***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Need a bit of advice ladies,
When Ava is having a bottle the last 2/3 oz or so she is really fidgety moving her head about loads being nosy. It's a bit of a mission getting the last few oz down her. Do u think she needs bigger teats? Any advice much appreciated :-)

Off to London at midday, seeing robbie Williams tonite!!! Xx
No advice pp but in jealous!!

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Morning ladies! Very very happy today! We had sex for the first time last night :dance:

I didn't know you were still BF babybushie? Well done hun! So glad jj slept through chezza! Scott doesn't yet but I don't care because daddy does the night feeds lol. He did wake me up however at about 5am moaning that Scott had covered him and the bed in wee during his nappy change! :lol: I did what needed to be done...rolled over and left him to it :lol:

Off to see my parents today but not looking forward to it, I don't really get on with my mom and my dad is a chain smoker. He's promised to go outside when we're there but the flat's still gonna stink of it :(

Need a bit of advice ladies,
When Ava is having a bottle the last 2/3 oz or so she is really fidgety moving her head about loads being nosy. It's a bit of a mission getting the last few oz down her. Do u think she needs bigger teats? Any advice much appreciated :-)

Off to London at midday, seeing robbie Williams tonite!!! Xx

You can always try bigger teats and see how she gets on but sometimes not much can distract a nosey baby lol.

Mmmmm, Robbie Williams! Have a good time! X

Hey ladies, hope you are all well, i dont get much time to post although i do try to read everyday!
Everything good here, twins are getting big, 7weeks old now. I feel fine, even though i am nt getting anywhere near as much sleep as you guys! Neither of my babes sleep longer than 2-3 hours each, i wonder if it because we are breastfeeding? I guess formula feeds fill them up more? Anyway, i am insanely jealous that you all get so much sleep, hahaha!
My babes have had hips scanned and got all clear, docs are really impressed with their massive weight gain considering they are breast fed. Must be all the chocolate and cheese i ate in pregnancy coming out now, lol.
Joined the breastfeeding group and now joined the local english mother and toddler group and its fab! Just a bit of a mission on my own, but worth it for the company :)
I got next to no sleep last night. Evan was grumpy last night, but I don't know if it was the jabs or just the evening grumps. Finally got him down at half 10 and I was fit to drop... well I would have been if my hayfever wasn't horrific. Took me ages to get to sleep then he was up at half 2, half 6 and 9. He seems to be feeding less before bed which means he wakes earlier. On the rare occasion he has a big feed he's out for nearly 6 hours.

Chocolate and cheese is a must for BF. I sometimes wonder if my milk is 99% biscuit! :rofl:
Hey ladies, hope you are all well, i dont get much time to post although i do try to read everyday!
Everything good here, twins are getting big, 7weeks old now. I feel fine, even though i am nt getting anywhere near as much sleep as you guys! Neither of my babes sleep longer than 2-3 hours each, i wonder if it because we are breastfeeding? I guess formula feeds fill them up more? Anyway, i am insanely jealous that you all get so much sleep, hahaha!
My babes have had hips scanned and got all clear, docs are really impressed with their massive weight gain considering they are breast fed. Must be all the chocolate and cheese i ate in pregnancy coming out now, lol.
Joined the breastfeeding group and now joined the local english mother and toddler group and its fab! Just a bit of a mission on my own, but worth it for the company :)

Hi Nicki! was wondering how you and your beautiful twins were :D great to hear your'e all doing well and YAY! to meeting new Mums who speak English!

Not heard from Scattyash for a while, wonder how she is? x
Need a bit of advice ladies,
When Ava is having a bottle the last 2/3 oz or so she is really fidgety moving her head about loads being nosy. It's a bit of a mission getting the last few oz down her. Do u think she needs bigger teats? Any advice much appreciated :-)

Off to London at midday, seeing robbie Williams tonite!!! Xx

Hey how are you?

I'm not sure if it applies to you, it probably doesn't! Lol But when my little one does this it usually means he's had enough. However he is using size 2 teats. I suppose upping the teat size might help, could be she's had enough because she can't be bother to suck?!

Or when she begins to do this stop, give her a winding then offer it back. She could be feeling a bit full/bloated from feeding. Plus gives her a break if the sucking is tiring her out?

x x x
Morning ladies! Very very happy today! We had sex for the first time last night :dance:

I didn't know you were still BF babybushie? Well done hun! So glad jj slept through chezza! Scott doesn't yet but I don't care because daddy does the night feeds lol. He did wake me up however at about 5am moaning that Scott had covered him and the bed in wee during his nappy change! :lol: I did what needed to be done...rolled over and left him to it :lol:

Off to see my parents today but not looking forward to it, I don't really get on with my mom and my dad is a chain smoker. He's promised to go outside when we're there but the flat's still gonna stink of it :(


Congratulations on the sex encounter! Lol glad it all went well ;D

I'm soo jealous of you, wish my fella did all the night feeds. But i can't let him do it, i feel guilty when he rolls out of bed for work looking like a zombie....i need to start not caring, or keeping my eyes closed til he's left for work! Hahaha

x x x
Well last night was pretty much the same as every other night.

