***April & May Mummy & Baby***

M was a bit grizzly but thankfully no temperature. DS1 only reacted to 3rd lot of jabs and MMR but not.the first 2.

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Today is the first time I'm leaving Trey for the whole day :( he's with his daddy so he'll be fine but I won't be lol

I'm going to a hen do and the celebrations start from 12, there was a lot of drama around this hen do and I originally was not going to go ( some of you may have seen my post for advice) however my friend and I kind of made up, but deep down I still don't want to go at all :(

But I'll put on a brave face and try not to spend the whole time calling my oh lol

Enjoy your days ladies, the weather is going to be scorching!

Tammy .- T is the same with the formula we are still very much combi feeding, some feeds the breast is enough and others he'll scream and get frustrated at my milk flow and won't latch so I give him a bottle (up to 4oz) sometimes he'll take 1-2 oz and be settled, other times hell drink all of it!

I hope Scott settles soon, the warm weather could be contributing to him being about irritable?

T had his jabs today and it was heartbreaking! I defo cried more than him! He's had loads of mummy cuddles for being such a brave boy


I'm actually now finding combi feeding awkward, I still make him bottles as usual and hope for the best lol. Hope T son forgets his jabs and you enjoy your day out today hun and I agree the heat is contributing to his grumpiness x

Can be jabs Tambo, M had his jabs yesterday too and is clingy. Poor mites.
Poor T as well, hugs to him.
M was very brave - the doctor was by herself so she had to do jabs by herself(normally there is a nurse and they do them simultaneously)
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Sending a big hug to M :hug: xxx

Tambo: maybe it's just him sorting out your milk flow? As you had a break, there wasn't much milk & now he has to feed a lot to het them back up to the level they used to be. Have you tried expressing to see how much you actually produce?

I have tried hand expressing and I do get milk within a few seconds and it flows well but I haven't tried expressing for longer than a minute or so because my nipples are so sore. My left boob does already feel and look bigger so he must be increasing my supply already. Do you think he will manage to bring my supply up enough to be BF again 100%? And if he can how long should it take?

I asked my HV if I could have the electric pump back to help stimulate milk faster but she said she didn't want me to use it because she reckons Scott will stimulate far more than any pump. I hope she's right x

My midwife said tjat a baby's suck is far more efficient than a pump so in that respect, she's right. It would still be interesting to see exactly how many ml you are producing. When I had issues with my milk at the beginning I breast fed and also expressed to get enough milk in. Sorry, but I have no idea how long it should take to change your milk supply surely it shouldn't be more than a few days, otherwise babies would go hungry.
Why ate your nipples sore? Have you had your hv check to see if he's latching on properly? It hurt me at the beginning but doesn't any more. Try squeezing out a bit of milk at the end of a feed and smear it on your nipple. It is better than any cream you can buy.
Hope you get on ok.
My midwife said tjat a baby's suck is far more efficient than a pump so in that respect, she's right. It would still be interesting to see exactly how many ml you are producing. When I had issues with my milk at the beginning I breast fed and also expressed to get enough milk in. Sorry, but I have no idea how long it should take to change your milk supply surely it shouldn't be more than a few days, otherwise babies would go hungry.
Why ate your nipples sore? Have you had your hv check to see if he's latching on properly? It hurt me at the beginning but doesn't any more. Try squeezing out a bit of milk at the end of a feed and smear it on your nipple. It is better than any cream you can buy.
Hope you get on ok.

I went to a breastfeeding support group on Thursday morning and she showed me how to get a better latch so hopefully now they will start to heal. I never thought about breastmilk helping them heal, I'll give it a try thanks for the advice! And I'll have a pump later see how much I get out, although he has been on my boobs so much I doubt there's much left afterwards lol x

Its fantastic Tambo that you have been able to go back to breastfeeding, if you would like to go back to 100% breastfeeding then I think you definitely can :) Its a great thing if Scott is permanently latched on this will definitely be increasing your supply - lots of skin to skin and I think you can slowly reduce the amount of formula you give and always offer breast first. Well done you, don't forget to eat and drink plenty :) xx
Seems to have taken me forever, but have finally changed my avatar and ticker!!

