***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Evening ladies hope your all well??

I have a quick question if you don't mind answering that would be great :)

How much milk does your little one drink? And how old are they?

The reason I ask is because H can and often does demolish a 4oz bottle and he's only just over 3 weeks! He'll feed every 3-4 hours and 9 times out of ten its the full 4oz! I stop to wind him half way through thinking maybe he's just drinking because it's there, but when I brush his lip with the bottle he'll turned his head and find the teat then drink the rest!

And on top of that when he's having a growth spurt he'll be crying for an extra oz or so only an hour after his big feed. Plus he's on the hungry milk!

I just worry that he's drinking more than he should be and will put on way too much weight. Last week he put on a full lb in 8 days!!


Hey Emma :-) JJ has been on 6oz bottles for around 2 weeks now. Before that, he was taking 5oz for a week...he is a hungry little boy!

My HV told me he was taking too much and I was over feeding, as he had also put on 1lb in 8 days...she said he needed to be weighed every week and monitored closely. It made me feel terrible...

I took him to a walk in centre to be weighed and they told me that putting on 1lb in 8 days is perfectly possible, especially when going through a growth spurt and that I didn't need to take him to get weighed every week - the HV at the centre actually contacted my HV direct to tell her that JJ was healthy and fine and that I wasn't doing anything wrong - yay! :dance: She also said that babies DO NOT overfeed. It's truly hard to know who to listen to sometimes though!

JJ is 8 +2 now - and takes between 30 - 36 oz every day. He normally has 7oz for his first bottle at 5am-ish, the rest are 6oz bottles throughout the day and he more often than not finishes each one.


Hi thanks for the reply,

My HV didn't seem concerned when she weighed him, she said he was still following his birth percentile so it's all fine and like your little boy he is fit and healthy, just has a huge appetite!

I do agree with what the second HV told you. H won't take anymore then he wants. When i brush the teat to his lips/cheek if he doesn't turn and open his mouth then i know he's done!

I was just worried that at such a younger age he may be drinking more than the average. I worry that when he gets bigger i won't be able to keep up with the bottles, they only go up to 9oz he'll be taking 2! I think i'll probably end up weaning early, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

x x x
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This is my profile pic xx

Still cant find you lol!

I'm Cheryl Anderson, this is my prof pic:


See if you can find me :-) xx

That is a beautiful photo Chezza! :love:
Oh Emma btw Scott drinks 6 oz every 3 1/2 to 4 hours and he is nearly 8 weeks old. At 3 weeks he was drinking approx 3 oz when I expressed but not sure what he was getting when he breastfed x
Morning ladies

So i've had an eventful night. H decided after his 3am feed he wanted to wake up and just generally have a moan. He was over tired but wouldn't nod back off! He then did a lovely poop, left him to finish and began the task of changing him. As i lifted him to wipe under the bum he farted! And little poop particles landed on my face :( It took me all my strength not to throw up all over! I finished up in rapid time, and was in the bathroom scrubbing my face in the early hours! Thinking to myself motherhood really isn't glamorous :/ Then this morning i noticed the remnants of poop particles on my glasses, gross!

Also this morning i was getting H dressed in his nursery, he seemed very happy being in his cot so i left him in there while i went to make my bed and get a quick wash. I came back to check on him, and stood for a while to admire my cute little boy, only he then cooed! Up until that moment the only noises to come from him is crying or grunting! I couldn't flipping believe it, he looked so happy and content just laid there looking at his teddy. I ran downstairs to get the camera, only when i got back up there he didn't do it again and proceed to cry. So i brought him downstairs i tried everything to get a coo, singing, dancing, nursery rhymes and blowing raspberries on his cheeks...and nada nothing!

I'm now heading upstairs to burn his teddy!

x x x
I'm lucky enough to be friends with a few of you on facebook...and wondered if anyone else would be interested on "friending"...? I love looking at all of the gorgeous photos of everyone's little one's :-) xx

Rachel Hope - pic is of Ruby in a white bib lol for anyone who wants to add me x

Having trouble locating you too MrsHope...there are quite a few Rachel Hope's out there :-) xx

I've found shell so add me from her page xxx

Ps maybe I should have my name like shells. Hope is so commen pfffft! Way better than my maiden name tho lol x
I'm lucky enough to be friends with a few of you on facebook...and wondered if anyone else would be interested on "friending"...? I love looking at all of the gorgeous photos of everyone's little one's :-) xx

Rachel Hope - pic is of Ruby in a white bib lol for anyone who wants to add me x

Having trouble locating you too MrsHope...there are quite a few Rachel Hope's out there :-) xx

I've found shell so add me from her page xxx

Ps maybe I should have my name like shells. Hope is so commen pfffft! Way better than my maiden name tho lol x

I had to do mine like that as my sil is also michelle hillier lol x
Been awake since 5.30 I'm shattered, madam went back down till 9.30 but went back down at 6.30 as OH alarms started going off.

