***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Hi ladies. Miles update, he is now being bottle fed after having tongue tie fixed we just had to wait too long and couldn't re establish breast feeding. Hubby wasn't on board with trying to get milk supply back and expressing between feeds etc and just couldn't do it on my own without help when he was working so he's on formula now. Pretty devastated but at least he's growing.

I've posted in postnatal section about stress incontinence - if anyone has advice pleeeeease send it!

Hope everyone's wee ones are doing well, I love looking at all the piccies!!

Morning mummies and babies! Hope everyone is well today?

Well, my HV is due round in about 10 mins...absolutely dreading it :-(

Let's hope she doesnt try and make me feel like a bad mum again - or I'm going to have to have words with my GP and see about changing care....if that's even possible?

Will update shortly!! xx
Congrats Tambo! Can't believe your milk was still there after 3 weeks.
I've just done a roadtrip from Germany to England for 10 days & have got really good at feeding Ella subtly & on the go. Luckily they had a little room with a sofa that I could feed her in for my brother's wedding though, as the bridesmaid's dresses were so impractical and basically involved me stripping to the waist! lol!
I got all excited yesterday about JJ sleeping longer overnight...for him to wake every 2 hours tonight!! Its like having a newborn!!! :-(

Awww he will soon get adjusted to it, it is probably all the heat that doesn't help! :(

Anna just wants to sleep all the time now she is poorly. I wake her to feed her and she has half of it and then coughs a lot and then goes back to sleep bless her. She is so stuffy and watery eyed.

Wanted to ask...who sleeps their baby on their side? Anna was waking up a lot on her back and we changed to her side when she was about 2-3 weeks old and since then she stays asleep longer and goes off quicker. I know they say to have them on their back with feet at bottom but she is so strong she rolls to her side anyway. xxx

Hey jen

Sorry to hear Anna is unwell, hope she gets better quickly. Xx

It's my little one that likes to sleep on his side, I have no problem with this in the day but I'm terrified if I let him sleep like it at night he might roll on his front.

After hours of him fighting his sleep last night I finally relented and placed him on his side, but rolled him over before I went to sleep, he tried rolling back!! And spent around 20 mins moaning in his sleep lol

I'm going to ask HV about side sleeping, a may try him tonight and roll a towel and place it in front so he has no choice but to roll backwards lol xx

After hours of fighting his sleep and finally settling at midnight H woke at 2am and 6am, so no a night he's going around 4 hours between feeds, I can't complain at that! What we do need to tackle is the whole going to sleep before midnight! The most frustrating thing is from putting him down at 8pm he was clearly tired, all the signs rubbing ear and face, yawning, sleepy eyes etc etc. He just wouldn't settle for long so didn't go into a deep sleep.

Any hints or tips on how to settle him better? Xx

Ahh I was scared about this so I use a sensor pad thing for night time. Now my worries have gone lol. xxx
Pleased to report my final HV meeting went quite well!

JJ now weighs just over 14lb...little chunk - and has ridiculously long legs for a 9 week old. He is very happy and very healthy though - so all is well :-) xx
Pleased to report my final HV meeting went quite well!

JJ now weighs just over 14lb...little chunk - and has ridiculously long legs for a 9 week old. He is very happy and very healthy though - so all is well :-) xx

I thibk they shouldnt worry about his weight, our boys sound similar, is he just above 75th centile for weight?
I managed to measure Mark yesterday ( they had measuring device at baby massage group).
I think we will be soon moving into 6-9 months clothes as he was 64-65 cm long!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Congratulations Tambo, i often wonder if i could reestablish breastfeeding but i think it's too late now i'm fairly sure my milk has all but gone. Every now and then my right boob will leak a tiny little bit! It did it only the other day :/

Anyhow i had H weighed today, he now weighs 11lb 1oz! So he's gained 1lb 4oz in 12 days! HV didn't seen concerned as he's still hoovering around the 75th percentile. So i'm a very happy mummy :)

He's been good as gold today and very settled. Lets hope the settled behaviour continues tonight. I'm going to persever with putting him down to sleep at 8pm....fingers crossed he'll eventually settle :/

x x x x
We are currently playing hand vs boob. Hand seems to be winning. Really need some kind of baby straitjacket. Or maybe he'll eventually realise hand doesn't produce milk...

Evan and I are going to be famous lol! The charity that deal with children with upper limb deficiencies would like to do a piece on being a new parent for their magazine so spoke to the editor today. Also joined a fb group which is going to be great for support and advice from other parents with children like Evan.
Pleased to report my final HV meeting went quite well!

JJ now weighs just over 14lb...little chunk - and has ridiculously long legs for a 9 week old. He is very happy and very healthy though - so all is well :-) xx

I thibk they shouldnt worry about his weight, our boys sound similar, is he just above 75th centile for weight?
I managed to measure Mark yesterday ( they had measuring device at baby massage group).
I think we will be soon moving into 6-9 months clothes as he was 64-65 cm long!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

He is bang on th 75th centile! She didnt measure him, but I'm going to attempt to later on when hubby is home, just so we know.

