***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Ladies,.just a word of caution that there have been cases of babies falling out of bumbo seats and hurting themselves. Please please be careful.
I have a nosey one too so car seat is handy lol plus he loves punching the cow on his bouncer

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I agree^^ My Bumbo has a harness fitted but a cousins little girl did fall out of her Bumbo from a raised surface and was in hospital :shock: as tempting as it is it's just so much safer to never have them above ground level xxx
Nice to add some of you on FB btw! no one on my friends list has a baby so gonna be great to see some cuties in my feed for a change :love:
T usually decides to pooh when he's in his chair too! He pooed in the bath last week I had been dreading that lol he has one of those bath chair thingys which caught most of it as I took him out but it still ended dripping over the side of the bath and the floor and it was sooo stinky!

Feel free to add me on fb too I'm LadyZee

Having trouble finding you Babybushie...! There are a few Ladyzee's! x

I'm with my oh and he's kissing my cheek, he's got a yellow top on, Just about to search for you lovely ladies

Added some of you that i could find lol if you want to add me please feel free as im sure im boring everyone with all my piccys. Michelle Hillier was Parker

Well me and Rian had our 6wk check up tonight and all is well yay even though ive come away with another perscription for anti bs!! She said my scare is healing nicely now but i should still take the pills just to be safe.

I got the contraception chat which was funny!! xx
Added some of you that i could find lol if you want to add me please feel free as im sure im boring everyone with all my piccys. Michelle Hillier was Parker

Well me and Rian had our 6wk check up tonight and all is well yay even though ive come away with another perscription for anti bs!! She said my scare is healing nicely now but i should still take the pills just to be safe.

I got the contraception chat which was funny!! xx

I'm on 2nd lot of anti b's now. Really feel for you shell.

I'm allergic to a couple of things so had flucloxacillin first and now on clarithromycin. Which have you tried? X
Ok so I figured out why I can't be found on fb and wondered if that was why some of you can't as well.

In my privacy settings under "who can send you friend requests" i had it set to friends of friends. I've now changed it to everyone so feel free to add me Victoria Bousfield. :) x

Am I the only one who hasn't had any sex since bubs was born? :blush: just haven't had the time, the energy, or the inclination lol. I feel like such a fatty now that I just don't fancy it at all :(

I haven't either to the disappointment of my OH! I'm a little scared if I'm honest. X

Added some of you that i could find lol if you want to add me please feel free as im sure im boring everyone with all my piccys. Michelle Hillier was Parker

Well me and Rian had our 6wk check up tonight and all is well yay even though ive come away with another perscription for anti bs!! She said my scare is healing nicely now but i should still take the pills just to be safe.

I got the contraception chat which was funny!! xx

I'm on 2nd lot of anti b's now. Really feel for you shell.

I'm allergic to a couple of things so had flucloxacillin first and now on clarithromycin. Which have you tried? X

Think ive had both of them lol also a cream and now just penacilin (sorry cant spell!!) x
Am I the only one who hasn't had any sex since bubs was born? :blush: just haven't had the time, the energy, or the inclination lol. I feel like such a fatty now that I just don't fancy it at all :(


We tryed last night but had to stop it was painfull :mad: x
I haven't either to the disappointment of my OH! I'm a little scared if I'm honest. X


I was scared too hun i feel sorry for hubby but hes been fab bless him. Although hes not impressed having to wear a condom lol x
I'm getting the implant on the 10th so we're holding off till then at least. When I do pluck up the courage my OH will think it's his birthday come early lol x

You should be able to now...?
Thus is my profile pic ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372283391.579870.jpg

I'm getting the implant on the 10th so we're holding off till then at least. When I do pluck up the courage my OH will think it's his birthday come early lol x


I bet he will lol!! Were going to try for no2 come dec so we will just stick to condoms till then x
Glad I'm not the only one then! I was expecting you all to say you'd been at it like rabbits lol :) x

Goodness I can't believe your planning number 2 already!

Tambo - I'd be able holding off even longer but it's not fair on the OH!

Am I the only one who hasn't had any sex since bubs was born? :blush: just haven't had the time, the energy, or the inclination lol. I feel like such a fatty now that I just don't fancy it at all :(


We haven't attempted it yet! Just too bloody tired!! DH feels the same so I don't feel like im depriving him lol xx
Has anyone been to a baby group yet?

There is a local one to me for babies under one and I'd love to go and make some friends (none of my close friends have kids yet so I'm feeling a bit lonely during the day time!) but I'm nervous??? Also T is barely holding up his own head so can't really do much so it will literally mean is have to just talk to the mums there and not use T as a distraction

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