Thanks ladies.
He's fine, can't say the same for our car
He's suffering with headache, sore knees, elbows etc etc was checked at the roadside but refused to go to hospital. The back end of the car is crushed and apparently the floor is buckled so it no a write off.
The other drive admitted fault straight away, he was distracted by a runner wearing orange shorts?! He didn't see the traffic had stopped and went straight up my fellas rear end, tut.
But the main thing is everyone was ok, thank god.
On a baby related note H decided he wanted to put up a bit of a fight going to sleep! He's been awake siince 4.30pm and was clearly tired. But mummy won and he is now in bed fast a sleep. We shall see how long he sleeps for tonight.
Cuppa tea, biscuits, snuggle with the fella and white chapel on tv....bliss.
Night night ladies and babies hope every one sleeps well xxx