This is little Ella. She's now almost 6 weeks old... can't believe where the time has gone!
Its fantastic Tambo that you have been able to go back to breastfeeding, if you would like to go back to 100% breastfeeding then I think you definitely can :) Its a great thing if Scott is permanently latched on this will definitely be increasing your supply - lots of skin to skin and I think you can slowly reduce the amount of formula you give and always offer breast first. Well done you, don't forget to eat and drink plenty :) xx

Thank you :) still going well and I'm definitely producing more already! He came off the boob this morning and did a lovely big burp

Seems to have taken me forever, but have finally changed my avatar and ticker!!

This is little Ella. She's now almost 6 weeks old... can't believe where the time has gone!

:wave: welcome Ella! She's beautiful Sophie! Congratulations :love: x

Thanks Tambo & so glad things seem to be picking up for you in the boob department ;-)
Morning all,

Sweating already!

Yay for the boob Tambo :D

So tired want to go back to sleep but madam has been stirring for half an hour, charity do at our local for help for hero's yesterday and it carried in till late then finished off with firecrackers at midnight just as I'd dozed off :( woke both dogs who pooped themselves woke Libby and OH but they both went back to sleep me I was still awake at 1.30

Sending oh into the loft today to get our fan down our bedroom hasn't dropped below 26 all night and is back up to 27 already.

Enjoy Sunday in the sun xx

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Morning Ladies & Babies :-)

Anither beautiful scorching day ahead of us...should be 30 degrees today!!

DH has gone for a game of golf...so I'm off out for a John Lewis shopping trip with JJ and one of my girlfriends.

A family swim this afternoon...then a few hours in the sunshine, listening to the tennis - perfect!!

Have a fantastic day whatever you are doing xxx
Poor Scott is hating this heat! He's such a fidgety moaner so I doubt I'm going to actually see any of the Sun today :(

We are in the kitchen (lower ground floor where its cool ( well 23c). Planning park after 3 pm so.the sun isnt too strong

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Poor Scott is hating this heat! He's such a fidgety moaner so I doubt I'm going to actually see any of the Sun today :(


Welcome to my life, lol!
It has been 40degrees in the day here, the babies sweat the second they leave the house, leaving me pretty much housebound. I cant even get down to the pool :( We are stuck in with air con.
Santiagos rash is getting better in the sense that it is not as raw and sore, but the cream has dried it out, and now he is itchy and bumpy. Suffering on his body now too, though not as bad. And now Catalina hasnspotty cheeks too. Sooo frustrating.

Ella is adorable Soph! Well done on the england trip!! I am jealous, i would love to take the twins to the UK, but will probably be Xmas before i manage it.
Oh Nikki, poor you and babies! Cant imagibe being in such a heat with babies, must be so hard. We had around 25 c in our room and i left M in his nappy and covered legs with a cellular blanket. I think its going to cool down during the week though

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Thanks, it is not easy to be honest, especially when i dont exactly know many people, and certainly none i can invite around for the company. I want my mum! Lol!
Luckily, OH has just got home, and we are going to take the bubbas down to the shade next to the pool so we can get a quick dip, we both badly need it, unfortunately it will only be for 10mins though, its like opening an oven door when you leave the building.
Altgough i grew up on the beach, and it could get up to 40 c, i was sort of used to it plus breeze helps. Cant imagine how poor babies struggle.
I am trying not to expose M to the sun as his skin is so fair, DS1 is fair, too but at least i can put sun screen on him.
Hope you enjoy your dip.

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So jealous of you going swimming and having a pool just next to you, Nikki. I have to wait for my 6-8 week check-up (unfortunately I could only get an appointment at 8 weeks) before I'm allowed swimming or to start exercising again. Am raring to go but don't want to start before the check-up incase I do something silly and end up being one of those women who wets themselves when they laugh!

Am going to start baby swimming classes when Ella's 3 months ... can't wait!
Poor babies Nicki, it must be horrendous for them in that kind of heat, it's bad enough here. Just think though, son enough they'll be splashing about in that pool with you! Bliss! X

So jealous of you going swimming and having a pool just next to you, Nikki. I have to wait for my 6-8 week check-up (unfortunately I could only get an appointment at 8 weeks) before I'm allowed swimming or to start exercising again. Am raring to go but don't want to start before the check-up incase I do something silly and end up being one of those women who wets themselves when they laugh!

Am going to start baby swimming classes when Ella's 3 months ... can't wait!

Oh I like the sound of baby swimming classes! I'll have to see if my local pool does them x


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