***April & May Mummy & Baby***

I feel the same.... My OH works so hard that he spends most of the night on the couch trying to get a couple of decent hrs sleep. During the day I do not mind this! I know he needs to be able to concentrated at work... But durning the night, when I'm tired, cranky and trying to deal with a baby who won't settle, all I want to do is leave him with H!

Morning ladies! Very very happy today! We had sex for the first time last night :dance:

I didn't know you were still BF babybushie? Well done hun!


I was getting so sick of expressing and was only getting a 1-2 ounces after expressing for well over an hour, Trey was going thru a leap of wanting to feed every 2 hours and with oh going back to work I was struggling to find the time to express more than one bottle a day.

I also felt I'd given up bf too easily as I never ended up going to see anyone about it, I was also really inspired by you because you literally did everything you could for Scott so I wanted to push thru too! I went to the bf class and the lady was great, gave me some great tips and just let me talk it out and get the worried of my chest, she also reassured me that I didn't have to stop just because i'd introduced a bottle.

So it's been 2 weeks and it's ok, some feeds he latches beautifully and he seems satisfied and others (mostly) he fights with me and still cries after feeding for well over an hour, but I'm trying to be patient and not get so upset, I still have to top him up with formula as he's not always satisfied.

I'm taking each day as it comes and hoping he settles soon but I know that if it gets really bad again and we have to stop I've done my best.


If/when you had your first period how heavy was it? I literally can't move for blood running out of me :( I stood up last night to sort H and had to shout at OH to get him as I had blood running down my legs (not good when you have cream carpets!)

I had little tiny blood clots and this morning one the size of 10p. I know blood clots can be normal but at what point do i become concerned??

I hate feeling this yukky, I'm a tampon kinda girl, pads are gross :(

Poor Evan has the sniffles :( although he has been good and has been sleeping really well considering. I got a nasal aspirator which is great for getting the snot out so he doesn't sound terrible.

He is also taking after his mummy with his sneezes - I am a prolific sneezer (quantity not quality lol!) and he did 8 in a row earlier. I was so proud!

Don't think you're selfish for wanting your OH to help more. Remember we did all the hard work getting them out into the world, it's only fair they take some of the crappy times too xx

If/when you had your first period how heavy was it? I literally can't move for blood running out of me :( I stood up last night to sort H and had to shout at OH to get him as I had blood running down my legs (not good when you have cream carpets!)

I had little tiny blood clots and this morning one the size of 10p. I know blood clots can be normal but at what point do i become concerned??

I hate feeling this yukky, I'm a tampon kinda girl, pads are gross :(


No period for me yet at 7 weeks, but i bled on and off til week 3-4, and i had a section.

Ths mastitis is killing me, terrible night, temp went up to 39 and still higher than 38. Feel teerible and have to deal with twins alone all day. Boooooo. Wish the drugs would start working.
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I don't know how you do it Nikki, really hope you start feeling better soon xx
Aww Nikki, i.just finished 2nd lot of antibiotics for mastitis. It sucks

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

If/when you had your first period how heavy was it? I literally can't move for blood running out of me :( I stood up last night to sort H and had to shout at OH to get him as I had blood running down my legs (not good when you have cream carpets!)

I had little tiny blood clots and this morning one the size of 10p. I know blood clots can be normal but at what point do i become concerned??

I hate feeling this yukky, I'm a tampon kinda girl, pads are gross :(


Mine was just like this! It was literally pouring out of me, so gross!!

I usually use tampons too so I wasn't sure if it was always this way if I used pads, I switched to tampons and I feel so much cleaner.

I had some clots that I mentioned at my 6 week check and she said it was normal but if they look really big or are more frequent, see my gp

Had a good night sleep!

T went to sleep around 11.30 and slept till 4am!!!! He usually will have a feed about 1/2am and I'm so glad I slept thru it too lol He went back to sleep about 4.30am and slept untill 7am.

Long may it continue!!

Had a fab day yesterday at the wedding, madam was a little star took bottles like a dream. Called it a day when the band came on as it was too loud for her little ears. Got home she had a bit of the last bottle and went to sleep about 11.30


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Good morning ladies!

In yet to have a period 8 weeks in so no idea yet how heavy it's gonna be. :(

Glad you had a good night's sleep with Trey hun. Apparently Scott was a little turd all night long but I wouldn't know first hand because Paul stayed up with him lol.

Lovely photo of the wedding!

