***April & May Mummy & Baby***

Amy, is he pushing it out with his tongue? If yes, stop for a week and try again. If more ends up being pushed out, he isnt ready hun

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Well I'm crapping myself. I have the dentist tomorrow and have to have my very first filling. I'm scared because I don't know what to expect?! I'm expecting pain and discomfort. Can't be any worse than after my c section but even so I'm still led here worrying. My mum is looking after jack for me so I don't have to worry if he will wake up or cry etc during it. I've got away with not needing a filling for 30 years!! But I may as well have the treatment done whilst its still free! (Makes me sound like a right cheap skate)! But I am now on full smp and money is tight. Make the most of what we're given. Xxxx
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Morning all Libby woke up at 7 but didn't want to be awake still doesn't but can't seem to close her eyes, fx she'll drop back off soon she's laid on my bed not making a peep staring at the tv.

Woooop eyes closed!!

Off to meadowhell today with my mum, no money to spend but it's miserable out so not a lot else to do.

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Good luck BN!! I have my 6 monthly check up and hygienist tmrw...last time I laid in the dentist chair I was very heavily pregnant and very uncomfortable lol!

We are supposed to have a bright sunny day today...not looking hopeful at the moment though! JJ had a good night - 18.45 - 06.30...he doesn't seem any better or worse today, so we are going to go to our first sing and sign class and see how it goes!

Have a good day ladies and babies xxx
Super jealous of your good night, Chezza!
I went swimming yesterday evening and when I came back, E was still awake just crying. She hadn't had a nap since 2p.m. and that was just a quick 30 mins! I fed her a knoc-out boob to get her to sleep and took her upstairs to bed. we came up at 11 and all was looking good. She then woke up at 12 for a feed which is unheard of and then just cried after that so had to take her downstairs away from OH as he has to work today. I didn't get to sleep again until 3 a.m. She woke up at 5:30 for a feed. I was supposed to go for a run after this, but there was no way I could get up! She was up for the day at 7 as if nothing unusual had happened in the night! Grrr!
We've got her injections today too. Could really do with being on the ball today if she feels poorly later.
Hope everyone else had better nights than me!
Morning ladies!

Good luck brandnew. Sophie your night sounds like my night! H was up every couple of hrs wanting milk. As well as the leap at 4 months is there also a growth spurt around 17 weeks??? He just seems unable to go as long between feed at the moment.

He's been awake since 6. Really wingy for me but then giggled for daddy - the little traitor. He really didn't want to nap this morning but I fought long and hard and he finally settled on his cot of all places. I haven't been able to get him to sleep in his cot during the day for weeks!

The weather is rubbish here so think we'll stay in. I'm going to take h to be weighed at 1 but its only round the corner. Think we'll then come back and find our favourite spot on the couch lol.
Wow chezza how do you manage to get JJ down so early?

Brand new good luck at the dentist Hun, I hate those places I'm well over due a check up.

V&B have fun at meadow hall, even if you are just window shopping :)

Sophie what a night! Hopefully she'll have a good nap today so you can relax for a little. Good luck with her jabs too x

We managed 8.30 again last night, we put him down at 8 but he spent 20 mins talking to his mobile and grizzling so I went up gave him a hug and kiss popped him back down and he was gone! Little mite just wanted a cuddle :) he then slept til 4am and then again til 7.30. He's up fed, washed and dressed ready for mummy to take him to see his aunty.

Hope you all have a good day, see you later xxx
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Ladies I take it u have seen the thread in the main room about saralouise an little Harrison. I'm sure we are all wishing them both well and hope Harrison gets well soon xxx
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Emma - it's taken a good few weeks to get to this point - but we kept moving bedtime back by 10 mins every night. Now he has a bath at 17.45pm, bottle, then straight down to self settle. He had a habit of going a bit nuts each night between 18.00 - 19.00pm (The witching hour as we called it!) - and wondered if it was him telling us that he wanted to go to bed...turns out he was!

It's weird (but lovely too!) to have so much of our evening back and to be able to eat dinner together at a reasonable hour.

Have seen that BN - sent Sara a little message. Poor little H xx
Poor Sarah and Harrison. Hope he gets well soon.

