***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Aww what a horrible morning it's been! Rhys got his jags and was a wee star...only made a wee noise. Got him home now however and he has not stopped crying, at one point it got so bad his wee face was scarlett and he wasn't even making a noise! I've NEVER seen him like that...which made me cry and panic like a maniac and phone my mum to come from work! He seems to have settled a little but think it's gona be a long night. Poor wee souls having to go through this!


Oh bless him!! Have you checked to see if his temps ok? You might need a little bit of calpol to settle him xx
Aww what a horrible morning it's been! Rhys got his jags and was a wee star...only made a wee noise. Got him home now however and he has not stopped crying, at one point it got so bad his wee face was scarlett and he wasn't even making a noise! I've NEVER seen him like that...which made me cry and panic like a maniac and phone my mum to come from work! He seems to have settled a little but think it's gona be a long night. Poor wee souls having to go through this!


Oh bless him!! Have you checked to see if his temps ok? You might need a little bit of calpol to settle him xx

Yeh checked his temp which is perfect...will keep an eye on it but don't know if he's maybe just a little sore and obviously doesn't know what's going on. Gave the docs a call anyway just to make sure all is ok, they are going to phone me back...it does say they can be upset for 48 hours after jags it's just a worry! Doc also said not to give him calpol unless he has a fever so waiting it out here lol! Damn the jags lol!

Aww what a horrible morning it's been! Rhys got his jags and was a wee star...only made a wee noise. Got him home now however and he has not stopped crying, at one point it got so bad his wee face was scarlett and he wasn't even making a noise! I've NEVER seen him like that...which made me cry and panic like a maniac and phone my mum to come from work! He seems to have settled a little but think it's gona be a long night. Poor wee souls having to go through this!


Oh bless him!! Have you checked to see if his temps ok? You might need a little bit of calpol to settle him xx

Yeh checked his temp which is perfect...will keep an eye on it but don't know if he's maybe just a little sore and obviously doesn't know what's going on. Gave the docs a call anyway just to make sure all is ok, they are going to phone me back...it does say they can be upset for 48 hours after jags it's just a worry! Doc also said not to give him calpol unless he has a fever so waiting it out here lol! Damn the jags lol!


Poor little sausage...hope he settles for you soon!

I've got JJ's jabs next week and am dreading it! He has been a cranky little monkey for quite a few days anyway...cant bear the thought of him being in pain and being any crankier!

I didnt know until about a month ago that they have 4 sets of jabs in the first year! Yikes...:-( xxx
Evan has his first set of Friday - I'm hoping they let me try and feed him when they do the jabs, it worked well for when he had his heel prick done.

Has anyone else's LO suddenly discovered dribbling? Evan is like a dripping tap lol xx
Hello! How're all my baby friends.doing?

Love Lexi Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...


  • uploadfromtaptalk1372257953438.jpg
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Love the fact that now we're all new mummies we talk about poo likes it normal! Haha. H was constipated for a day but sure made up for it yesterday! I had my first leaky nappy! I felt like I was back in work. Text my OH to tell him and he bought me a box of disposable gloves home fron work lol.

I had my six week check- all was fine. H has the hospital on Friday for his hips, then he has his six week check on the 10th when he'll actually be 8 weeks old and then he has his needles on the 11th , we have a busy start to July!

Feel free to add me on fb - Victoria Bousfield. My profile pic is a black and white picture of H

Oh also after a major issue with bounty - H's photos finally arrived - 5 weeks, one missing payment and numerous phone calls later. Here they are.

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View attachment 39255

He looks nothing like this now!

(Soz for the long post).


Beautiful photos!! I was a teeny bit rude to my Bounty lady...she came round to my bed on Day 2 - and I hadn't had a wink of sleep for around 40 hours - she couldn't believe I didn't want photos done and asked me why I didn't want to remember JJ's first couple of days!! Silly woman lol...

I've tried to find you on FB without success! Have a look further up this thread for my prof pic - my name is Cheryl :-) xx

Thanks Hun. I can't seem to find you. X

He seems settled just now...you just feel helpless because you can't do much but try and comfort him! I'm sure you will all be fine! Getting them done was fine he just made a wee noise it's been the aftermath...!

I know Chezza I was looking at the leaflet and realised there are 4 before a year old...great! Not looking forward to the rest of them!

She's such a good baby! She loves the camera Hehe Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
Evan stops smiling everytime I get the camera out, I have to be very sneaky to get a good shot!
Hi Lexi :wave:

Bless she's a cutie :D

Just had a battle with madam getting her to feed, to tired and hungry as she's been with me to the hairdressers and refused to sleep.

Hair feels fab :) think I've lost half a stone :)

Needs colouring but will wait till next time as in bf I'm guessing hormones will still be all over the place.

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Love the fact that now we're all new mummies we talk about poo likes it normal! Haha. H was constipated for a day but sure made up for it yesterday! I had my first leaky nappy! I felt like I was back in work. Text my OH to tell him and he bought me a box of disposable gloves home fron work lol.

I had my six week check- all was fine. H has the hospital on Friday for his hips, then he has his six week check on the 10th when he'll actually be 8 weeks old and then he has his needles on the 11th , we have a busy start to July!

