***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Afternoon Mums & Bubbas :-)

A quick question...I usually put JJ down for a nap after he has fed...then when he wakes, we have a little play before the whole process starts again. (Or if he has napped for longer than 3 hours I will feed again.)

I read in another post that you try to engage with baby after feeding - and put them down for a nap AFTER you have played with them for a bit...I know every baby is different...just wondered what you ladies do..?

Thanks :-) xxx
Hey chezza,

I'm glad to hear you've had a good day with JJ, long may it continue for you :)

I usually follow H's lead. If after being fed and winded he's still awake then we'll have a chat, sing song or play with rattles (well i shake them and he looks at me like i'm crazy!) If i try to keep him awake i end up with a very grumpy unhappy baby :/

But at every feed in the day i make sure i chat as much as possible in the most fun, high pitched voice....then at night i don't talk at all, just the odd 'shhh shhhh shh' depending on how much he's fussing.

x x x
Hiya ladies, i went to see a friend who gave birth 2 weeks ago, her bubba was 2,65 kg born so is now 3,2 kg - never held a baby this tiny, Mark was 3,8 at birth. Bless him.

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So cute knopk, mine were 2.3 and 2.6kg at birth, its hard to believe it now though!
So cute knopk, mine were 2.3 and 2.6kg at birth, its hard to believe it now though!

That sounds not bad for twins Nikki, they look like they have filled out loads too.

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Theynhave, but i have to say, it was easier tamdem feeding when they were small! Santiago weighs a ton, and its so hardto move him around with one hand, lol! Cant wait tilthey have more head amd body control :)
Thanks nat, its not been easy at times but i am determined to get to 6 months at least! Soooo many people said i couldnt do it, which is utter rubbish!
Pleased to report a better night though! 11:30 til 7:30 with just one feed at about 3:30, wish every night was like that!
They do wake each other up, but nly when its feed time, and they are generally on the same schedule.
I just feel like the cluster feeding happens every week, and it makes life impossible some days. However, i do manage to get out and about, walking the dog, going shopping and to mother and toddler groups, so its not a total disaster. Just really stressful, and i cant wait until things get easier.
What makes it harder is the intense heat here atthe moment, they get sohot and grumpy some days. I feel bad even putting them in the car as its so hot. Luckily we brought an aircon unt yesterday so things should get easier in that regard.

Good for you, I'm sure the breastfeeding will get easier and those 4 and a bit months will fly by and it will be 6 months already. I can't believe people are so negative saying that you couldn't do it - I have no idea why people are like this. You sound like a very determined lady, and not only are you doing it but your doing a fantastic job. Amazed really that your los are so young but your still managing to get out and about, with my son I didn't really start going out to groups etc on my own until he was 10 weeks old! Really admire you for doing a brilliant job and they really look like they're thriving. Amazing what our bodies can do really :)
Oh my god why won't he sleep?! :(

So H has been in bed since 8pm and boy is he fighting his sleep! He had a half a bottle at 7pm followed by a bath and the rest of his bottle, winded him and just before he fell asleep put him upstairs to bed. He fell asleep on his own...for all of 30 mins! Woke at 9pm routing, so fed him he took 3 oz winded and put him back down and he's been in an out of sleep since! Thing is i know what he wants, i'm just too scared to do it on a night time, he's settles beautifully when he's swaddled and laid down on his side....but everything you read tells you not to do this and there are so many horror stories.

I've done it a handful of times in the day when he's become overtired and restless. And it works every time, but in the day i'm around to keep an eye on him. He's never rolled onto his front, always rolls onto his back.

I think i have made a rod for my own back, now i must pay the price :(

x x x
Emma I know how you feel my LO loves lying on his belly and settles straight away if I put him so during the day. But I am far too scared to do it during the night. Last night wasn't too bad with him. He settles better but on the nights when he won't settle I am so tempted but far too frightened.

I got all excited yesterday about JJ sleeping longer overnight...for him to wake every 2 hours tonight!! Its like having a newborn!!! :-(
I got all excited yesterday about JJ sleeping longer overnight...for him to wake every 2 hours tonight!! Its like having a newborn!!! :-(

Awww he will soon get adjusted to it, it is probably all the heat that doesn't help! :(

Anna just wants to sleep all the time now she is poorly. I wake her to feed her and she has half of it and then coughs a lot and then goes back to sleep bless her. She is so stuffy and watery eyed.

Wanted to ask...who sleeps their baby on their side? Anna was waking up a lot on her back and we changed to her side when she was about 2-3 weeks old and since then she stays asleep longer and goes off quicker. I know they say to have them on their back with feet at bottom but she is so strong she rolls to her side anyway. xxx
I got all excited yesterday about JJ sleeping longer overnight...for him to wake every 2 hours tonight!! Its like having a newborn!!! :-(

Awww he will soon get adjusted to it, it is probably all the heat that doesn't help! :(

Anna just wants to sleep all the time now she is poorly. I wake her to feed her and she has half of it and then coughs a lot and then goes back to sleep bless her. She is so stuffy and watery eyed.

