*April 2018 Mummies*

Oh Lander, I'm so sorry to hear that, it must be really hard for you. I hope you're ok.

Loula - I'm washing everything in fairy non-bio might be going sligtly over the top! It is all so tiny when it's hanging on the washing line!

So sorry Lander, I cant even begin to imagine what you are going through :(

Sorry for your loss.
Everything has been lying in a box from the loft or in the spare room so could be dusty. Maybe I'll start with bibs and Muslins until the furniture arrives at the end of the month then I can do clothes. I've bought 5 baby grows up to 10lbs the rest are 0 to 3. Can't believe it's this stage already. 33 weeks today x
Unfortunately my mum passed away early hours of this morning. But I'd had the chance to say my goodbye etc so now I'm just glad she's no longer enduring all her ailments etc. Very sad but I'd had some time to adjust and prepare as well.


Just thread jumping for a moment. Just wanted to say im really sorry Lander to hear about your mum....you must be devastated, even though you had time to prepare. It still comes as a huge shock. Look after yourself xx
Thinking of you lander,just so so sorry

I'm using fairy non bio too,powder and fabric softener. Used it with izzy and she never reacted even tho she reacted to some bubble baths so will use it again for seb while hes little. We just use tesco non bio now shes older and shes been fine x
Bump has grown loads and I've lost about 11lb since starting the GDM diet... have actually seen a foot sticking out against my tummy this morning! :oooo:
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I've been having feet stick out to Lander! It's brilliant, if a little sore at times :).

Baby is still transverse, so I have a very odd shaped bump! i can feel her head sticking out to the side. Anyone else woth a transverse baby? And hints or tips to encorage her to turn?

Have a look on spinning babies.
I have a breech baby x
This one is lying back along the left and she keeps pulling my muscles on that side, hanging out lol
Morning, is anyone planning to (or has experience of) raspberry leaf tea? Does it work? When do you start? And how much?

Hope you're all ok and have lovely weekends planned

Oooh I forgot to update. She's turned she's head down. Another scan in 3 weeks too. So we've gone from 3lb4oz 3 weeks ago to 4lb12oz now still following the 50th percentile or just under.

Personally I haven't used the raspberry leaf tea. It works for some and not for others I think it's best from 36 weeks. From other people's experiences sometimes these things do work but sometimes they dont. I'm a firm believer in baby will come when they are ready x
Yay! So pleased to here LO is the right way round! Did you do spinning babies Loula? My little rascal is still definitely transverse :) I've been doing some of the exercises that recommend. Mx
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No I looked on there the other night at work and some of it was quite off putting. I've let her do it herself. I did so much walking last week and I'm fairly active so that could be why. She could still turn back but here's hoping she doesnt.

I thought I better start washing some bits seeing as I'm 34 weeks tomorrow x
Oooo yay Loula! That's very exciting! Will you still opt for a section or will you try for a natural labour & birth?

I've had a very emotional day and I am 150% sure it's down to hormones and nothing else. My little boy told me he loved me very much and I cried. I watched a birth story YouTube video and I cried. I had a cuddle with the cat and I cried. My friend got engaged and I bawled my eyes out - 1) because I am really happy for her and 2) because it hit me that I'll be turning 30 next year and I am not engaged, not married and I never ever dreamed that I would be turning 30 and not be married and that made me cry even more. Ruddy hormones!!!!

Hope everyone is doing ok? Next week we will be saying that we are due our babies next month!!! :D
If she stays head down I shall have a natural labour with her.
I haven't watched anything to do with birth yet I can't bring myself to do it. However one born is back in March so I shall dabble In that.
Oh don't I'm 32 this year not enehahrd not married and will have 2 kids with 2 different fathers. Sometimes it bothered me but then again it doesn't . We are happy.
Omg March is next week how scary x
Right ladies, my partner has made an amazing discovery this morning.

At the moment we are both incredibly bunged up and I’ve also got sinusitis (which they won’t prescribe antibiotics for as I don’t have a temperature with it etc etc) so am in a lot of pain with my sinuses.

Onto this morning - OH was washing his hair (leaning over the bath as we don’t have a shower) and needed to blow his nose. So he cupped his hands and filled them with water and blew into the water and said all the funk and rubbish just came out! I didn’t really believe him but thought I’ll give it a go because I’m in so much pain and thought I’ve got nothing to lose. So I went to the sink and gave it a go. Oh. My. God. It instantly eased the pressure on my sinuses and the pain lifted! It didn’t disappear but it’s so much more manageable now!!!

So if you’re suffering with your sinuses or a blocked nose it’s worth a shot! I had tried steam inhalation, saline nasal spray, honey & lemon, heat pack, cold pack and paracetamol and nothing had worked!

Sorry for the long post but I really thought it was worth just letting you guys know in case any of you were suffering and had tried everything and just want some relief! It’s worth trying! I also posted this on our FB group :)
I thought the same. I do t think everyone posts x
I don't think it helps me being on maternity leave so early as the time I do have to myself I tend to check here to try and stop me twiddling my thumbs! :lol:

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