Sorry some of you had rough nights xxx I had another early morning wake up call from my little cherub this morning, so have been up since 5am. He's great at sleeping through the night most of the time, but he does love his early mornings and never goes back to sleep....little monkey.
Emma - same thing used to happen to me! DH would take night shift every Sat night to give me a break and Joshie (before he slept through the night regularly) would sleep through!
What formula is Harrison currently on then? I recently finished weaning Joshie off comfort milk - he had the last combi mix on Friday. Funnily enough, he hasn't been for a poop now for about 36 hours though...not getting too worried yet, but I do hope to see a nice big messy nappy very soon!!
Today I am roasting off a nice big hunk of beef, with crispy roast potatoes, parsnips, butternut squash and buttered cabbage - with Yorkshire puds too. YUM!! xxx
Hey chezza he's on sma lactose free at the moment. I'm really hoping they'll let me try to wean him. And fingers crossed he takes to regular formula, it will make things so much easier weaning wise. I bought Nelson's teething granules on Friday, I couldn't give him them as they contain lactose!
I hope JJ has done a huge poop for you buy now?
I need to ask you ladies a question Harrison isn't drinking much formula at all. So far today he's had a grand total of 16oz :/ he had 6oz at 6.30am, 5oz at 10am then nothing til 5pm! I tried to feed him at 2pm but he screamed like I was trying to poison him, he took 1oz of it then fussed and fell asleep. He then showed signs of hunger at 5pm and had 4oz.
OH is currently bathing him. I'm gonna attempt to feed him at about 8pm before bed. If he doesn't eat should I give him a dream feed? Just to top him off. He's a big lad at least 16pounds at a guess, I'm getting him weighed this week. I'm gonna ask the HV about it, but is anyone else having these kinda issues?