Well ladies! Hello!
I am on the forum quite a lot but I never seem to have enough time to catch up with this thread! Every time I think I've caught up I have to go for an hour or two and then I'm behind again!
Have seen all the pictures of the lovely babies though and they are just delish!
Sophie - I am totally amazed by your running and triathloning, although I have just sorted out corporate gym membership through oh's work and actually am pretty excited to start next week! Never thought I'd say that about the gym! Although I'm really looking forward to some time to myself (makes me feel guilty...)
Chezza - hope things are going well between you and dh now, it sounds like it
Vin - Libby is so cuuuute! How are your pups taking to her? Ours is soft as sh** lol, Daisy is fascinated by him.
BN - that's a brilliant sleep!
Good luck to you Jolly!
So, Daisy's doing really well, she's teething but doesn't seem too bothered by it at the mo touch wood! We've had a few nights where she's been waking in the early hours but other than that I really can't complain. She has two teeth now!
I've started trying her with some veg etc. So far she loves carrot - Vin when I read how Libby was with carrot it was almost exactly what D was like! Munched it!
She is just changing every single day and I love seeing her trying new things. She's spending more time on her tummy these days
We're off to Torquay to see the in-laws this weekend which is nice as they don't get to see D as often as they'd like.
Re: dream feeding, we do it every night. D has a bottle at about 6.45pm, then bed, then I df at around 10/10.30 (she doesn't even wake properly) then she goes til 7 and doesn't even ask for bottle sometimes til 8.30/9! I usually feed her before then mind
Anyway bloody hell that was epic! Here are some pics of my baba