***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Evan's obviously going through a growth spurt. Last night I fed one side, the other, back to the first, back to the second and then a final attempt on the first again!

Also discovered that DH can send Evan to sleep at night by playing the guitar to him. Means I get a break as I normally did the rocking to sleep :)

I get the no energy Emma, even with loads of support I just can't sleep when he does :( sending hugs

Chezza - at least JJ will forget the jabs, it's much harder for us mummies though - big hugs

Ladies i'm so so drained today.

H has been awful! I have no idea whats wrong with him :( He just won't settle. He's been in an out of sleep since getting up this morning and he'll only settle on me.

I've ended up giving him 5ml of gripe water in the hope that it's wind and that will help. I've not been able to do anything i've only just managed to sterilize his bottles and get a coffee and sandwich.

I've finally got him to lay down without me, but he's not sleeping properly he's jumping, and making little squeeking noises, generally wittering in his sleep.

It's killing me because he's not normally like this, our day time routine is/was all but sorted. Today he just wants to eat and sleep, but on me! And if he's not on me he is crying/screaming. What is wrong with him??? Growth spurt? 1st leap? unwell? I have no idea and feel useless and lost :(

I'm running out of steam and feel emotionally and physically drained. OH can't come home early as he's in meeting all day, but has promised to take over when he gets home and has booked Friday off so i can sleep, all day if i need to.

Just need someone to give me a slap and tell me to get on with it xxxx

Hey Emma, it definitely sounds like he could be going through his first Leap...do you have the App? I've found it rally helpful!

Try and remember that you arent doing anything wrong - bubba is just going through some big changes xxx
Evan's obviously going through a growth spurt. Last night I fed one side, the other, back to the first, back to the second and then a final attempt on the first again!

Also discovered that DH can send Evan to sleep at night by playing the guitar to him. Means I get a break as I normally did the rocking to sleep :)

I get the no energy Emma, even with loads of support I just can't sleep when he does :( sending hugs

Chezza - at least JJ will forget the jabs, it's much harder for us mummies though - big hugs


JJ wouldnt go down in his cot for a nap today - he only wants to sleep on me. He's hardly been awake at all actually...but is getting proper grumpy when I get up / move around lol! Heard they can sleep for hours and hours after these jabs...xx
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Libby was really clingy after her jabs, just wanted me to sleep on. We had the hour screaming then clingy sgain. A bit clingy the day after then right as rain the one after that.

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Emma :hug:

Forget about doing anything other than looking after H, pots can wait washing doesn't matter.
As long as you are both fed and watered.

Count the mins till OH comes home then have a bath and a snooze xx

Could be leap by the sounds of it.

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Aww i feel for all those poor mights who have had their jabs Rians is next weds im dreading it and think i may have to get the hubby to do it!!

Im really noticing the change in Rian now we were playing on the bed whilst daddy was in the bath and i got some real awesome smiles and it was like he was trying to laugh at me!!

Can i ask what all you ladies do for play time how do you stimulate your LO?

Hi ladies :) hope all the babies having their jabs this week are ok (and mummies!) D's got 12 week ones on tues. Can't believe she's 12 weeks nearly! She's still doing well at night, although last night we were giving her a top up before bed and she started proper screaming! We laid her down on the bed with her dummy and she fell asleep, let her sleep for 30 mins on the bed and when she woke up she was fine, took a few ozs no probs! Was weird.

Shell- When D's feeling chatty I lie her down in front of me and I repeat the noises she makes, then wait for her to make another noise, copy it etc. like we're having a chat - she loves it! Or she'll lie on her playmat and look at the butterflies/birds. Then when she's had enough I just pick her up for a cuddle. Pretty much anything entertains her at the moment! She's just started smiling when I blow raspberries on her tummy :love:

WRT routine, I feel like we might be a bit too relaxed?! She's kind of fallen into her own routine, eats every 3-4 hrs in the day, followed by play/stimulation, a little sleep then a bit more entertainment then food again. We go out for walks and she usually has a little sleep in the pram. Night time, we only bath her a few times a week at the mo (her skin goes dry otherwise), she has a bottle around 7/8pm, then has a cuddle with us for a bit (she's started falling asleep so might start putting her upstairs on her own soon - waaaaah) then we all go to bed together about 10/10.30, she has a top up of some milk (a few ozs) I just let her eat til she doesn't want anymore, then put her in her basket and she settles herself within about 5 mins. Then (touch wood) she sleeps til 6.30/7 (depending on when OH's alarm goes off!!)

It's working for us so far!

Just thought I'd let u ladies know that I had my little jack weighed today. He is now 10lb 14oz at 14 weeks old. He was born 35+5 due to pre eclampsia but he actually stopped growing at 30 weeks so was just 3lb 14oz! He is piling on the weight and now in up to one months clothes! Xx
Just thought I'd let u ladies know that I had my little jack weighed today. He is now 10lb 14oz at 14 weeks old. He was born 35+5 due to pre eclampsia but he actually stopped growing at 30 weeks so was just 3lb 14oz! He is piling on the weight and now in up to one months clothes! Xx

YAY for baby Jack :dance::dance: xx
Just thought I'd let u ladies know that I had my little jack weighed today. He is now 10lb 14oz at 14 weeks old. He was born 35+5 due to pre eclampsia but he actually stopped growing at 30 weeks so was just 3lb 14oz! He is piling on the weight and now in up to one months clothes! Xx

Yay! Well done baby Jack - you are making mummy very proud :-) xx
Aww i feel for all those poor mights who have had their jabs Rians is next weds im dreading it and think i may have to get the hubby to do it!!

