***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Evan managed half an hour lol. We went to town instead. Just went for a walk with him and my dad and he dozed for 15 mins. I just give up with naps, if he's tired he'll sleep... lol xxx
Well tonight is the night!!! That jack is goin into his cot for the first time!! He has officially grown out of his Moses basket. Nervous doesn't even come close. Still at least I got good use out of his basket. 6 months is quite good! Still can't believe he has outgrown it considering how tiny he was when we brought him home!! It's amazing how much he has grown. I'm imagining a sleepless tonight as I worry about him and not being able too watch him or see him without getting out of bed!! Xx
With was quiet for 20 mins then cried so we've been bouncing had cuddles and she's now having a kick on her mat.
Think I'm going to try and get her to bed for 6.30 tonight after her late night last night she's going to need I think.
Also want to start changing bedtime routine so I'm not feeding her to sleep in bed, I need to be able to go out for tea with the girls and not come home to a baby that's been sobbing as she can't go to sleep :( :(

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Hi ladies, I haven't been on as much got loads to catch up on.

Chezza, congratulations and enjoy your yummy take away :)

Emma, happy 4 months to baby Harrison :)

H fights his daytime sleeps, either my mum nurses him or he has to go in his pram and be rocked. He mostly has half a hour but every now and then will have a massive sleep. I struggle to nurse him to sleep, he just seems to get more worked up when I try.

Went to tiny talk (sing and sign) yesterday, it was fab, h and I really enjoy it.

I live a 2 minute walk from my local church and on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they have activities on that you can take your children too. They have a jungle gym type play area too. My mum and I went to have a look today and to get the number for the vicar so we can start planning Harry's christening. I haven't a clue where to start and I'm slightly nervous about ringing him. I feel guilty because I don't go church regularly. Any advice on how to plan a christening is welcome :)

Also I've tried H on a bit of apple and pear and sweet potato this week. He's been very interested in food for a couple of weeks now, trying to grab at anything in my hand. He's very stead sitting, though still not unaided and his hand eye co-ordination has come on loads in what seems like overnight, so I thought id try him on Saturday and he loved it! I was a bit wary because he's still young yet but I think I have made the right decision. He gets so excited when he sees the bowl and is all smiles when feeding and he then cries when it's all gone. My little boy is so grown up!

Gosh, this post turned epic, sorry ladies. Hope everyone is well. X
Is anyone else using Tapatalk? Since ios7 it's not letting me on here!! Grrrr!!!

Well, it's official now I have my period...we're ttc no.2!!!! Eek!!! We were going to wait until December and after the wedding but given that it took a little while last time we're going to get going now!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, I can't imagine ever being able to love another baby as much as I love Freddie, but we want them fairly close in age so if all goes to plan there will be anywhere from 15months age gap.

BN- how exciting/scary that Jack is in his cot!! I have to say part of me is dreading the day Freddie moves into his own room, but it will be nice for me and oh to have some baby-making space again!!! ;-) x
Evening Ladies & Babies!!

Phew...stuffed full of chicken katsu and spicy noodles...now for a cheeky glass of red! Mid week drinking...terrible!! :-)

Brandnew - hope little Jack sleeps well in his big boys cot!

Jolly81 - WOW! That's very exciting!! To be honest, if were in a better position financially, then we would probably be doing the same, but I really don't want to drain our savings! Good luck...fingers crossed for a BFP very soon! xxx
We have NO savings at all (other than the ever increasing wedding budget) but figure we'll find a way one way or another. I think if we waited until we'd recovered from Freddie and wedding we'd never have another baby!! The only thing that really freaks me out is childcare x 2, but then maybe I'd go onto have no.3 so then I'd have longer at home and then free childcare would kick in for no.1!! Who knows, it is very scary!! X
Very exciting though!! We definitely want another little one and would like one sooner rather than later as I'm 35 and I realise (as I keep being told!) that "time is not on my side!".

The problem is our house is only a 2 bedroom too and I really would prefer to be settled in a 3 bedroom...but that would mean saving up a hell of a lot of cash to buy a bigger property - and I cant see that happening anytime soon because I'm going part time and we have nursery fee's going out too :-( If it happened, I'm sure we would manage...but I cant help but think that we should better prepare ourselves. But then, lol...I think "is there any perfect time / situation to have a baby...?" xxx
You ladies are nuts! I can't imagine having another one for at least a few years regardless of money/housing etc. I need that long to recover from Evan! xx
Not planning on number 2 for a couple of years, don't want to leave it much later than that.

