*April 2018 Mummies*

I saw that too Cossie! I said to Adam that's pike me having him a month early on the 17th March,so not ready yet need to get my butt in gear lol x
Ahhh how exciting for the March mammies. I can’t wait till ours all start arriving!!!xxx
Its really scary to think that some of us could end up with March babies!! Very exciting though! Itll soon be our turn!!

As long as it's the end of March I'll be happy haha xx
Same here Loula! At least I would have hit term by the end of March! And thats a really scary thought that Ive only got 5 weeks til term! :shock: xx

As long as she waits until her room is ready and everything is washed.
4 weeks and 5 days until I'm 37 weeks that is so scary. Can't believe it's nearly the end x
Hoping this one stays put, I booked A's 3rd birthday party for the day I'm 37 weeks. Starting to think I'm off my head but it'll be the last big fuss for him (hopefully) before baby arrives. Am I crazy?

I know Loula, it only feels like yesterday that we were starting our Tri 1 thread. I almost feel a little sad that it’s almost over!

You’re not crazy CD! Baby girl’s due date is actually the same as DS’s was! So we really don’t know what to do with regards to his birthday as if my bile acid levels come up I might be allowed to go full term and possibly start labour naturally, it all depends on if the urso works. However, it’s more likely that he will now have his sister here for his birthday. I think he’s excited but I’m almost a little disappointed that he won’t get one final birthday with just him xx
Pretty sure my mum won't last out the week let alone six weeks plus with the hope of her seeing baby. Have been reconciling myself to it happening for a few weeks now.
What have you packed cossie? I've not started thinking about mine yet - but I'm a little way behind you :) x
I'm going to start packing mine next week when dd is back at school but will just be basic until I know how much I will need
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I’ve gone with what I actually used when I was in last time - bearing in mind last time I had an emergency c section and was in for 3 days.

I’ve got 2 nighties, a pack of socks, a pack of pants, a clean bra, flip flops, a tshirt, hoodie & maternity leggings (I’ll be adding maternity jeans to this nearer the time once I know if I’ll have a date for an induction as I only have 2 pairs), plastic bag for dirty stuff, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, hair bands, some mascara & deodorant (all travel sized) and then I’ll pack a bit nearer the time things like phone charger, camera, iPad and some snacks.

Baby has a pack of nappies, 5 Sleepsuits, 5 vests, cardigan, hats & scratch mitts (not sure I’ll use the mitts as Sleepsuits have them built in), bibs (again not sure I’ll use them but they’re cute and came with a couple of the Sleepsuits so I thought why not), muslins, water wipes (because faffing around with cotton wool and water after a section was the last thing I needed but as I didn’t have them last time I had to and I really wish I had just bought a pack or two!), a blanket, nappy sacks (for dirty clothes), a dummy (because DS had one as he was a sleep sucker - we might use it we might not), and I’ll be buying the premade bottles of milk as I’ll be bottle feeding due to PPD and anxiety which all started with not being able to breastfeed and I don’t want to put myself in that position again and if you plan on bottle feeding you need to take in milk.

I’ll probably just go through everything in a few weeks just to make sure I haven’t missed anything. I do keep my hospital notes on top of the bags which are by the front door so that we don’t forget those!

I just got impatient and bored Loula! I wasn’t going to pack for another couple of weeks but I had a few hours to myself so I cleaned and then started packing!
Oh lander sending lots of hugs,must be such a horrid time for you. I really hope your mam takes a turn for the better and gets to see baby.

Cossie that's super organised. I seriously need to get my butt in gear but going to stay at my mams for a week next week so it'll have to wait til after that. I think once we've moved the double bed to the downstairs bedroom and set up the cot and drawers in the upstairs one I'll feel better and can then start washing Izzy's old neutral stuff and put it away ready. Then I'll pack our bags. So a couple of weeks and I'll be sorted,in theory haha x
That's really helpful thanks Cossie, so much easier to understand than the overwhelming lists online!! :)
Haha thanks Mrs cookie! I think it’s just because the nesting has well and truly kicked in!!!

I’m really pleased I’ve helped somewhat meg! Those lists are rubbish to be fair. You don’t need half the stuff they put on there and if you are planning to breastfeed you don’t need to take milk with you just in case it doesn’t happen. If you can’t breastfeed for whatever reason they will provide milk for the duration of your hospital stay :)
What are you washing babies clothes in?
Also are you washing everything? X
It’s very controversial but with DS I actually didn’t wash any new clothes unless they were marked or had a funny smell. I only really washed second hand stuff.

What I did wash I washed in fairy non bio liquid tabs and fabric softener
Unfortunately my mum passed away early hours of this morning. But I'd had the chance to say my goodbye etc so now I'm just glad she's no longer enduring all her ailments etc. Very sad but I'd had some time to adjust and prepare as well.


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