Feel free to add me on fb - Victoria Bousfield. My profile pic is a black and white picture of H

Oh also after a major issue with bounty - H's photos finally arrived - 5 weeks, one missing payment and numerous phone calls later. Here they are.

View attachment 39253
View attachment 39254
View attachment 39255

He looks nothing like this now!

(Soz for the long post).


Beautiful photos!! I was a teeny bit rude to my Bounty lady...she came round to my bed on Day 2 - and I hadn't had a wink of sleep for around 40 hours - she couldn't believe I didn't want photos done and asked me why I didn't want to remember JJ's first couple of days!! Silly woman lol...

I've tried to find you on FB without success! Have a look further up this thread for my prof pic - my name is Cheryl :-) xx

Thanks Hun. I can't seem to find you. X


I can find 5 profiles with your name, only 2 have photos - both colour?? xx
Evan has his first set of Friday - I'm hoping they let me try and feed him when they do the jabs, it worked well for when he had his heel prick done.

Has anyone else's LO suddenly discovered dribbling? Evan is like a dripping tap lol xx

Oh that's a good idea...never thought to try and feed at the same time! Thanks Amy :lol:

I was trying to get hold of some Emla numbing cream, but cant seem to find a stockist anywhere sadly! xx
Libby's got her jabs tomorrow :( she wasn't bothered by the heel prick test and she had plenty done

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Got interrupted then

She had a few done in the hospital and the one by the MW, it's the after effects I'm dreading :( poor little sausage

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Got interrupted then

She had a few done in the hospital and the one by the MW, it's the after effects I'm dreading :( poor little sausage

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk

I was the exact same as you, I knew he would probs be ok with the actual jags but was dreading the aftermath as I'm a worrier and knew I'd be watching him like a hawk! Thankfully so far all I've had is pretty bad screams, I can deal with that as long as nothing else more serious happens! Although I did cry earlier when he was screaming as I've never seen him like that! And he constantly had the heel test done in hosp due to being jaundice! He's sleeping now wee soul hopefully after a good rest he will feel better! Doc phoned me & said its pretty normal and it's ok to give him calpol even if he doesn't have a fever as his wee thighs will be sore! Said just to keep an eye on both legs & watch for any redness or swelling! Oh the joys, only a 4 week break until his next set:(!!

Got interrupted then

She had a few done in the hospital and the one by the MW, it's the after effects I'm dreading :( poor little sausage

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk

I was the exact same as you, I knew he would probs be ok with the actual jags but was dreading the aftermath as I'm a worrier and knew I'd be watching him like a hawk! Thankfully so far all I've had is pretty bad screams, I can deal with that as long as nothing else more serious happens! Although I did cry earlier when he was screaming as I've never seen him like that! And he constantly had the heel test done in hosp due to being jaundice! He's sleeping now wee soul hopefully after a good rest he will feel better! Doc phoned me & said its pretty normal and it's ok to give him calpol even if he doesn't have a fever as his wee thighs will be sore! Said just to keep an eye on both legs & watch for any redness or swelling! Oh the joys, only a 4 week break until his next set:(!!


Poor boy :(

I've been and bought cal pol just in case

My little sous chef tonight


Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Got interrupted then

She had a few done in the hospital and the one by the MW, it's the after effects I'm dreading :( poor little sausage

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk

I was the exact same as you, I knew he would probs be ok with the actual jags but was dreading the aftermath as I'm a worrier and knew I'd be watching him like a hawk! Thankfully so far all I've had is pretty bad screams, I can deal with that as long as nothing else more serious happens! Although I did cry earlier when he was screaming as I've never seen him like that! And he constantly had the heel test done in hosp due to being jaundice! He's sleeping now wee soul hopefully after a good rest he will feel better! Doc phoned me & said its pretty normal and it's ok to give him calpol even if he doesn't have a fever as his wee thighs will be sore! Said just to keep an eye on both legs & watch for any redness or swelling! Oh the joys, only a 4 week break until his next set:(!!


Poor boy :(

I've been and bought cal pol just in case

My little sous chef tonight

View attachment 39274

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk

Aww how adorable! How old is your LO? I was dying to get one of those seats for my LO as he is a nosey wee Parker & loves sitting up but thought I'd need to wait until he can fully support his own head but that seat looks quite good as though it comes up quite far at the back! Don't think it will be long before he is fully supporting his own head hes getting the hang of it:)!

Ladies,.just a word of caution that there have been cases of babies falling out of bumbo seats and hurting themselves. Please please be careful.
I have a nosey one too so car seat is handy lol plus he loves punching the cow on his bouncer

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Ava was fine with the jabs, but was really upset afterwards. After a phone call to new docs and a little bit of calpol she was fine, I think sometimes you just need that reassurance from a doctor, she didnt have a temp so they said it is quite normal to be upset/grumpy.

I can't seem to find any one on Facebook? Maybe becos I'm looking on my phone? Getting the laptop out its just too much effort! Lol. I have another try tomorrow eve.

OH is feeding the putting the little minx to bed so I'm off for a nice bubble bath.

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