***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Lol sophie, the comment about wetting yourself made me giggle. Thankfully my twin pregnancy has left my muscles intact, so no worries there.
The quick dip in the pool was worth it, the bubbas let me do a few lengths before starting to whinge, and i feel so much cooler now.
We also have baby swimming just down the road, i think they do it from 4 months, but i touht bubbas could go swimming once they had their jabs? Would love to take them in our pool, because they loooove baths, and i know they will be proper water babies (i spent so much time in the water when pregnant!) but alas, our pool is not heated, and even with this ridiculous heat i cant imagine it getting warm enough for bubbas.
Off to check what the recommendations for swimming babies are.....
Am not sure when babies are actually allowed in chlorinated water, just that my pool starts classes from 3 months upwards.
Ella loves her baths too & I really hope she will love swimming.
Do you think they know when we used to go swimming when pregnant? If so, I'll be ok...I was still going to swimming training on the Saturday & my waters broke Sunday night ;)
I was told babies were ok from day 1 I had to wait until 12 weeks because of section.

I wanna take Libby swimming but not sure about the "organised baby drowning" class's lol as you have to sign up for so many weeks a friend did it and missed half the lessons as lo was ill

Feel for you and the twins nikki x

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I was told babies were ok from day 1 I had to wait until 12 weeks because of section.

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You mean because of your csection? I was told i could swim as soon as i stopped bleeding, which was about 4 weeks afterwards. :)
Haha, flaked out on the mat.
Its too hot here and Mark is telling me how big was the boob that he has seen todayuploadfromtaptalk1373223965710.jpg
Buddha uploadfromtaptalk1373223985153.jpg

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Wow Mark that's a big boob! Lol
She was laid there chatting to me I was telling her it was about time for a nap turned round and shed gone :D

In a short sleeved vest now just having last feed in bed.

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Mark is asleep, its so hot he was just in a nappy and i was sweaty after feeding bleurgh
Bless her, she must have been tired
Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Here's my little man :-) xx


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Morning ladies :) one happy mummy here - had such a better night with H last night that I really don't feel like a zombie today - think I might even leave the house :). H woke for his normal feeds, though a bit later then normal, around 1, 4 and 6 and after each feed he's settled straight back off in his cot! Yay! No up and down, up and down, putting his dummy in for me! And the only thing I've done different was to cover him up with a cellular blanket.

He alway kicks blankets off so I got him a sleeping bag but with it being so warm I didn't want him in it so I just left him with a vest on two nights ago and had a normal night with him. Last night I tried covering him with a blanket and its worked. I feel so much better.

Hope all you ladies and babies are well? X

You must have stolen the good night's sleep I usually have, Stargirl! I feel so tired. Ella was up twice for a feed but then kept waking herself up crying trying to do a poo. Not sure what's wrong with her. She still hasn't managed it, poor baby. Has anyone else had this? I can hear her tummy gurgling & she farts & strains but nothing comes out :(
Aww hi JJ you handsome boy :)

Well we've been up an hour and she's still not had a full feed, had 5 mins when she woke up but just keeps fussing going to see if she'll take a bottle instead as she might be a bit cooler not pressed up against me.

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2 minutes on boob finally and she's asleep I've got a feeling it's going to be a long day :(

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Hang in there ladies...your babies will get there!! At the grand age of 10 weeks, JJ appears to be settling into a nice little routine :-)

3 nights on the trot, he has gone down at 9.30pm and slept through til after 6am :-)

I know its not a permanent thing as he will float in and out of sleeping patterns, but the relief to have 3 nights decent sleep in a row is amazing!

Off to my parents today for some fun in the sun (shade for baby!) Have a good day everyone xxx
You must have stolen the good night's sleep I usually have, Stargirl! I feel so tired. Ella was up twice for a feed but then kept waking herself up crying trying to do a poo. Not sure what's wrong with her. She still hasn't managed it, poor baby. Has anyone else had this? I can hear her tummy gurgling & she farts & strains but nothing comes out :(

Hey hun,

Sounds like she could be constipated :( My eldest got constipated when he was tiny, it's really not nice at all, poor little mites.

Trying offering her cooled boiled water to soften things up, tummy massage might help and a warm bath will help to relax her, you could try a bit of vasline to help things come out when it moves. Also and this will sound gross, but when my eldest was constipated i whipped his nappy off and wiped his bum over and over with a wet wipe! My mum said to do it, i'm not sure why or how but it worked and he did little rabbit poo's whilst i was 'tickling' LOL HAHA.

Hope you find something to help her x x x
Hang in there ladies...your babies will get there!! At the grand age of 10 weeks, JJ appears to be settling into a nice little routine :-)

3 nights on the trot, he has gone down at 9.30pm and slept through til after 6am :-)

I know its not a permanent thing as he will float in and out of sleeping patterns, but the relief to have 3 nights decent sleep in a row is amazing!

Off to my parents today for some fun in the sun (shade for baby!) Have a good day everyone xxx

Really nice to hear the JJ has settled well into his cot, hope it continues for you hun. Fingers crossed growth spurts/leaps don't disrupt his routines!

Enjoy your day in the garden! I'm a little jealous as our sun seems to have disappeared :( It's still warm-ish but looks miserable!

x x x
Well i've had a productive weekend, hope it continues into this week!

My mum had the boys over night on saturday, so i had a full 8 hours sleep and more!! It was amazing to be able to have a meal without rushing, and a bath with out racing against baby! Whilst the lads were at nanna's we decided to decorate my eldest bedroom, we've had the paper for weeks but just been too busy. It's up now and looks amazing....it's a picture wallpaper of a graffiti skating park and each side of the paper we left a gap so we could paint it in chalk board paint so J can use the chalkboard pens and do his own graffiti. He loves it, and it felt nice to finally get it done for him :)

So H is still in his own little routine, which is nice, now i know were i am i just follow his lead. He's still having his last bottle between 8-9pm, going down between 10-11pm then not waking again til around 3am and between 6-7am. It's not a bad routine at all really, just a same he can't do the 6 hour gap between feeds later in the night or at least go straight to sleep after his last feed, instead we have to wait for him to nod off later, so were not getting to bed til 11-12pm!!

Still i'm hoping he'll drop that 3am feed soon, but i doubt it...that would mean 9 hours between feeds....is that even possible for a little tiny baby? I did contemplate doing a feed just before he nods off at around 10-11pm, in the hope that he'll drop the 3am feed....but then i worry it'll mess up his routine.

What do you think? Leave it or give it a go?

Little so and so is only just waking up from his 7am feed, he spent nearly 2 hours awake last night. I fed him at 3am he gave me wind, then put him down. Just before settling myself he started moaning and when i looked he was grinning like a cheshire cat, wind, so i whipped him up to give him another winding and it woke him up! Lol So he's decided to catch up on missed sleep! It's given me chance to do his bottles, have a coffee and some toast....so i can't complain :-D


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