wow Nikki! Looking good girl! Twins are scrumptious as usual, so when are you having another?
Just wondering, whatever happened to linny? Wasn't she your bump buddy Ceecee? She's just disappeared like the other twin moms
Just done another half an hour on the exercise bike before bed, I WILL get under 10 stone before the end of September if it kills me!
I wish I could get into a better routine with Scott, reading alot of your posts and I notice most are in bed before 8. I have never once managed to get him down before 9 and even then I wake him back up for his last sleepy bottle at about 10 pm otherwise he'd have me up in the night.
As it stands his "routine" is, I wake him between half 5 and 6 am for his first feed. 2nd feed about 9, 3rd feed about half 12, 4th between 4 and half past and then another at 7 pm. We then usually walk the dog for an hour and Scott sleeps in his sling or pushchair, that takes us to about half 8pm. Then he has a bath and drifts off and I wake him about 10 for one last bottle.
I think I either need to stop walking the dog so we can put Scott into his cot at half 7 or try to drop the 10 pm feed. I'm not sure what to do atm because we like going for a walk after dinner and didn't really want to stop until it gets colder.
What routine are you in? I need some tips, been along time since I did this malarkey lol x