Just had my little Harry weighed and he's 14lb 10oz so I'm guessing that answers my question about a growth spurt earlier - he's put on 1lb 1 oz in 2 weeks!

He's jumped up off his line slightly. Gave myself a little pat on the back as I was panicking that maybe my milk was getting low as he was starting to feed more often and seemed to be sucking harder. Guess he was just demanding more milk. Got to 4 months bfing- that was my goal :) now let's see if we can get to 5 months.
wow Nikki! Looking good girl! Twins are scrumptious as usual, so when are you having another? :lol:

Just wondering, whatever happened to linny? Wasn't she your bump buddy Ceecee? She's just disappeared like the other twin moms :(

Just done another half an hour on the exercise bike before bed, I WILL get under 10 stone before the end of September if it kills me!

I wish I could get into a better routine with Scott, reading alot of your posts and I notice most are in bed before 8. I have never once managed to get him down before 9 and even then I wake him back up for his last sleepy bottle at about 10 pm otherwise he'd have me up in the night.

As it stands his "routine" is, I wake him between half 5 and 6 am for his first feed. 2nd feed about 9, 3rd feed about half 12, 4th between 4 and half past and then another at 7 pm. We then usually walk the dog for an hour and Scott sleeps in his sling or pushchair, that takes us to about half 8pm. Then he has a bath and drifts off and I wake him about 10 for one last bottle.

I think I either need to stop walking the dog so we can put Scott into his cot at half 7 or try to drop the 10 pm feed. I'm not sure what to do atm because we like going for a walk after dinner and didn't really want to stop until it gets colder.

What routine are you in? I need some tips, been along time since I did this malarkey lol x


Just seen this, lol 7 days late Linnys disappeared from the forum! lol. Think its probably just lots of hassle with three young girls, but ill let her know you were asking about her!
Just got back fro Ella's jabs, poor little baby, she didn't half scream. She was really good though, she just whimpered in my arms afterwards and fell asleep in the car seat afterwards and is still out for the count.

Well done, Stargirl and well done little H! Glad he's putting on weight nicely. I just had E weighed today and she's 12lb. They said she's got really big feet and is taller than average but average weight. Wonder if that means she's going to be tall and slim?
Well I'm back from the dentist. I'm traumatised. Seem to have had a bit of a reaction to the anaesthetic. Feel sick and shaky. Glad my oh is home from work shortly. Feel a bit worried about handling jack. Had 4 injections in total. Mouth is all lopsided and I can't drink properly. Hope all the gorgeous babies r ok today. X

Just got back and I'm currently trying to get madam back to sleep, tried cot tried boob she's now in her swing.

This is madam this morning in a 0-3 month outfit!


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Woooop nice one star girl and h!

Poor Ella hope she feels better soon.

Brandnew hope the drugs wear off soon :)

I'm off to the kitchen to defrost some sausages for dinner. Toad in the hole yum!

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Oh no, poor you, brandnew. Hope your OH comes home soon so you can have a night off from baby duties.

Libby is so cute! She's so dinky!! Ella got weighed and measured today. She's 5.5kg (average) and 62.5cm long (above average) and they commented on how big her feet were!

Poor little mite is out for the count.

Enjoy your toad in the hole V&B - we've got spag bol!
It's not working! She's getting louder grrrrrrrrrr I know she's knackered she's only had 20 mins earlier then 10 mins in the car.

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Sophie hope your lo is ok after jabs!
Brandnew hope you feel better soon.
V&b look at those tights! So so cute :)

We were going to have spaghetti Bol for tea but oh has phoned to say he's going to be late in and I'm not that hungry as I ate lunch late. So think I might just do beans on toast after h has gone to bed. :)

Here he is hanging out under his play gym :)
Brought some baby rice today ready for Rian to try!! Feeling pretty clueless when it comes to weaning and then the postie brings me a 5 step weaning plan from cow and gate which has helped. I so glad i joined all these things online when preggers lol.

Littlemans not himself today hes only had 4 bottles and by now hes normaly had his 5th bedtime bottle. Hes asleep now could be a long night. Xx
She had a suck on a sweet potato wedge tonight :) got a bit in her mouth :)

Oh is just getting her ready for bed then its up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire for her.

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