Finally got around to taking a no bump picture and making a comparison. Still a few kilos to go, but i am so pleased to get my body back. I never thought i would! The bump pic was taken about 3 hours before my csection
Tambo, mine were the same until a few weeks ago, but they were super cranky i the evenings, so i started bringing bedtime forward slowly to get them down before they got too cranky and it all fell into place. Bath is now at 7:30pm, then i feed until they sleep. But you have to do what suits you! If you are happy with his bedtime then there is no reason to change it
Morning ladies and babies
Hope you have a fab time chezza! Xx
Knopk shame your holiday didn't turn out as planned still at least your little lad had a blast, bless him. Xx
My night, in a word was lovely! he went down just past 9pm fell asleep near straight away and didn't wake til 6am!! Had a 5.5oz feed and is still sleeping now! I'm laid in bed with a brew, hadn't done this since carrying him, bliss lol
Hope every one else's night was uneventful? Xxx