we took his temp it was 39.5'c & rising, so we ended up travelling at 11pm to the emergency doc. Turns out he's got a really contagious stomach bug that's going around. He's now off work all week.
Got home & disinfected the bathrooms at midnight and now have him & a baby to care for!
Poor OH but I really hope my little Ella doesn't get it! Not what you need when you're 6 weeks old!
Oh Tinkerbates, your man isn't being very sympathetic or helpful at the moment is he :-(

Does he do the night feeds at the weekend? If not, why not!! Would give him a good insight in to your world and let you have some proper sleep!!

How did Joey do last night?? xxx
Tinkerbates hug poor you hun, if oh wont wake up and help if "accidentally" wake him up!

Sophie I hope oh feels better soon.

Madam woke up at 8 (early) changed her massively full nappy put her some socks on 5 mins on boob and she's back asleep.

Off to meet the gang for a walk round our local lake in a bit, taking madams sun tent be a laugh trying to get that back in its bag :)

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi ladies! Scott may hate this weather but damn! I'm loving it! Done 4 loads of washing already today and my line is fit to bursting. I'm actually scouring the house for stuff to wash lol.

It's just glorious and reminds why I will move abroad WHEN I win the lotto (see how confident I am? I WILL win it one day! Lol) x

Afternoon ladies hope you've all day a lovely day and made the most of this weather?!

Well H had an awkward night last night. Had his last feed at 10pm and went down at 11pm. Woke at 2.30am and wouldn't settle the rest of night, it was 4.40am before i gave in and woke OH to help out. Felt bad or waking him as he has work but needed a helping hand and some sleep!

However OH nearly went to work with a black eye! Harrison was being fussy with one of his feeds so i asked OH if milk was following freely as the teat can some times get blocked. To which he replied by holding the bottle so i could see milk dripping and said 'i would say so' in his sarcastic tone! I think had i have had the energy and him not been holding H i would have thumped him one. But alas i reacted very maturely and let it pass. I did tell him all about it via email this morning, to which he denies all knowledge of it happening! lol It's the first time he's ever reacted like that so i'm putting it down to being tired and letting it pass!

Me and H have made the most of the weather and went on a 3 and half mile walk, my feet are killing me but it was nice to get out and be able to walk without SPD limiting how far i can go etc I gotta admit tho my blisters got the better of me and i walked into town to catch the bus on the way back! lol Which was no good for the purse as i ended up buying H another Lamaze toy! Here he is talking to Freddie the firefly!


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I had such a horrible day yesterday :( Evan just screamed at my boob everytime I tried to feed him and it all got too much. Had to hand him over to my mum while I sobbed. Been worried about pnd so spoke to the hv and will keep monitoring it.

Have had a much better day today though. Apart from my hayfever which is horrific - the only thing that annoys me about bf is that I can't take the good drugs.

Evan is still snotty so he might have a touch of hayfever too. Got some saline spray to help him at night.
Aww Amy i'm so sorry you had a rough day, i've had one or two of them myself. I find having a good old sob helps loads. I was worried about pnd too, but my good days far out weigh my bad days, and i think tiredness makes things 10 times worse!

I'm glad your mum was able to help, and that your seeking advise from your HV. And here's to having a better day today, even tho the hayfever is playing you up! The only downside to nice weather :roll:

x x x

I've decided to try H in his own bedroom tonight. He hates his moses so has been sleeping in his carrycot, but he's a fidgeter and keeps hitting his arms and legs on the side, plus OH is a snorer and H loves nothing more than to talk in his sleep....so as you can see i think we may be keeping each other awake. We have a tommee tippee movement and sound monitor....so OH is going to set it up while i bath H. But no doubt i'm in for a sleepless night, mainly due to me checking on him every 5 mins regardless of monitor!

I also bought him a 1 tog sleeping bag, but i'm not sure whether to use it? What do your little ones sleep in?

x x x
I had such a horrible day yesterday :( Evan just screamed at my boob everytime I tried to feed him and it all got too much. Had to hand him over to my mum while I sobbed. Been worried about pnd so spoke to the hv and will keep monitoring it.

Have had a much better day today though. Apart from my hayfever which is horrific - the only thing that annoys me about bf is that I can't take the good drugs.

Evan is still snotty so he might have a touch of hayfever too. Got some saline spray to help him at night.

For the first 6 weeks of Scotts life he screamed 99% of the time I tried to put him on my boob, it was soul destroying so I completely understand how it makes you feel. This heat will be making him tetchy as well, I think the body heat all becomes to much for them in such extreme heat when they have to be so close to our skin. It's just a vicious circle, the more grumpy they get, the hotter they get, the more upset you become and all combined it just rollercoasters and then they end up over hungry!
It's good to have a sob sometimes hun but don't dwell on it, dry your cheeks and move on as fast as you are able. Sending you a big :hug: xxx

Evan has just been sleeping in a short sleeved vest. He ends up kicking blankets off but sleeps quite happily. Our bedroom is really hot anyway.
Aww Amy i'm so sorry you had a rough day, i've had one or two of them myself. I find having a good old sob helps loads. I was worried about pnd too, but my good days far out weigh my bad days, and i think tiredness makes things 10 times worse!

I'm glad your mum was able to help, and that your seeking advise from your HV. And here's to having a better day today, even tho the hayfever is playing you up! The only downside to nice weather :roll:

x x x

I've decided to try H in his own bedroom tonight. He hates his moses so has been sleeping in his carrycot, but he's a fidgeter and keeps hitting his arms and legs on the side, plus OH is a snorer and H loves nothing more than to talk in his sleep....so as you can see i think we may be keeping each other awake. We have a tommee tippee movement and sound monitor....so OH is going to set it up while i bath H. But no doubt i'm in for a sleepless night, mainly due to me checking on him every 5 mins regardless of monitor!

I also bought him a 1 tog sleeping bag, but i'm not sure whether to use it? What do your little ones sleep in?

x x x

Scott has just a vest on, a cellular blanket is over his legs when he goes down but is never still there when he wakes up lol. I think my bedroom is to hot for a sleeping bag but I guess it depends on your room.

Good luck in your own room H! Growing up so fast eh xxx

Hi tambo,

He's only 5 weeks but he's so big, over 11lb last week so dread to think what he is now. I've just sent OH up to set up his movement mat. I'm nervous as hell, i'm gonna get no sleep at all tonight, but i'm hoping it helps both OH and H get a good nights sleep. I'm also setting up my ipod in H's room to give him a bit of background noise.

I've just checked his room and the temp in 22c....so i'm thinking long sleeve vest a cellular blanket?

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