***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Emma I can't help you but just wanted to say I had the EXACT same thing with Spencer, it was every single night, same time until he finally went to sleep. He stopped doing it at around 11 weeks x

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs

Thanks for the reply hun. He's currently laid in his bed, not asleep but not crying either so can't grumble at that. It's like he refuses to sleep before 11pm even though he's shattered!!

I suppose that light at the end of the tunnel is thought won't last forever, I hope Haha xx
Definitely won't I promise. In the blink of an eye he went from doing that to going down at 8.30 and sleeping through the night!

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
Yeah they all do it.
Its hard to get him to feed if there are people around, too nosey! Hands in mouth is a developmental thing, i am kind of hoping he finds his thumb but my older son never did
Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I haven't had the hand in mouth problem yet! I remember my other kids doing it though and its pretty damn annoying. I am chuffed none of my kids were thumb suckers though, you can't throw a thumb away lol and some go there entire lives thumb sucking. It looks cute when they are typing and daft as they get bigger x

Definitely won't I promise. In the blink of an eye he went from doing that to going down at 8.30 and sleeping through the night!

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs

Can I ask what your night time routine is? At the min he has a bath about 6-7, then bottle then up to bed. At which point he'll instantly kick off, moaning an wittering. Tonight was worse as he's had a bit of belly ache but in general he'll go down between 8-9 o'clock and moan right up til 11-12 o'clock. I'm not sure if maybe I'm trying to introduce routine too early or whether I should carry on in the hope that one day he'll just fall into it.

Like it say in the day he's great the day consists of eat, play for a while and nap. And it generally goes like that right through the day with various lengths of time for each activity in just follow his lead. Yet at night I have no idea what he wants!!

I have no routine for Scott at all. He eats when he's hungry and goes to bed when we do, usually between midnight and 1. He is very much a late evening baby and has a good couple of wide awake hours anytime between 9pm and midnight. He has a bath every other night, once again, anytime between 9 and midnight. He has been known to have a bath though in the middle of the night lol. I just really cba yet to try and get a routine, he's happy and we're happy and I don't actually want to put him to bed early because I want his company constantly lol.

That sounds awful doesn't it! But I'm just not a very routine kinda person, never really have been until nursery age onwards when it really matters and then I knuckle down and bed times are very routine. At that age it's not difficult to change habits and a couple of weeks perseverance works wonders.

I understand why most want routine though and I'm sure it'll happen soon enough as long as you stick to your guns and be persistent. Best of luck hun xxx

Tammy that's amazing about the breast feeding :) sooo pleased for you, maybe a break was what you both needed, fx it continues just as well.

I had Trey weighed today and he is 10.14lb the little chunk :) I'm so pleased he's thriving, he is at 50th centile -
Although i still don't really understand it lol

I'm trying to get a routine established at night so I know what's coming, at the mo he's kinda around the same time but he's very unpredictable, started tonight so wish me luck!

Oh and good luck those who have jabs tomorrow, I hope bubba's are really brave ( and mummies too lol)

JJ has his jabs tmrw too...dreading it!! Good luck to everyone else having theirs...hope mummies and babies get thought it ok!! xxx
Hugs to mums and babies who have their jabs today :hug:

Madam just woken up me however I've been awake for an hour as she's been shouting in her sleep lol
Got a feeling we're having a lazy morning cuddled up in bed

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah they all do it.
Its hard to get him to feed if there are people around, too nosey! Hands in mouth is a developmental thing, i am kind of hoping he finds his thumb but my older son never did
Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I haven't had the hand in mouth problem yet! I remember my other kids doing it though and its pretty damn annoying. I am chuffed none of my kids were thumb suckers though, you can't throw a thumb away lol and some go there entire lives thumb sucking. It looks cute when they are typing and daft as they get bigger x


My first son didnt take a dummy or suck a thumb but he was.using me as a pacifier. The good thing is that i.have no.dummy to get rid of. Or any comforters or cuddly toys (weird child) but oh my god it was so difficult to get him to sleep - he would feed to sleep or only sleep in the pram.
Mark is better in sleeping but doesnt take a dummy either - very reluctant with a bottle too.
Hoping he can just miraculously self settle lol

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Oh and we have jabs on Friday, wish us good luck too. A only had a reaction to the third lot so fx

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
We dont really have a routine either, cant see the point yet because with the two of them, it seems one or the other throws any attempt at a routine out ofthe window. However the last few nights have been pretty consistent, going to bed with us around 11,one feed between 3-5 and then up around 8am. Some evenings they nap in the lounge with us, so,e evenings they are awake and cranky. Lastnight they were wonderful and napped all evening, giving us some time to do other things.
I figure they will settle in their own time.
Had to take Santiago to docs this morningbecause of a terrible heat rash hes had for a week. Hardly suprising in this heat ( between 35 & 40 degrees this week!) but i just wanted it checked out. Doc says hes fine and just to keep him naked. Waste of time buying clothes for the summer methinks.
We both went back to sleep *yawn* I've had brekkie and a brew and madam is stretching and farting getting ready to wake up.

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Yikes...that was horrible!! He screamed the place down :-( I feel so bad for him!!

He stopped after a couple of minutes of course - in fact, I was crying for longer :-(

He was a little grizzly when we got home, but managed to rock him to sleep. Fingers crossed we have a good day.

Hope all the other bubbas getting their jabs today do ok! Good luck to you too knopk, for Friday xx
Aww chezza. Hope he's ok Hun.

Good luck to everyone else getting their jabs today. H has his next Wednesday :( x

Ladies i'm so so drained today.

H has been awful! I have no idea whats wrong with him :( He just won't settle. He's been in an out of sleep since getting up this morning and he'll only settle on me.

I've ended up giving him 5ml of gripe water in the hope that it's wind and that will help. I've not been able to do anything i've only just managed to sterilize his bottles and get a coffee and sandwich.

I've finally got him to lay down without me, but he's not sleeping properly he's jumping, and making little squeeking noises, generally wittering in his sleep.

It's killing me because he's not normally like this, our day time routine is/was all but sorted. Today he just wants to eat and sleep, but on me! And if he's not on me he is crying/screaming. What is wrong with him??? Growth spurt? 1st leap? unwell? I have no idea and feel useless and lost :(

I'm running out of steam and feel emotionally and physically drained. OH can't come home early as he's in meeting all day, but has promised to take over when he gets home and has booked Friday off so i can sleep, all day if i need to.

Just need someone to give me a slap and tell me to get on with it xxxx
Aww good luck to everyone getting/had their jags! It's horrible! I'm dreading the appointment coming through for the second lot!

Rhys is away to his grans this afternoon and I'm going to blitz the house...I know it's something that should be left but it's reallllly annoying me lol!! He slept from 11pm - 7.30am then went back down at 8 - 11 so I'm feeling full of energy lol!

Awww Emma I'm sorry to hear your having such a hard time:(! It could be a growth spurt...it's so horrible when you have 0 energy but still have to keep going! Is there no one else other than OH that can come help you get things done or even just to give you a rest? Hopefully he settles down for you eventually and just keep thinking of how good Friday will be:)!

Anyone else think their LOs might be teething? Rhys is chewing his fists constantly and moaning with it...his wee cheeks are always red as well and a few wee spots have appeared! I know it's quite early still but I've read it can happen...my sis apparently had 2 teeth at 3 months old lol!

Anyway...not going to get much housework done on here:)


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