Im really noticing the change in Rian now we were playing on the bed whilst daddy was in the bath and i got some real awesome smiles and it was like he was trying to laugh at me!!

Can i ask what all you ladies do for play time how do you stimulate your LO?


I bought a selection of Lamaze toys and we have one interactive play session a day with them, then we have tummy time in his safari gym and lastly a chat / singing session aswell. JJ probably already thinks I'm bonkers :-) He'd be right though lol! xxx
Hello ladies!

Sorry for being so absent lately x just wanted to nip on and say hello to everyone x hope all you lovely ladies and bubas are well xxxx
Ladies i'm so so drained today.

H has been awful! I have no idea whats wrong with him :( He just won't settle. He's been in an out of sleep since getting up this morning and he'll only settle on me.

I've ended up giving him 5ml of gripe water in the hope that it's wind and that will help. I've not been able to do anything i've only just managed to sterilize his bottles and get a coffee and sandwich.

I've finally got him to lay down without me, but he's not sleeping properly he's jumping, and making little squeeking noises, generally wittering in his sleep.

It's killing me because he's not normally like this, our day time routine is/was all but sorted. Today he just wants to eat and sleep, but on me! And if he's not on me he is crying/screaming. What is wrong with him??? Growth spurt? 1st leap? unwell? I have no idea and feel useless and lost :(

I'm running out of steam and feel emotionally and physically drained. OH can't come home early as he's in meeting all day, but has promised to take over when he gets home and has booked Friday off so i can sleep, all day if i need to.

Just need someone to give me a slap and tell me to get on with it xxxx

Oh Hun :( hugs xxx

Give batman big hugs from miss jellytot and me x I think it probably is the first leap / growth spurt x hope you manage to get some rest x don't forget I'm here if you need me Hun, sorry for being so absent lately xxxx
Hello ladies!

Sorry for being so absent lately x just wanted to nip on and say hello to everyone x hope all you lovely ladies and bubas are well xxxx

Hey LYLLJT, how are you and bubba doing??

Just realised I dont have your details on our members page...can you please confirm:

Bubbas full name, DOB and weight - if you would like to be added, of course :-)

Well what a difference today, so far lol!!

OH can home last night and took over care, i couldn't sleep but what a difference it made, think H must have been picking up on my crazy hormones. All he needed was a fresh pair of arms and he settled well.

I though sod it to trying to get him settle upstairs on a night time, so threw the 'routine' out the window. Turns out he has his own rountine...no wonder he was stressing with me on a night. Apparently he likes....

evening bottle 7pm
bath time 8pm
nap 8.45pm
feed 9.30pm
down for night 10-30!

And i managed to put him down asleep and he fell asleep with little help!! He then woke for a bottle at 2am and 6am and went back to sleep til 8.45am. So i've had chance to have a wash, get dressed, sterilize bottles, get the other DS ready and off to school. Fed H, got him strip washed, dressed and he's currently laid on his mat. He's stll a bit wittery but i think he has belly ache as his legs are coming up a lot.

Gonna try and get a coffee and toast whilst he's relatively settled. Then take a walk to docs for pill prescription and to town to buy H some new toys.

Very happy mummy today, makes a change from yesterday. :) xxx
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Yay Emma glad your feeling better :)

Hi llljt how are you and maegan?

I had a 2 am feed this morning, not done one of those for a while, she was a bit off yesterday afternoon, seems ok this morning.

Suns shining here :) when madam has had her feed and we are both ready off to do the shopping then a nice walk I think.

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Well what a difference today, so far lol!!

OH can home last night and took over care, i couldn't sleep but what a difference it made, think H must have been picking up on my crazy hormones. All he needed was a fresh pair of arms and he settled well.

I though sod it to trying to get him settle upstairs on a night time, so threw the 'routine' out the window. Turns out he has his own rountine...no wonder he was stressing with me on a night. Apparently he likes....

evening bottle 7pm
bath time 8pm
nap 8.45pm
feed 9.30pm
down for night 10-30!

And i managed to put him down asleep and he fell asleep with little help!! He then woke for a bottle at 2am and 6am and went back to sleep til 8.45am. So i've had chance to have a wash, get dressed, sterilize bottles, get the other DS ready and off to school. Fed H, got him strip washed, dressed and he's currently laid on his mat. He's stll a bit wittery but i think he has belly ache as his legs are coming up a lot.

Gonna try and get a coffee and toast whilst he's relatively settled. Then take a walk to docs for pill prescription and to town to buy H some new toys.

Very happy mummy today, makes a change from yesterday. :) xxx

Great news Emma - well done!! Happy mummy = happy baby :-) xxx
Libby's got a bit of a cold :(

Just given her a bit of calpol and she's snuffling away on boobie, know why she was a bit grizzly yesterday.
Walks off as its now windy and grey out just food shopping to do when she's had a feed fx she'll have a good sleep and feel better when she wakes up.

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How was jj last night Chezza?

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