***April & May Mummy & Baby***

My poor little boys heat rash looks more like eczema today, and now hes trying to scratch it too. Went to the docs yesterday and she said not to put anything on it, keep him cool and go back if it spreads to the body. It just looks so bad, i am dying for some e45 or something to put on it. Frustrating :(
My poor little boys heat rash looks more like eczema today, and now hes trying to scratch it too. Went to the docs yesterday and she said not to put anything on it, keep him cool and go back if it spreads to the body. It just looks so bad, i am dying for some e45 or something to put on it. Frustrating :(

can you not get e45 over there nikki?

Poor little mite, it's warming up over here now, no were near as hot as over there but i still feel sorry for the little bubas in this weather xx
My poor little boys heat rash looks more like eczema today, and now hes trying to scratch it too. Went to the docs yesterday and she said not to put anything on it, keep him cool and go back if it spreads to the body. It just looks so bad, i am dying for some e45 or something to put on it. Frustrating :(

can you not get e45 over there nikki?

Poor little mite, it's warming up over here now, no were near as hot as over there but i still feel sorry for the little bubas in this weather xx

Not readily, they prob have their own make but no idea. Another mum told me of one place that sells it, but is going to be a mission to find it. I do have sudocrem that mum brought over for me, tempted to try that. Hes just trying so hard to rub and scrattch it, must be awful for him :(
My poor little boys heat rash looks more like eczema today, and now hes trying to scratch it too. Went to the docs yesterday and she said not to put anything on it, keep him cool and go back if it spreads to the body. It just looks so bad, i am dying for some e45 or something to put on it. Frustrating :(

can you not get e45 over there nikki?

Poor little mite, it's warming up over here now, no were near as hot as over there but i still feel sorry for the little bubas in this weather xx

Not readily, they prob have their own make but no idea. Another mum told me of one place that sells it, but is going to be a mission to find it. I do have sudocrem that mum brought over for me, tempted to try that. Hes just trying so hard to rub and scrattch it, must be awful for him :(

Is there no where online you can order from? Or get someone to mail you some, i don't mind sending you some? Failing that you could try a natural method....he's what i found just having a quick look but i bet there are loads of sites


x x x
How was jj last night Chezza?

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He was good last night...went down at 10pm, woke at 3am for a feed and then went down again til 7.30am! I'm struggling a little today - he doesnt want to be anywhere but on my chest having cuddles...If I even put him down to go to the toilet, he screams his head off!

Hoping it's a Leap thing / or related to his jabs...

Thanks for asking though - hope you and Libby are ok xxx
My poor little boys heat rash looks more like eczema today, and now hes trying to scratch it too. Went to the docs yesterday and she said not to put anything on it, keep him cool and go back if it spreads to the body. It just looks so bad, i am dying for some e45 or something to put on it. Frustrating :(

can you not get e45 over there nikki?

Poor little mite, it's warming up over here now, no were near as hot as over there but i still feel sorry for the little bubas in this weather xx

Not readily, they prob have their own make but no idea. Another mum told me of one place that sells it, but is going to be a mission to find it. I do have sudocrem that mum brought over for me, tempted to try that. Hes just trying so hard to rub and scrattch it, must be awful for him :(

Poor little thing! The NHS website says you can use sudocrem on eczema...might be worth trying a little bit? Failing that, you can order E45 via Amazon.

If you still have issues, then let us know...I'd be happy to mail you a tube too :-) xx
Rian is really not liking the heat at all bless him hes been really grumpy all day :-( hes so tired but wont sleep!! I hope im not in for a long night xx
My poor little boys heat rash looks more like eczema today, and now hes trying to scratch it too. Went to the docs yesterday and she said not to put anything on it, keep him cool and go back if it spreads to the body. It just looks so bad, i am dying for some e45 or something to put on it. Frustrating :(

can you not get e45 over there nikki?

Poor little mite, it's warming up over here now, no were near as hot as over there but i still feel sorry for the little bubas in this weather xx

Not readily, they prob have their own make but no idea. Another mum told me of one place that sells it, but is going to be a mission to find it. I do have sudocrem that mum brought over for me, tempted to try that. Hes just trying so hard to rub and scrattch it, must be awful for him :(

Poor little thing! The NHS website says you can use sudocrem on eczema...might be worth trying a little bit? Failing that, you can order E45 via Amazon.

If you still have issues, then let us know...I'd be happy to mail you a tube too :-) xx

Thats such a kind offer, but i actually managed to find it here in the pharmacy but the lady took a look at his face and gave us something else, so going to give it a try. Its 9:30 at night and still 32 degrees outside, nightmare. Never wanted the cold so bad in my life, lol!
My poor little boys heat rash looks more like eczema today, and now hes trying to scratch it too. Went to the docs yesterday and she said not to put anything on it, keep him cool and go back if it spreads to the body. It just looks so bad, i am dying for some e45 or something to put on it. Frustrating :(

can you not get e45 over there nikki?

Poor little mite, it's warming up over here now, no were near as hot as over there but i still feel sorry for the little bubas in this weather xx

Not readily, they prob have their own make but no idea. Another mum told me of one place that sells it, but is going to be a mission to find it. I do have sudocrem that mum brought over for me, tempted to try that. Hes just trying so hard to rub and scrattch it, must be awful for him :(

Poor little thing! The NHS website says you can use sudocrem on eczema...might be worth trying a little bit? Failing that, you can order E45 via Amazon.