Wanted to ask...who sleeps their baby on their side? Anna was waking up a lot on her back and we changed to her side when she was about 2-3 weeks old and since then she stays asleep longer and goes off quicker. I know they say to have them on their back with feet at bottom but she is so strong she rolls to her side anyway. xxx

Hey jen

Sorry to hear Anna is unwell, hope she gets better quickly. Xx

It's my little one that likes to sleep on his side, I have no problem with this in the day but I'm terrified if I let him sleep like it at night he might roll on his front.

After hours of him fighting his sleep last night I finally relented and placed him on his side, but rolled him over before I went to sleep, he tried rolling back!! And spent around 20 mins moaning in his sleep lol

I'm going to ask HV about side sleeping, a may try him tonight and roll a towel and place it in front so he has no choice but to roll backwards lol xx

After hours of fighting his sleep and finally settling at midnight H woke at 2am and 6am, so no a night he's going around 4 hours between feeds, I can't complain at that! What we do need to tackle is the whole going to sleep before midnight! The most frustrating thing is from putting him down at 8pm he was clearly tired, all the signs rubbing ear and face, yawning, sleepy eyes etc etc. He just wouldn't settle for long so didn't go into a deep sleep.

Any hints or tips on how to settle him better? Xx
Aww sorry a few of you have had rough nights xx

Im currently sitting in bed whilst Rian is snoring away next to me.

I git him weighed yest hes now 9lbs hes gained 4oz in 4 days lol HV said hes doing really well i think she was shocked that he takes 5-6oz thou and she couldnt believe he skips his night feed!!

Booked his jabs for next wk hubbys taking him xx
Morning ladies. Thanks for the advice I tried some bigger teats and she seems much better on them, takes the bottle a lot quicker to. Think she is just a bit nosey to.
Robbie Williams and olly murs were AMAZING!! We had such a good day! Ava and ds were angels for daddy he done a fab job!! She is still going from 8pm ish till 5am.
Sorted through her newborn/up to a month sleepsuit a yesterday and out the ones that are too small away :-( gosh she has grown so quickly!! It's going to fast.
Going to get her weighed tomorrow.
So I have been given 2 free tickets to Legoland for next Tuesday, I'm really bit sure wether to go or not. I mean I'd love to, c really wants to go he loves it there, oh can't have the day off wrk tho so my mum has said she come. I guess I'm concerned about Ava, feeding her ect. Do u ladies think it will be too much? She is such a good baby so not sure y I am worrying really :-/ ahh sometime help me decide.
Am going on hols end of sept to Cornwall and I'm already stressing about what I need to take ect. Xx
Oh my god why won't he sleep?! :(

So H has been in bed since 8pm and boy is he fighting his sleep! He had a half a bottle at 7pm followed by a bath and the rest of his bottle, winded him and just before he fell asleep put him upstairs to bed. He fell asleep on his own...for all of 30 mins! Woke at 9pm routing, so fed him he took 3 oz winded and put him back down and he's been in an out of sleep since! Thing is i know what he wants, i'm just too scared to do it on a night time, he's settles beautifully when he's swaddled and laid down on his side....but everything you read tells you not to do this and there are so many horror stories.

I've done it a handful of times in the day when he's become overtired and restless. And it works every time, but in the day i'm around to keep an eye on him. He's never rolled onto his front, always rolls onto his back.

I think i have made a rod for my own back, now i must pay the price :(

x x x

You need to do what's best. If he settles well on his side then let him hun. My first baby slept on his tummy from 2 weeks old. It was the only way he'd settle and i needed to keep my sanity.

When Lexi was first born she also slept swaddled and on her side. I tucked a towel around her so she didn't move. More to keep her asleep rather than the rolling issue.

The fear of babies sleeping on their tummy is not because of smothering. Its because they get warmer and can overheat. Hence why specialcare babies are rotated this way. As long as babies cool they'll be ok Xx

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Not sure if any of you read the BF section but I thought I'd share my amazing news here too!

3 weeks after quitting BF because Scott wouldn't latch he decides to just latch in the bath all of his his accord 2 days ago! Yesterday he latched at every feed and again this morning he is happily being breastfed!

Amazingly I still have milk and I am so happy, miracles really do happen :)

Here's my little man right now! I am a very proud mom :love:uploadfromtaptalk1372759393798.jpg

Not sure if any of you read the BF section but I thought I'd share my amazing news here too!

3 weeks after quitting BF because Scott wouldn't latch he decides to just latch in the bath all of his his accord 2 days ago! Yesterday he latched at every feed and again this morning he is happily being breastfed!

Amazingly I still have milk and I am so happy, miracles really do happen :)

Here's my little man right now! I am a very proud mom :love:View attachment 39485


Aww, thats great news Tambo!! Well done little Scott!! :cheer: xxx
Awww tambo, look at him!

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Looking proud of himself now all fat and happy :D

I'm so bloody chuffed you wouldn't believe!


Thanks ladies :) xxx


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