***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Yikes..."officially" entering 5th LEAP today and it may be a huge co-incidence, but JJ is super clingy today and is bawling whenever I put him down...and screaming whenever I leave the room...?? All he wants to do is lay on me and sleep!! xx
Rubbish night here! Rhys woke up at 3am...that's the first time in months he has done that!! It has totally threw me lol!

Also HATING having my period just now omg it's sooo heavy & the cramp is unreal! It's horrible:(!!

Had a bad mummy moment...I was in the kitchen & rhys was in the living room on his wee chair it's like a wee bouncer chair...I came back in and he was on the floor...not crying or anything but I panicked!! Picked him up & he seemed fine apart from a wee red mark on his head which faded 5 mins later! Feel like I'm going to be watching him like a hawk now for drowsiness etc:(!

Glad it's the weekend:) although I don't get my lie in until Sunday as OH plays football every sat and is away from about 9am until 7.30pm lol the joys!

Hope you all have a good day!

hi everyone hope you're all having a good day? My OH is working from home today so he could come to our baby swimming class. Was so much fun splashing about!
oh sophie ella looks like she is enjoying herself!!

this is a gloating moment for me so if ur in a bad mood or grumpy look away now!!
jack, last night, slept from 9.45 pm- 7.30am. i gave him a bottle then popped him back in his cot as i got dressed and ready , looked over and he fell asleep again. he then didnt wake up till 10.30am!! i think he is enjoying the space in his cot!! after the first night i didnt think he would go to sleep, now he is sleeps for england!! im a happy mummy. ive got a bad headache today tho, think i slept too much!! hope everyone is ok today xxxx
Afternoon all, we've had a busy day dropped oh off at work this morning so we could have transport, called at the shops on the way back to see if I could get a new swimming costume but no nowhere had any, people obviously only swim from April to August! Went home shaved my legs and monkey had a sleep, off to swimming met my mum for an hour now sat round the corner from OH work waiting for him to finish. Munchkin is asleep next to me :D

It's belting it down again :(
Another rubbish night last night it's seriously getting beyond a joke now every hr again from 2am mixture of tummy ache and teeth I think.

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Well done brandnew on jack sleeping through (I'm not jealous - honestly)

We've been to babies r us and bought the shop! They had a sale on playskool toys so got H a little stearing wheel for his pram and a couple of bigger toys for Christmas. My sister also got him a activity ball thingy. He's been spoilt rotten this week.
We're off out to lunch tomorrow with my friends and I'm so looking forward to catching up! These are my single with no babies friends so we have a lot of catching up to do :)
Hey ladies,
Hope you are all well. Just got back from center parcs whinfell forest (been with friends) had a nice time. You've all been busy. Ruby has porridge for breakfast (she loves it and shouts if I'm not quick enough getting it in her mouth!) and on a few purees. I picked up so some hip organic and Ella's kitchen ones for her to try when we were away she loves banana apples and pear but not mango! I don't like mango. I'm going to start making my own now too.

Our friends have just found out they are expecting baby number 2 and omg I am so broody despite the fact Ruby doesn't sleep well lol it's not putting me off. My other friend has just announced she is 12 weeks preggers too so babies everywhere!!!!! Arghhhhhhh. Now I know why people have multiple babies. You see and smell a new baby and your addicted! I also informed the hubby I want an icandy when we have baby number two lol already planning it haha xxx
Managed to get 4oz of expressed milk down her took 45 mins and some messing but we did it!!

Nearly bed time lets see what happens then!

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Evan went down at 6... DH is on morning duty if he wakes early and doesn't want to go back to sleep.
Sophie that's such a lovely photo!

Bn freddie slept like a log as soon as we took him out ofhis moses basket :-)

Well my period has finally done one, after waiting so long for it im ready to not have one again for another year!

Doing my 5K run along bournemouth beach tomorrow raising m8ney for poole hospital nicu and bricking it! Im sooooo nervous! Dont think rich will be able to do it with me either as his asthma is really bad at the moment :-( will update you when ive done it!

Evening Ladies,

Sophie, Ella looks gorgeous!! :-)

BN - that's an epic sleep through, well done little man. I wish I could get JJ to sleep past 05.30am - 06.00am, but he is awake at that time every morning!

Jolly - best of luck for tmrw...hope you got some more donations and made target??

Had a nice dinner tonight - just cracked open a bottle of red...and daddy is on night time duty tonight and first feed in the morning, whoop whoop!!! I am SO looking to having a lay in.

Tmrw we are off to a VERY posh hotel/restaurant for a nice lunch - joint bday celebration for my mum and our wedding anniversary...I hope Joshie behaves himself!! xxx
Good luck jolly!