If you still have issues, then let us know...I'd be happy to mail you a tube too :-) xx

Thats such a kind offer, but i actually managed to find it here in the pharmacy but the lady took a look at his face and gave us something else, so going to give it a try. Its 9:30 at night and still 32 degrees outside, nightmare. Never wanted the cold so bad in my life, lol!

No worries! Glad you've been able to find something! Hope it helps little Santiago...let us know how it goes xxx
Hope your lo's heat rash calms down, nikki. H gets heat rash too when it warm but it does fade when it cools down, must be so frustrating knowing its going to be hot and stay hot where you are. Hope the cream helps.

I'm going away for my mums birthday on the week beg 14th. My mum and sister are going for the week but I'm only going for 2 days maybe three. It's only it north Wales so not too far but I need advice on what to pack for H? I wasn't going to take him at first but now I am because I just can't leave him overnight yet - he's too little. So any advice will be greatly received. :)

Hope Santiago is better after using the cream, Nikki. It's no fun when it's that hot. It was 36 here a few weeks ago & I had such a sweaty baby on my hands. We were both drenched when I fed her!
I've just come back from 10 days away in England (i live in Germany) Stargirl. Things I needed were her pram (she slept in it on the floor next to my bed), changing bag, thermometer for her bath, vitamin d tablets that she takes, sleeping bag & clothes. Anything else wasn't needed. Do you breastfeed? I was glad I do so I didn't have to sterilise bottles etc. and could just pull over in the car & stop quickly when she was hungry. She is 5 weeks old btw.

I have a question for you ladies:
Does anyone else leak from one boob while they are feeding with the other? It only happens to me at night and maybe because it's not been used for a while... Ella has just slept 7 hours in a row! Heaven!
Hope Santiago is better after using the cream, Nikki. It's no fun when it's that hot. It was 36 here a few weeks ago & I had such a sweaty baby on my hands. We were both drenched when I fed her!
I've just come back from 10 days away in England (i live in Germany) Stargirl. Things I needed were her pram (she slept in it on the floor next to my bed), changing bag, thermometer for her bath, vitamin d tablets that she takes, sleeping bag & clothes. Anything else wasn't needed. Do you breastfeed? I was glad I do so I didn't have to sterilise bottles etc. and could just pull over in the car & stop quickly when she was hungry. She is 5 weeks old btw.

I have a question for you ladies:
Does anyone else leak from one boob while they are feeding with the other? It only happens to me at night and maybe because it's not been used for a while... Ella has just slept 7 hours in a row! Heaven!

Thank you Hun. I do breast feed and was gonna take my pump - I find I need to pump once a day at least. So I've bout a small travell steriliser from wilko's. I'm also taking a travel cot but am unsure about using it coz I think H is too little, might just use his pram.

Also I leak from one boob at night when feeding from the other. I think it's because I'm fun iykwim? I also leak in a hot bath if I'm full too. X

Yep its quite normal to leak once you have a let down. I found it stopped after about 3 months( your breasts stop feeling full too).

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Poor Santiago hope he feels better today.

Had a good night last night which was unexpected as took ages to get her settled. Poor little thing sounds like a pig. She's still off but got to get out today. Will let her have this snooze then off we go.

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My LO also has eczema. The doctor prescribed something called Doublebase Gel and also a steroid cream. I have been holding off on using the steroid cream and just moisturising him with the gel. It seems to calm it down a bit and stops him from rubbing at his face with his scratch mittens which tends to make it all a lot redder.
Hi ladies, hope you're all well x

My Daughter has suffered eczema for years and I use betnovate and diprobase on her, works a treat. Hope your little man feels better soon Nicki :hug:

Scott has been such a grump for the last 2 days. He just wants to be constantly cuddled and cries the second he is put down. I'm not sure if it's a side effect of his jabs or him breastfeeding again and something in my diet upsetting his tummy.

He has basically been breastfeeding today virtually constantly. I'm getting worried that he is just using me as a dummy! I went to the breast feeding support group yesterday and the ladies there reckon he is latched well and is swallowing even though I can't hear him. I'm still not convinced though because he is still drinking 4oz of formula every 4 hours ish. So how can he be getting a good amount of my milk if he is still drinking that much formula? Bah it's confusing! But one thing's for certain, my left boob is looking bigger than my right so he has to be getting something lol.

Oh well I hope he's back to his happy self soon. I don't enjoy the grumpy, clingy version of Scott half as much x

Tammy .- T is the same with the formula we are still very much combi feeding, some feeds the breast is enough and others he'll scream and get frustrated at my milk flow and won't latch so I give him a bottle (up to 4oz) sometimes he'll take 1-2 oz and be settled, other times hell drink all of it!

I hope Scott settles soon, the warm weather could be contributing to him being about irritable?

T had his jabs today and it was heartbreaking! I defo cried more than him! He's had loads of mummy cuddles for being such a brave boy

Can be jabs Tambo, M had his jabs yesterday too and is clingy. Poor mites.
Poor T as well, hugs to him.
M was very brave - the doctor was by herself so she had to do jabs by herself(normally there is a nurse and they do them simultaneously)

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Tambo: maybe it's just him sorting out your milk flow? As you had a break, there wasn't much milk & now he has to feed a lot to het them back up to the level they used to be. Have you tried expressing to see how much you actually produce?
Tambo - JJ was clingy for a couple of days after his jabs too!

Knopk and BB - hope Mark and Trey are ok following their jabs xx
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