*April 2018 Mummies*

My friend's baby was breech she went for an elective. Few checks on the morning and a scan they discovered baby had turned and she had the option to go home and wait for things to happen naturally or go ahead with the planned section. She went ahead as planned because in her head she was meeting her baby that day x
I have a feeling that she won't turn. That she hasn't got enoigh room to move now. When she stretches out it's beginning to feel uncomfortable.
Yes I think I would do the same but just feel like any health care professional will be like there's plenty of time which I agree with but it's be nice to have a plan b
A plan B is always good Loula! It's really scary to think though that we could have our babies by the end of next month! :shock:

Really looking forward to seeing baby girl again tomorrow :)
Just thread hopping. Thanks for you comment on the other thread cossie. Im very relieved scan went ok. Hope all you ladies are feeling well...cant believe its just a matter of weeks now! Xx
Nice to see you here melly.
Hope you are getting on ok xxx
Thanks loula. Feeling well apart from a few mild symptoms. 8 weeks tomorrow so hoping next 4 weeks go quickly! Hope you are ok too x
I’m sure they’ll fly by Melly! :)

Scan today went well, baby girl is approx 4lbs and measuring average on the charts :D was really good to see her again!

I’ve got the consultant tomorrow to discuss the whole cholestasis thing and the midwife who scanned me today said there is likely to be a plan of action put in place tomorrow which makes me a little nervous!!! Xx
So no plan of action from today and the consultant didn’t seem to know why I was there to see her :roll: my iron levels have dropped so I’m now on iron tablets too. I’ve got to go in for weekly blood tests and monitoring until she’s born now and consultant again in 4 weeks
Completely normal for iron levels to drop.
I'm hoping today the midwife will say they've come up x
That's the big joke, there's the same amount of iron in your body, there's just more fluid and blood volume so the iron is diluted making the level look lower on a test result.

Not to take away from ensuring your iron levels are sufficient for recovering from childbirth later on xx
Its just the fact that im on Urso for the cholestasis, omeprazole for the acid reflux, now iron tablets for the low iron levels and on top of that ive had to make an appointment this morning with gp as my cough is worse than ever and its pulling on my stomach muscles. Is anyone else just waiting for the warmer weather to arrive so these bugs can just go away?

Aaaaand Ive got another chest infection. More antibiotics. More medication. :roll:

So my iron levels have come up but the midwife wants me to carry on with them until the end which I'm ok with.

The midwife also told me that we will reassess the breech situation after my next scan in 2 weeks which I'm happy with. She did ask if I would consider a breech delivery but I was like noooo.
Aww cossie hope you're on the mend soon!

Lovely to hear you're 8 weeks Melly hope the next 4 go quickly for you!

Breech delivery?! Nothing makes me cross my legs and wince more than that thought! Hope she turns for you in plenty of time,Izzy was breech a week before but flipped in time xx
Anyone else started throwing up again? Think I got about a month off and now it's started again,been rotten all week! So ready for due date to be here,throwing up no sleep and feeling massive! X
I'm pretty much psyching myself up for a section now even though I know it can all change.

I've started feeling sick at times but no actual vomiting thankfully. Just tired
Hope you all start feeling better soon.
I've been surprisingly OK. Movements are getting crazy, think I've got a proper diva in there. Which is making me think the placenta is still low. I had an anterior placenta with A and def didn't feel this much movement. Unless a low anterior placenta can go posterior?

My scan next week has been moved to the following week to stop me going 3 weeks in a row. My bloods and kidney function are all good so far which is reassuring. I cant believe 6 weeks left at work and I'll be on mat leave. Its flying in.

Still feeling rubbish today, just hoping that the coughing doesn't keep me up again tonight.

That sucks CD, I suppose spreading out the appointments though will help time to not drag!
Just popped over to the March mummies thread and they've had their first baby already!!! Not long to go for us now ladies!

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