***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Jabs done well poor little mite sobbed :'(

She calmed down had a cuddle and feel asleep, she was due a feed so shoved boob in her mouth and she's feeding now and I think she's half asleep.

We got prescribed paracetamol just in case typical as I bought cal pol just in case.

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I downloaded the wonder weeks book on my kindle £3.32 it's very good, read up to the start of the next leap.

Going to spend the afternoon cuddling my baby sod the pots, might even get a takeaway for dinner :o

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Jabs done well poor little mite sobbed :'(

She calmed down had a cuddle and feel asleep, she was due a feed so shoved boob in her mouth and she's feeding now and I think she's half asleep.

We got prescribed paracetamol just in case typical as I bought cal pol just in case.

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Awwww, poor Libby :-( Hope there are no after effects for her xx
Me too Chezza.

To be fair she only cried for about 5 minutes just seemed longer lol

She's asleep on my shoulder now.

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Has anyone been to a baby group yet?

There is a local one to me for babies under one and I'd love to go and make some friends (none of my close friends have kids yet so I'm feeling a bit lonely during the day time!) but I'm nervous??? Also T is barely holding up his own head so can't really do much so it will literally mean is have to just talk to the mums there and not use T as a distraction

I'm going to go to one as soon as I find one. Babies are always a good point of conversation regardless of age and ability. Even Trey just lying in your arms looking cute will be a distraction lol. Wish we all lived close then we wouldn't have this problem would we!


Lol I think I'll pluck up the courage to go
Next week, if I hate it I guess I don't have to go back! I really wish we all lived closer, we could have a food gossip over coffee and cake lôl
Morning Ladies! Hope mummies and babies are all well today!

I am SOOO pleased to report that JJ has settled right down and we have had a wonderful day so far!

I definitely think he was going through his 2nd Leap - and (fingers crossed) coming out the other end now. I was able to put him down for a nap today and he hasn't grizzled or cried once - hooray!! So I'm now running around like a mad thing, doing the housework whilst I have the chance...

Then I'm sitting down to catch up on some soaps, to have a nice cuppa and a massive jammy donut.

Bliss :-) xxx

That's great :) :) clean house and happy baby deserves a treat!!!
Poor baby :( she's screamed for the last 45 mins, cal pol given and for the first time she has a dummy!! She's still hic hic in but had calmed down and is nearly asleep in my arms.

Think it's worse as she's not a cryer never mind screaming like that :(

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Poor baby :( she's screamed for the last 45 mins, cal pol given and for the first time she has a dummy!! She's still hic hic in but had calmed down and is nearly asleep in my arms.

Think it's worse as she's not a cryer never mind screaming like that :(

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Awww I totally know how you feel Rhys very rarely gets bad when crying...yesterday after jags it was like a different baby he SCREAMED and his wee face was scarlett...he kept stopping breathing while doing it and not even making a noise...I totally panicked and started crying lol! My mum had to come down! You just feel so sorry for them! Then I was a paranoid wreck all last night checking his temp and watching him sleep lol! And only 4 weeks until the next lot:(

T is getting his Jabs next Friday, I'm dreading it!!

JJ's getting his next Weds...really dreading it too! Hubby is coming with me, but has to go into work straight away and wont be home til about 8pm that night...yikes!

I agree - it's a shame we all don't live a bit closer! We could all easily take over a Costa Coffee and put the world to rights lol! xx

Sleeping babe :)

Fx she has a decent night

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Well, we put JJ in his cot tonight, in his own room. I am currently sat in my living room - eyes firmly fixed on the video monitor, twitching at every movement and sound!!

Have no idea what tonight has in store...fingers crossed it goes well. :shock:

Hope Libby has a good nights sleep V&B xx
Good luck Chezza hope all goes well...I don't think we will be too far behind with Rhys for 2 reasons, 1. He is getting too big for moses basket and 2. He is thee loudest sleeper ever!! It wakes us constantly lol he grunts and groans and makes all sorts of noises lol! But we can sometimes wake him also so makes sense lol!

Good luck Chezza

Right I'm off to put madam down might go myself I'm knackered.

See you tomorrow xx

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Well seems were all making small leaps in the whole sleeping department!

Tonight is the first time H has gone to sleep upstairs on his own, with a little help mind!

We've had bath time, bottle, cuddles and now he's tucked up in bed and has been for nearly an hour, the earliest time yet!! I downloaded a 'in the womb' recording and put it on the ipod which is now playing quietly to him. When I put him down he stirred a little so popped on the recording and he's settled beautifully! ! It's probably all coincidence mind

I consider putting H in his own room, but have changed my mind, gonna comfortable with the idea yet. But figured there'd be no harm in getting H use to going to bed on his own. Ready for moving in his own bed.

Good luck chezza hope tonight goes well xx
Good luck Chezza

Right I'm off to put madam down might go myself I'm knackered.

See you tomorrow xx

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Hope you and lo have a good night. H has his jabs on the 11th I'm dreading if now! :( he has his six week check up the day before so might ask the doctor to proscribe some medicine so I don't have to buy it.

H also has his hospital visit tomorrow about his hips! I've been very organised and got everything ready so I'm not rushing in the morning. I'm dropping oh off at work tomorrow, afterwards which means I get to keep the new car all day! H and I will be going cruising around town afterwards lol :) x


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