Not had mastitis but I'm sure it sucks :( hope you feel better soon xx

Off to change Scott, he smells like a sewage farm lol x

Nikki - just wanted to say it sounds like you're doing a fantastic job with your twins. Breastfeeding is hard with one let alone two! I'm exclusively breastfeeding my little girl though and she is sleeping from 9pm to 5am so even breastfed babies do sleep well too - I think its more to do with the baby than how they are fed. Do you find your two wake each other up? Cluster feeding is really hard and I can't imagine what its like with twins! I find it bad enough that I'm tandem feeding my 7 week old and 20 month old and on the odd night they've both woken up. Anyway just wanted to say well done you :) xxx
Thanks nat, its not been easy at times but i am determined to get to 6 months at least! Soooo many people said i couldnt do it, which is utter rubbish!
Pleased to report a better night though! 11:30 til 7:30 with just one feed at about 3:30, wish every night was like that!
They do wake each other up, but nly when its feed time, and they are generally on the same schedule.
I just feel like the cluster feeding happens every week, and it makes life impossible some days. However, i do manage to get out and about, walking the dog, going shopping and to mother and toddler groups, so its not a total disaster. Just really stressful, and i cant wait until things get easier.
What makes it harder is the intense heat here atthe moment, they get sohot and grumpy some days. I feel bad even putting them in the car as its so hot. Luckily we brought an aircon unt yesterday so things should get easier in that regard.
Nikki your doing amazing.

Going to go breast feeding group thus afternoon, this morning I need to try and figure out what's broken on my Hoover after I threw it downstairs 2 dogs and no Hoover bleugh the carpet is disgusting.

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Morning Ladies!

Hope everyone is well today?

Well, JJ slept in his own room for the 4th night last night - and only woke twice - once at 2am and once at 6am - yay!!! Looking forward to him dropping the 2am feed soon, hopefully...

I've also been reading about the EASY technique - anyone else doing it or heard of it..? I posted in the main forum too...would be interested to get feedback!

Had a bit of a hard weekend with him - he was sick quite alot on Sat night for some reason and we had a bit of a miserable day yesterday with lots of crying...but he has been an angel so far this morning and just got down in his cot for his second nap of the day :-)
Morning all,

Well weekend was ok but Rian really didnt like the heat yest!! I found he was feeding every 3 hrs yest but not drinking his whole bottle.

When can we give our LO juice or water is it from 4months? I just worry hes thirsty in the heat!

He was a monkey last night woke up at 4am for his feed and just wouldnt go bk to sleep after kept chatting away and smiling the devil! x
Hi shell,

Could he be going through a growth spurt? I believe they feed less but more often? But i could be completely wrong.

I offer my LO water every other day or so and have done since he was 2 weeks old...cool boiled water helped with his wind and now he's on hungry milk it stops him from getting constipated. He doesn't have loads, i allow him to drink until he does his first pause then take it from him, so he probably has about 6-8 sucks.

It's up to you when you chose to give him water, if you feel it may help then allow him to have a little just be careful with the amounts. Too much water can be dangerous for a baby in severe cases it can dilute sodium levels and cause fits and comas :/ But i'm talking oz's of the stuff. My LO has no more than an oz and most if the time he doesn't drink all that, they are suppose to get plenty of water from the formula.

A quick way to tell if your little one may be dehydrated is to look at the fontanelle soft spot, if it's sunken in he could be dehydrated so offer water. But please remember a sunken soft spot and your baby being out of sorts should be checked up. Especially if baby stops eating etc.

Hope that long waffle helps! Lol x x x
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Cheers Emma hun we have given him a bit of water but hes not at all impressed lol

Just took him to get weighed and hes now 9lb he got weighed last weds at docs and was 8lb 10 so hes gained 4 oz in 4 days lol

Cheers Emma hun we have given him a bit of water but hes not at all impressed lol

Just took him to get weighed and hes now 9lb he got weighed last weds at docs and was 8lb 10 so hes gained 4 oz in 4 days lol


Lol no worries :)

H isn't impressed when he has his water either, he'll drink it mind but i get scowls as he's sucking! LOL

That's a good weight gain...aww he's still tiny tho! I'm taking H to get weighed tomorrow, i dread to think what he weighs now, i'm guessing 11lb!!

Last time he was weighed he went from 8lb 13oz to 9lb 13oz in 8 days!! :shock: Apparently that's fine as he's still following his percentile line.

He weighs a ton lol hahaha

x x x
I'm getting jack weighed this Wednesday too and can't wait to see what he now weighs .hes 13 weeks and 5 days old. 2 weeks ago he was 9lb 13oz. It's brilliant considering his birth weight was 3lb 14oz. I can see such a difference in his face shape it's remarkable really . It's lovely to hear about all thother babies piling on the weight! X

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