***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Sophie, both mine do the straining for poo bit. At a few weeks old, they went from constant dirty nappies to only pooing once every few days! They are still like that now, and the daythey are due to empty, like today, they are grumpy and straining. I took Santiago to the docs because he was straining so bad. She gave him something to help him poo, but i dont want to have to use it every day, so i assume its normal for them. It must be normal, they are just on breast milk, if it was formula, i would blamethat.

Edited to add, i tried the boiled water and the massage, and a warm bath, and naked on a towel time, none of it works for mine :(
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I have trie cotton bud trick on DS1- put vaseline on the cotton bud and just touch around sphincter, be careful not to poke. I have done it at nappy change and second one would work.
I dont know if you are bf or ff but you can try cooled boiled water even if BF, teaspoon or two. Doesnt always work though.
I love you, waterwheel massages worked for us too.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Sophie, both mine do the straining for poo bit. At a few weeks old, they went from constant dirty nappies to only pooing once every few days! They are still like that now, and the daythey are due to empty, like today, they are grumpy and straining. I took Santiago to the docs because he was straining so bad. She gave him something to help him poo, but i dont want to have to use it every day, so i assume its normal for them. It must be normal, they are just on breast milk, if it was formula, i would blamethat.

Edited to add, i tried the boiled water and the massage, and a warm bath, and naked on a towel time, none of it works for mine :(

My HV told me breastfed babies can go days without needing to open there bowels, so it more than likely is normal for your little ones :-D

And just to tell you, your babies are gorgeous!! So likkle and tiny!

x x x
Yep, i tried thecotton bud too. In the end i assumed that they just didnt need to go that badly, and i accept that they just go every few days. I do feel so much better after a poo day though, lol! Not half as much as they do though! Hahaha!
Thanks emma, but theyre not so ickle anymore, Yago weighed 5 kilos last week! His sister cant be far behind, although she is small in comparison. We are in 0-3 clothes, and outgrowing some of them because i tumbledry and i think they shrunk!
We are on a similar routine to you, except i give a dream feed at 11ish when we put them to bed. They fall asleep in their chairs in the lounge, then we move them asleep, do a quick change if needed and feed them in bed
I tried some cooled boiled water yesterday as it was so hot, but she was seriously unimpressed! Have tried massage too. Will give her a bath and yet that as she loves baths.
She used to poo with every nappy change & now just does a massive one in the afternoon. Poor OH got covered in shit yesterday as the nappy was so full & he was bouncing her on the exercise ball to help things along!
Maybe its normal for breastfed babies? As mine is only breastfed too.
My midwife's coming tomorrow so I'll see what she reckons.
I tried some cooled boiled water yesterday as it was so hot, but she was seriously unimpressed! Have tried massage too. Will give her a bath and yet that as she loves baths.
She used to poo with every nappy change & now just does a massive one in the afternoon. Poor OH got covered in shit yesterday as the nappy was so full & he was bouncing her on the exercise ball to help things along!
Maybe its normal for breastfed babies? As mine is only breastfed too.
My midwife's coming tomorrow so I'll see what she reckons.
Well i've had a productive weekend, hope it continues into this week!

My mum had the boys over night on saturday, so i had a full 8 hours sleep and more!! It was amazing to be able to have a meal without rushing, and a bath with out racing against baby! Whilst the lads were at nanna's we decided to decorate my eldest bedroom, we've had the paper for weeks but just been too busy. It's up now and looks amazing....it's a picture wallpaper of a graffiti skating park and each side of the paper we left a gap so we could paint it in chalk board paint so J can use the chalkboard pens and do his own graffiti. He loves it, and it felt nice to finally get it done for him :)

So H is still in his own little routine, which is nice, now i know were i am i just follow his lead. He's still having his last bottle between 8-9pm, going down between 10-11pm then not waking again til around 3am and between 6-7am. It's not a bad routine at all really, just a same he can't do the 6 hour gap between feeds later in the night or at least go straight to sleep after his last feed, instead we have to wait for him to nod off later, so were not getting to bed til 11-12pm!!

Still i'm hoping he'll drop that 3am feed soon, but i doubt it...that would mean 9 hours between feeds....is that even possible for a little tiny baby? I did contemplate doing a feed just before he nods off at around 10-11pm, in the hope that he'll drop the 3am feed....but then i worry it'll mess up his routine.

What do you think? Leave it or give it a go?