Having my hair done this afternoon hope madam behaves, I may be some time it's not been cut for ages I think May last year :o shocking!
My little bro is coming to paint the outside of the house so will have to put him on standby to come and get her if she kicks off.

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Morning Ladies, hope you're all well? I changed Scott's milk about a day and a half ago from comfort milk (cow and gate) to Hipp and he has completely stopped farting! He also did a lovely poo last night that was yellow instead of putrid green lol. Hopefully this milk will suit him better, although I've had to change back to size 1 teats as this milk is thinner so it just dribbles down his neck with size 2 teats.

I just read that back LOL! "lovely poo" oh dear, I'm now calling poo lovely lmao!

Add me if you like but I may bore you as I mainly just post Scott pics haha, Name Tammy Large profile pic, yep you guessed it, Scott!

Request sent!! :-) (Cheryl Anderson) xx
Sleeping baby on my shoulder


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Ooo feel free to add me on facebook, I think I annoy everyone putting pics up of Anna all the time and statuses about her haha.

My name is Jennifer Hearn and my pic is me and Anna.

Cant find you JBJ..?? Have a look further this thread for my prof pic - name is Cheryl :-) xx
I'm lucky enough to be friends with a few of you on facebook...and wondered if anyone else would be interested on "friending"...? I love looking at all of the gorgeous photos of everyone's little one's :-) xx

Rachel Hope - pic is of Ruby in a white bib lol for anyone who wants to add me x

Having trouble locating you too MrsHope...there are quite a few Rachel Hope's out there :-) xx

I've found shell so add me from her page xxx

Ps maybe I should have my name like shells. Hope is so commen pfffft! Way better than my maiden name tho lol x

I had to do mine like that as my sil is also michelle hillier lol x

Haha I would say that is strange but my mum has the same problem with my aunty. My mum used to get her mail all the time and it used to pee her off. Lol that was partly to do with the fact we had the same post man as only lived round the corner from her lol I really felt the need to tell u that for some strange reason xx
Love the fact that now we're all new mummies we talk about poo likes it normal! Haha. H was constipated for a day but sure made up for it yesterday! I had my first leaky nappy! I felt like I was back in work. Text my OH to tell him and he bought me a box of disposable gloves home fron work lol.

I had my six week check- all was fine. H has the hospital on Friday for his hips, then he has his six week check on the 10th when he'll actually be 8 weeks old and then he has his needles on the 11th , we have a busy start to July!

Feel free to add me on fb - Victoria Bousfield. My profile pic is a black and white picture of H

Oh also after a major issue with bounty - H's photos finally arrived - 5 weeks, one missing payment and numerous phone calls later. Here they are.

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He looks nothing like this now!

(Soz for the long post).


Beautiful photos!! I was a teeny bit rude to my Bounty lady...she came round to my bed on Day 2 - and I hadn't had a wink of sleep for around 40 hours - she couldn't believe I didn't want photos done and asked me why I didn't want to remember JJ's first couple of days!! Silly woman lol...

I've tried to find you on FB without success! Have a look further up this thread for my prof pic - my name is Cheryl :-) xx
Ooh yay!!

I'm Julia Dickson and this is my profile piccie- I feel like I bore people with piccies too!!!


Jen I've been meaning to send my bump buddy a request for ages!!!!
Go you pandabear I'm desperate to get my weight back under control! Went to an hour long spin class tonight & it nearly killed me haha! My ass is so sore from that bloody seat lol! Trying to stick with it, it's so hard though lol!

I'll need to try aldi nappies iv heard good things! Asdas little angels have been good for me, really don't like pampers though they always leak!


Ha ha!! Have Neva tried spin, maybe u shud try wearing them shirts cyclist wear with padding in the bum? Lol

Honestly best nappys i have used those and boots.!! So cheap too :-)

Haha I was considering that! I'm in agony today!!
just thought i'd update with a resent picture of H. My friend bought us some milestone cards, they are brilliant. Eventually going to put all photos in an album :)

Here's his milestones so far:

Next one is at 4 weeks :) x x x
I'm Amy Quarton, think I've tried adding a few of you. This is my pic - love Evan's snarl!

Well if we're talking of poo, Evan has gone down to about 4 or so a day!!! He's EBF and was previously pooing on every nappy change. He has just been in his bouncy chair again and followed that up with being sick all over himself - and looking very happy with himself.

I've found he's loving the tennis at the mo xx


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Aww what a horrible morning it's been! Rhys got his jags and was a wee star...only made a wee noise. Got him home now however and he has not stopped crying, at one point it got so bad his wee face was scarlett and he wasn't even making a noise! I've NEVER seen him like that...which made me cry and panic like a maniac and phone my mum to come from work! He seems to have settled a little but think it's gona be a long night. Poor wee souls having to go through this!


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