Sophie that's lovely pic.

Amy I hope Evan is a good lad for you.

Well tonight so far success!

She had that bottle, had her jammies on boob downstairs finished boob on bed popped her off, gave her a cuddle and popped her in her cot, she whined for 10 mins then cried went up gave her a kiss gave her teddy and bunny turned music box back on and left her. And she's asleep.

Wondering whether to try a dream feed or not tonight??
Good luck V&B...hope your night is successful!!

I tried to dream feed Joshie a couple of times in the early days and he was having none of it lol!!

In between screaming / crying fits today, he has had quite a lot of sleep...more than usual...hope it doesn't impact on tonight! xxx
I'm thinking she would probably wake up if I tried, hmmmm will give it a miss I think.

Hope you have a lovely meal, make sure you tell us all about all the lovely food.

I'm exhausted off to bed soon

See you tomorrow
Evening ladies

Jolly good luck for tomorrow, I'm sure you'll do great xx

V&B hope Libby sleeps through, if not I hope you get a good stretch from her :) xx

Amy is Evan going down any easier now his medal have been changed? Xx

Brandnew, what a sleep! What's your trick? Lol xx

Stargirl, I love babiesRus!! I could spend so much in there and have done on occasion! I'll be hitting that shop when it comes to Xmas! Can't wait :D xx

Mrs hope I hope you don't mind me saying but your crackers!!! Lol and extremely brave. I can't even think about having another baby just now, I plan on leaving it a year or so at least! :D xx

Well we've had a lovely day. Done nothing at all but play and watch tv lol it's been bliss, the only trouble I've had with H is him needing to be rocked slightly to have his naps. But he's had 3 40-60 min sleeps so there is the positives :)

He tried carrots today for the first time, he loved them. He'd just drank 5oz bottle and I honestly thought he wouldn't entertain it as he'd be full. But he ate every mouthful, opened his mouth wide and hardly any at all. Only the odd bit escaped as he was moving it to be back of his mouth to swallow, and he got upset with me when I took the bowl out lol

He's had his bath, his bottle and has been in bed since 8pm. Fingers crossed for a good nights sleep, however OH is doing nightshirt and first feed in the morning. I'll be miffed if he sleeps through the night! Lol haha

Had a lovely hot bubble bath I'm now gonna snuggle up eat chocolate and watch a film!

Night night ladies and babies x x x
Well ladies! Hello!

I am on the forum quite a lot but I never seem to have enough time to catch up with this thread! Every time I think I've caught up I have to go for an hour or two and then I'm behind again! ;)

Have seen all the pictures of the lovely babies though and they are just delish!

Sophie - I am totally amazed by your running and triathloning, although I have just sorted out corporate gym membership through oh's work and actually am pretty excited to start next week! Never thought I'd say that about the gym! Although I'm really looking forward to some time to myself (makes me feel guilty...)

Chezza - hope things are going well between you and dh now, it sounds like it :)

Vin - Libby is so cuuuute! How are your pups taking to her? Ours is soft as sh** lol, Daisy is fascinated by him.

BN - that's a brilliant sleep!

Good luck to you Jolly!

So, Daisy's doing really well, she's teething but doesn't seem too bothered by it at the mo touch wood! We've had a few nights where she's been waking in the early hours but other than that I really can't complain. She has two teeth now!
I've started trying her with some veg etc. So far she loves carrot - Vin when I read how Libby was with carrot it was almost exactly what D was like! Munched it!

She is just changing every single day and I love seeing her trying new things. She's spending more time on her tummy these days :)

We're off to Torquay to see the in-laws this weekend which is nice as they don't get to see D as often as they'd like.

Re: dream feeding, we do it every night. D has a bottle at about 6.45pm, then bed, then I df at around 10/10.30 (she doesn't even wake properly) then she goes til 7 and doesn't even ask for bottle sometimes til 8.30/9! I usually feed her before then mind ;)

Anyway bloody hell that was epic! Here are some pics of my baba




Awww PP....Daisy is beautiful!!!!! Are you on facebook at all...we all tend to catch up on there day to day at the moment :-) xxxx
Well Rian has not been himself all day he had an epic 3.5hr nap this afternoon so god knows wat sort of night we will have!! He didnt go ti sleep till 9pm x
Another 2 wake Ups for Evan, but one was at 8.50 last night so can't complain! He was up at 6.30 but dh was on duty after he was fed.

Evan has started babbling. So funny.

I have screwed up my neck. Can't turn or bend it. It's cos i have to watch Evan while i feed him.

Dh has taken Evan to musical monkeys this morning so have a hour to myself. Don't know what to do lol!

PP - Daisy is so yummy :) xx

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