Little so and so is only just waking up from his 7am feed, he spent nearly 2 hours awake last night. I fed him at 3am he gave me wind, then put him down. Just before settling myself he started moaning and when i looked he was grinning like a cheshire cat, wind, so i whipped him up to give him another winding and it woke him up! Lol So he's decided to catch up on missed sleep! It's given me chance to do his bottles, have a coffee and some toast....so i can't complain :-D


Yay to 8 hours sleep! Your routine sounds very similar to ours and it works fine for us, we just keep the 2~3 am feed really chilled and quiet, no talking and by really dim lamp light. Hopefully he will drop it soon enough x

Aw! So cute, panda!
How old is she?
From what age do babies like cold water in a paddling pool? Ella loves her baths but can't see that she'd enjoy a paddling pool outside, even in this heat.
Aw! So cute, panda!
How old is she?
From what age do babies like cold water in a paddling pool? Ella loves her baths but can't see that she'd enjoy a paddling pool outside, even in this heat.

Thank u, she will be 12 weeks Wednesday. It was the same temperature as her bath so about 37. We put hot water in it and jus added some cold took a while to get it at that temp, but was worth it. Was just like a big bath. X
It was ok in the shade, just kept her really cool. I wouldn't Eva have her in direct sunlight. X
Well i've had a productive weekend, hope it continues into this week!

My mum had the boys over night on saturday, so i had a full 8 hours sleep and more!! It was amazing to be able to have a meal without rushing, and a bath with out racing against baby! Whilst the lads were at nanna's we decided to decorate my eldest bedroom, we've had the paper for weeks but just been too busy. It's up now and looks amazing....it's a picture wallpaper of a graffiti skating park and each side of the paper we left a gap so we could paint it in chalk board paint so J can use the chalkboard pens and do his own graffiti. He loves it, and it felt nice to finally get it done for him :)

So H is still in his own little routine, which is nice, now i know were i am i just follow his lead. He's still having his last bottle between 8-9pm, going down between 10-11pm then not waking again til around 3am and between 6-7am. It's not a bad routine at all really, just a same he can't do the 6 hour gap between feeds later in the night or at least go straight to sleep after his last feed, instead we have to wait for him to nod off later, so were not getting to bed til 11-12pm!!

Still i'm hoping he'll drop that 3am feed soon, but i doubt it...that would mean 9 hours between feeds....is that even possible for a little tiny baby? I did contemplate doing a feed just before he nods off at around 10-11pm, in the hope that he'll drop the 3am feed....but then i worry it'll mess up his routine.

What do you think? Leave it or give it a go?

Little so and so is only just waking up from his 7am feed, he spent nearly 2 hours awake last night. I fed him at 3am he gave me wind, then put him down. Just before settling myself he started moaning and when i looked he was grinning like a cheshire cat, wind, so i whipped him up to give him another winding and it woke him up! Lol So he's decided to catch up on missed sleep! It's given me chance to do his bottles, have a coffee and some toast....so i can't complain :-D


Yay to 8 hours sleep! Your routine sounds very similar to ours and it works fine for us, we just keep the 2~3 am feed really chilled and quiet, no talking and by really dim lamp light. Hopefully he will drop it soon enough x


That's exactly what i do Tambo! I don't even turn the lamp on lol, i use the light on my phone,it's duller! Lol

I'm thinking i'm going to leave his routine how it it, i was undecided whether to add a dream feed but i'm not going to, like you said it hopefully won't be long before he drops the feed all together, so i'll just keep going with what he likes. :D
Ladies i had to share this!!

H has been in an amazing mood this morning, and after a week of hell with him it's been a breath of fresh air! I don't want to jinx myself but i'm hoping he's coming out the other end of his leap!

Anyway we have been playing for ages this morning, and i'd been getting little corner smiles and waving arms and legs in excitement so whipped out my phone and caught this corker!

I'm 99.9% sure it's he first real smile! I've fallen in love all over again :-D <3 <3 x x x
Here's a picture of how I woke up to my little jack this morning. Chilled or what!!! Xxx


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Bit like my Santiago at the weekend.......


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Aww look at your chilled babies! Here's mine this morning after deciding he wasn't ready to get up yet!!


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Loving all these sleepy babies!
Have finally got Ella off for 5 mins. She keeps waking up & crying though.

On another note: what browser does everyone use for this forum on their phone? I can't upload photos as I just look at the main website & it only has the option of looking on your compter for files & can't find anything.
Scott's been asleep all day too!


I've even had chance to go on the exercise bike today, operation "must lose baby weight" has started. Wish me luck, gotta lose about 2 and a half stone :(

Sophie, I upload my photos via tapatalk x


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