Tammy .- T is the same with the formula we are still very much combi feeding, some feeds the breast is enough and others he'll scream and get frustrated at my milk flow and won't latch so I give him a bottle (up to 4oz) sometimes he'll take 1-2 oz and be settled, other times hell drink all of it!
I hope Scott settles soon, the warm weather could be contributing to him being about irritable?
T had his jabs today and it was heartbreaking! I defo cried more than him! He's had loads of mummy cuddles for being such a brave boy
Can be jabs Tambo, M had his jabs yesterday too and is clingy. Poor mites.
Poor T as well, hugs to him.
M was very brave - the doctor was by herself so she had to do jabs by herself(normally there is a nurse and they do them simultaneously)
Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Tambo: maybe it's just him sorting out your milk flow? As you had a break, there wasn't much milk & now he has to feed a lot to het them back up to the level they used to be. Have you tried expressing to see how much you actually produce?
My midwife said tjat a baby's suck is far more efficient than a pump so in that respect, she's right. It would still be interesting to see exactly how many ml you are producing. When I had issues with my milk at the beginning I breast fed and also expressed to get enough milk in. Sorry, but I have no idea how long it should take to change your milk supply surely it shouldn't be more than a few days, otherwise babies would go hungry.
Why ate your nipples sore? Have you had your hv check to see if he's latching on properly? It hurt me at the beginning but doesn't any more. Try squeezing out a bit of milk at the end of a feed and smear it on your nipple. It is better than any cream you can buy.
Hope you get on ok.
Its fantastic Tambo that you have been able to go back to breastfeeding, if you would like to go back to 100% breastfeeding then I think you definitely canIts a great thing if Scott is permanently latched on this will definitely be increasing your supply - lots of skin to skin and I think you can slowly reduce the amount of formula you give and always offer breast first. Well done you, don't forget to eat and drink plenty
Seems to have taken me forever, but have finally changed my avatar and ticker!!
This is little Ella. She's now almost 6 weeks old... can't believe where the time has gone!
Poor Scott is hating this heat! He's such a fidgety moaner so I doubt I'm going to actually see any of the Sun today
So jealous of you going swimming and having a pool just next to you, Nikki. I have to wait for my 6-8 week check-up (unfortunately I could only get an appointment at 8 weeks) before I'm allowed swimming or to start exercising again. Am raring to go but don't want to start before the check-up incase I do something silly and end up being one of those women who wets themselves when they laugh!
Am going to start baby swimming classes when Ella's 3 months ... can't wait!