Well early night didn't work, went off no problem woke after 35 minutes then took ages to get back off she was overtired f2f she stays down for good chunk!

Watching bake off after eating takeaway pizza :o
V&B I would recommend a door bouncer - Evan had an 'unprovoked' nap on me earlier following a session in the bouncer.

I also had takeaway pizza :) xx
Planning baby no 2 already, Jolly... you're mad lol! Ella is a task master. I couldn't imagine looking after her while pregnant or with a baby in tow! Hats off to you!
Am a bit sad this eve. OH says he feels like I give him tasks to do & that's our only communication with each other. I know what he means, but if I don't ask him to do things, he would never think to do them on his own.
I think we're both just constantly tired as I get up for feeds during the night & we both do training for triathlon so our days are quite regimented getting up early so we can both go running etc It's Easy to get annoyed simply because you're tired.
Anyway I'm rambling now... good night, ladies & babies!
Me and OH had a few 'words' tonight. Jack was crying and got himself in such a state that he made himself sick. So my OH quickly put jacks bottle down to clear it up and accidently dropped a few drops of milk onto the screen of his iPhone. He turns to me and says come and clear this milk up off my phone before it wrecks it! All the while jack is sat on my OH's lap, covered in sick!! I just looked at my OH and said a very naughty word! Before taking jack off him so I could sort him out. And then my OH could sort his stupid phone out!! Pissed off doesn't come close. Once I sorted jack and popped him down for a nap, a few choice words were pointed in my OH's direction. Needless to say I think approximately 3 words have been said since!!! I was just so angry that he was more worried about his phone than he was jack!! And not only that he is getting lazier by the day. It's driving me insane. Sry girls rant over Xxxxyx
Happy anniversary Chezza xx

Stargirl we have tried Rian on apple and pear he loves it he opens his mouth up as soon as he sees the spoon :lol:

Happy 4months to H Emma xx

Jolly me too exciting and scary all in one xxx
Yay shell!!!!

Chezza so sorry, didn't say happy anniversary!!!!!

BN- my oh can be the same, but it's more to do with the telly -I'll be asking for him to get a mussy if Freddie's been sick and I can't move and he'll just be fixated on telly, I sometimes have to shout for him to take notice!!! Hope he apologises to you x
Oh Sophie boo!!! The thing is, if we don't ask oh's to do things they won't do them!!!

Will you have a chance to get out one evening just the two of you for a drink or meal? And then maybe you can talk about non-baby related things? It totally changes your relationship doesn't it :-( x
Morning all,

Sorry you've had oh issue's, think mines realized how much of a monkey she can be after she cried for 3 hrs the other night.

It's hissing it down here this morning :( so looks like we are digging out the waterproof to go for a stroll.

Every 2hrs last night we were up improvement on recent nights when it's been every hour, wish this tooth would hurry up.

She's laid on her tummy on my bed watching beebies :D too cute.

1st day of 30 day shred DVD this morning whilst she naps not going to be able to move tomorrow.
Morning all,

I have a weaning question so far we have tryed baby porridge, apple and pear all a hit today we are introducing some veg puree do i offer this warm or cold sorry if thats a daft question ive not got a clue x
Morning All!

Have been up since 4.45am...LO fancied a squawk and wriggle session!! Yawn...

It's funny- but a lot of us seem to be going through a niggly phase with our OH's...it's amazing just how much us mummies change when babies come along, but in reality daddies don't appear to change much at all? Sorry...not meaning to come across as sexist at all...it would be the same if the daddies stayed at home whilst mummies went straight back to work, I'm sure! I hope it's a passing phase for all currently enduring a tough time xx

I'm thinking I might try and go out for the day soon and leave LO with DH...he has only really done a max of 2.5 hours...he has no idea what a full day is like at all.

Anyway...it's p'ing it down here and because I'm shattered from being up so early, we are having a pj day :-)

Shell - you can warm purees up if you wish...I tend to defrost mine to room temp and just serve them like that. Try both ways and see if R has a preference...? xxx
Day 1 done, not as unfit as I thought! Muscles will ache like he'll no doubt.

Baby is still cooing away she should be asleep! She's having a very chatty day today she's not shut up yet.

I'm a very bad mummy when it cones to weaning she didn't have anything yesterday :o

Need a shower but don't want to disturb her.

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