*April 2018 Mummies*

Do you need a form from work saying you won't get smp to apply for ma? My work is all very relaxed,I never signed a contract when I started or anything and it's not set shifts just as and when needed. I haven't even been given payslips she just pays by bank transfer each month. Wonder if my application will be a pain in the butt! Xx
I would maybe give them a ring and ask.
I work for the nhs bank so pick up shifts where and when I want them. I had alot of time off in the weeks I needed so I didn't qualify for it. I have a form and my matb1 from work.
Do you pay tax or was it cash in hand so to speak it could get tricky x
I do pay tax but not much as its so few hours I've not earned much mostly 200-300 a month. It's just a wine bar that a lady owns so she's probably not clued up on it all.,I'm in on Valentine's Day for last shift so will have to speak to her and see what paperwork she can sort. Hope it's not too complicated! X
How is everyones heartburn? Im already taking omeprazole and its still really really bad! I remember it being really bad with DS too. It is definitely the one thing I wont miss about pregnancy!

Hope everyone is doing ok!

Heartburn is horrendous! Often causes me to throw up and I just darent eat big portions anymore. Not taking anything other than Rennie's/gaviscon but god it's horrid! Also still can't get comfy in bed even with a mountain of pillows! Can't wait til he's here so I can eat and sleep again x
I'm using Rennie too. Gaviscon makes me sick so I can't really take that. I guess its just a case of riding it out and waiting for baby to make an appearance so it can disappear!

I've been meaning to ask you guys for a couple of days now about itching - I know it can be serious but is it only if it's non stop itching or is it any itching that isn't on the bump? The last few nights as I've been settling down to bed I've been itching all over. Mainly my arms, hands and weirdly enough on top of my big toes :shock: luckily I have my 30 week midwife appointment tomorrow so I will certainly mention it then but I wondered if anyone else has had any experience with itching in pregnancy?
I would definately mention it they might want you to get checked out x
I will do. It’s always this time of night too. Just as I’m trying to get off to sleep I have baby girl having a party and insane itching! :lol:

I’m also gaining a one born every minute addiction this pregnancy. I did with DS but it wasn’t til about 38 weeks that I started watching! I’ve started from season 1 on the All4 player app and am already 3 seasons through! :lol:
Cossie I’ve been watching OBEM lots too with all the time off/resting! Every single baby that’s born, I sob my little heart out haha. Without fail. It’s like it physically hurts that I don’t have my baby yet. My OH doesn’t get it, I’m soooo desperate for her ❤️❤️❤️
If the itching is on your hands and feet I'd make sure the midwife knows about it xx
Beth - I know! I sob too! :lol: OH just keeps saying if it makes you cry why do you watch it? And I'm just like I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!!! :rofl:

Lander - it's mainly my arms and on top of my big toes. It's really weird! I'll mention it when I go in at 11:15.

I Can't believe we are all officially over here now! And this is it until our babies are here! I wonder who will be first....
Just got back from the midwife. Baby is head down and back to bump. I mentioned the itching and she said about cholestasis. She took some blood and said I needed to keep an eye on the itching as they like to check bloods weekly if the itching is persistent. If the test comes back positive then here in Shrewsbury they like to induce early at around 37-38 weeks
Eeek so you could be a march mummy which is next month.
Just had my 31 week scan and we are still breech. Head to the right and bum right on my cervix all curled up and 3lbs4oz roughly x
That is a terrifying thought! :shock: I hope the results come back negative though as it'll make things so much more simple and should mean less complications, even if it means I need to have weekly blood tests if the itching is continuing.

What happens for you loula if baby is still breech as you approach full term?
I'm having a word with my midwife next week to see if she can put the wheels in motion to be under a consultant for a c section or at least after my next scan at 34 weeks if she's still breech. I don't want to get to 37 or 40 weeks and then they schedule one of rather know and pysch myself up x
sometimes they can get babies to turn even quite late?
Yes I agree but she could also turn back. I would rather have a back up plan in place x
Has anyone started bouncing on a birthing ball yet? Ive got one but have no idea when its a good idea to start using it


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