I’ve gone with what I actually used when I was in last time - bearing in mind last time I had an emergency c section and was in for 3 days.
I’ve got 2 nighties, a pack of socks, a pack of pants, a clean bra, flip flops, a tshirt, hoodie & maternity leggings (I’ll be adding maternity jeans to this nearer the time once I know if I’ll have a date for an induction as I only have 2 pairs), plastic bag for dirty stuff, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, hair bands, some mascara & deodorant (all travel sized) and then I’ll pack a bit nearer the time things like phone charger, camera, iPad and some snacks.
Baby has a pack of nappies, 5 Sleepsuits, 5 vests, cardigan, hats & scratch mitts (not sure I’ll use the mitts as Sleepsuits have them built in), bibs (again not sure I’ll use them but they’re cute and came with a couple of the Sleepsuits so I thought why not), muslins, water wipes (because faffing around with cotton wool and water after a section was the last thing I needed but as I didn’t have them last time I had to and I really wish I had just bought a pack or two!), a blanket, nappy sacks (for dirty clothes), a dummy (because DS had one as he was a sleep sucker - we might use it we might not), and I’ll be buying the premade bottles of milk as I’ll be bottle feeding due to PPD and anxiety which all started with not being able to breastfeed and I don’t want to put myself in that position again and if you plan on bottle feeding you need to take in milk.
I’ll probably just go through everything in a few weeks just to make sure I haven’t missed anything. I do keep my hospital notes on top of the bags which are by the front door so that we don’t forget those!
I just got impatient and bored Loula! I wasn’t going to pack for another couple of weeks but I had a few hours to myself so I cleaned and then started packing!