He had a bottle at 8pm, settled in bed for 9.30pm, woke at 12.30, 4am and 8am. So it we got a few hours sleep at a time. He's a bit grizzly this morning tho, had a top up feed at 9.30am and hasn't slept since!

He's gone out with nanna today, it's the first time he's been away from me since he was born :( The house is so quiet, and as i was watching him go my boob leaked! Whats that all about?? She's bringing him back at about 4.30pm so my plan for today is eat, bath and sleep!!

Then later on this even the Brother in law is coming to watch H while me and OH take our eldest lad to watch despicable me2!! I'm as excited to go see it as my son!!

x x x
hey nikki, my HV is pleased and pleasantly surprised over H's weight gain because he's breast fed... he put on 71/2 oz this week and now weighs 10lb, 6 oz...

I'm feeling a little more human now, the last two nights H has woke for his feeds, about every 2 hrs to 3hrs and then settled off almost straight away afterwards!!! Just not having to get up and down to put his dummy back in is a god send! I really hope it continues!
Nikki, well done hun! I am just about coping with 2 under 2 and you are BFing twins! M is following just above 75th centile for weight, the doctor at 8 week check was surprised too. But i feed on demand and this monkey loves his food.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Evan has been sick after nearly every feed the last few days :(
Thanks ladies, it is not easy, espeially when they both cluster feed. I end up really sore somedays.
Now i have come down with mastitis again today! I knew i wasnt feeling great this morning, then the fever ht at lunchtime :( I had it two weeks back, and luckily the docs gave me plenty of ABs, so i have started more today.
Doesnt elp that it is boiling hot here in Madrid and my little boy is suffering heatrash all n his face, so has to be naked most of the time. Then we have had issues with gas and lack of poo, for which the docs gave us something to shift the poo out. Has made life easier, but we still have some ad days when tey dont poo and seem really uncomfortable.
Feeling a bit stressed with this fever and very hungry babies today. Nightmare.
I was wondering how the other twin mummies were, but i guess, like me, they are too busy to post, lol x
My girl, Catalina, so delicate and yet very stroppy!

And Santiago, happy most of the time, before his heat rash struck

Forgot to mention, we even managed to go away on holiday to Valencia last week, was fab to get on the beach and swim in the med! Even managed to carry the double pram onto the sand, even though we couldnt stay long with them, it was nice to feel like we could till do normal things ;)
Has anyone experienced thier LO having nose bleeds?

Rian has had a bit of blood round his nostrils on a few ocassions but today he had a full blown nose bleed scared the crap out of me :-( I did mention it last week to the doctor but he wasnt at all bothered.
My girl, Catalina, so delicate and yet very stroppy!

And Santiago, happy most of the time, before his heat rash struck

Forgot to mention, we even managed to go away on holiday to Valencia last week, was fab to get on the beach and swim in the med! Even managed to carry the double pram onto the sand, even though we couldnt stay long with them, it was nice to feel like we could till do normal things ;)

Oh Nikki, they are both beautiful! It must've been wonderful to swim in the med and go to the beach! Very jealous ;-) xx
Hubby went out with a mate tonight...first time since JJ arrived. He has been working hard and having a bit of a tough time with his family recently, so really deserves a night out.

This is the night that JJ decides he'll have a few go's at projectile vomiting!! He covered me, my laptop, sofa and carpet. Yuk :-( Trying to clean all that up, whilst trying to keep a dog at bay - and also trying to comfort an upset baby proved quite a challenge!! Now JJ won't settle and won't stop grizzling.

All I want is for hubby to come home...I'm so selfish :-(
Chezza!!!! You are not selfish!! My OH has been working overtime as we're saving to get married and I ALWAYS wish he was home. And when he is home I know he needs to chill as he's doing 12hr days but I still get pissed off when he doesn't offer to change a nappy.

It's hard work taking care of a baby and having to deal with a dog (we've got an 18 month old beagle) and trying to keep on top of the housework. I feel bad like I'm neglecting the pooch but when I'm playing with him I feel like I should be playing with daisy. So hard.

What I'm trying to say in all that waffle is that I feel your pain...


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