The funny thing is, JJ has been wearing 3 - 6 months sleepsuits for a couple of weeks now and is already outgrowing some of them - the legs just arent long enough! I think we probaby have 2 weeks wear left in them...then my 11 week old son will be in 6 - 9 month sleepsuits! Crazy...lol :-)
We are currently playing hand vs boob. Hand seems to be winning. Really need some kind of baby straitjacket. Or maybe he'll eventually realise hand doesn't produce milk...

Evan and I are going to be famous lol! The charity that deal with children with upper limb deficiencies would like to do a piece on being a new parent for their magazine so spoke to the editor today. Also joined a fb group which is going to be great for support and advice from other parents with children like Evan.

Oooh how exciting!! You will have to share a link to the article when it has been printed, if its available online! :-) xx
Pleased to report my final HV meeting went quite well!

JJ now weighs just over 14lb...little chunk - and has ridiculously long legs for a 9 week old. He is very happy and very healthy though - so all is well :-) xx

I thibk they shouldnt worry about his weight, our boys sound similar, is he just above 75th centile for weight?
I managed to measure Mark yesterday ( they had measuring device at baby massage group).
I think we will be soon moving into 6-9 months clothes as he was 64-65 cm long!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

He is bang on th 75th centile! She didnt measure him, but I'm going to attempt to later on when hubby is home, just so we know.

The funny thing is, JJ has been wearing 3 - 6 months sleepsuits for a couple of weeks now and is already outgrowing some of them - the legs just arent long enough! I think we probaby have 2 weeks wear left in them...then my 11 week old son will be in 6 - 9 month sleepsuits! Crazy...lol :-)

I lay M on the changing mat, head against the edge ( i have a padded one) and straighten his legs, then mark and measure afterwards.
Clothes hang on him mostly cause he is quite skinny. Not much room in carrycot, another problem! uploadfromtaptalk1372776793126.jpg
Amy, you have to give us a link :)
We have hand vs boob most feeds. Or latching/unlatching. Or fighting the fast let down. Or just trying to look around. Grrr

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The latest problem is hand eating while being burped over the shoulder which led to a very messy sleeve when he was sick.
The latest problem is hand eating while being burped over the shoulder which led to a very messy sleeve when he was sick.

Oh gross...lol! I had a baby puke incident of my own on Sat night...JJ projectiled on my laptop...completely fried it sadly!!
We have the same issues knopk I've had a right battle this afternoon trying to get her to have a decent feed.

Oh and if she's awake and not feeding her hand is in her mouth

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah they all do it.
Its hard to get him to feed if there are people around, too nosey! Hands in mouth is a developmental thing, i am kind of hoping he finds his thumb but my older son never did
Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Well what an evening we've had with H already :( woke for his feed at 6pm drank 4oz then proceeded to scream and crying on and off til about 8.45pm. All I'm going to say is thank god for gripe water, he's had 3ml and been thrown over my knee on his belly. It seemed to have worked he's just had another 2oz and dropped off to sleep.

Gonna grab a quick shower and head to bed, I have a feeling it's going to be a long long night, again. Plus he'snnot pooped today so I'm not sure if belly ache is caused by bowels or colic :/ either way we've done lots of massage/leg movements so hopefully that will get something moving. Poor little mite :(
Spoke too soon :(

H has just woken up crying again. I'm so fed, it seems to be every night were having the same fight. He's not even crying in pain now, it's a 'i'm tired but gonna fight it' cry. I just would like one night were he goes to sleep when he's tired, without the battle. He's fine in the day, i don't get why he's like this at night?!

Emma I can't help you but just wanted to say I had the EXACT same thing with Spencer, it was every single night, same time until he finally went to sleep. He stopped doing it at around 11 weeks x

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
We are currently playing hand vs boob. Hand seems to be winning. Really need some kind of baby straitjacket. Or maybe he'll eventually realise hand doesn't produce milk...

Evan and I are going to be famous lol! The charity that deal with children with upper limb deficiencies would like to do a piece on being a new parent for their magazine so spoke to the editor today. Also joined a fb group which is going to be great for support and advice from other parents with children like Evan.

Oooh fantastic! Wonder how long they'll take to publish? Lovely to get support from others in the same situation. I noticed Evan has his jabs in the morning, so does Scott :(
urghhh not looking forward to it at all x

Well what an evening we've had with H already :( woke for his feed at 6pm drank 4oz then proceeded to scream and crying on and off til about 8.45pm. All I'm going to say is thank god for gripe water, he's had 3ml and been thrown over my knee on his belly. It seemed to have worked he's just had another 2oz and dropped off to sleep.

Gonna grab a quick shower and head to bed, I have a feeling it's going to be a long long night, again. Plus he'snnot pooped today so I'm not sure if belly ache is caused by bowels or colic :/ either way we've done lots of massage/leg movements so hopefully that will get something moving. Poor little mite :(

I wish I had some advice for you hun, it's just do difficult trying to fathom what's wrong and its all trial and error. I do know one thing though, Scott was on comfort milk for a week and I took him of it because I'm sure it was upsetting his tummy. He just never stopped farting constantly and writhing in pain, he has been so less windy since I switched him to hipp. Remember as well that they don't always poop every day, sometimes Scott goes 2 to 3 days. Have you tried infacol? I think it's amazing stuff.

I hope H has a comfy night for both your sakes :hug: xxx


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