*April 2018 Mummies*

Nope I didn't use one last time until I was in hospital in labour.
Has anyone started bouncing on a birthing ball yet? Ive got one but have no idea when its a good idea to start using it

I've had a lot of back and rib pain, so I've been sitting / bouncing on mine most nights for a few hours for the last 6 weeks, because it's the only place I can be comfy-ish. She is still transverse though, so I'm not sure it's helping with position :). Xxx
I was basically wondering if it would help with my hip pain if I started using one now. Theyre supposed to be really good for helping with all sorts of pregnancy issues. I only used one during labour last time and found it did nothing for the pain and I just felt uncomfortable. This time I am so determined to get my VBAC that I am planning on trying every trick in the book before opting for an epidural and/or other drugs! Xx

There's no harm in trying it.
Also I am the world's biggest woos with pain and I laboured with just gas and air. Also you have to stay in longer with epidural etc. You'll be amazed how much your body takes over and you just go with it x
When the midwife took my bloods yesterday she said I'd get a call if levels were raised but if I don't hear anything then no news is good news.

I've just had the dreaded phone call. My levels are raised and they've asked that I go in this afternoon at 2:30 for additional tests and monitoring. I've also done the complete wrong thing and read up on cholestasis and what it means and I am now of course panicking as all it says with regards to baby is that there is a link with prematurely born babies and stillbirth :(
That's all I found with my low papp a levels too. I gave up googling. Just go to the appointment and see what the professionals have to say it will just be more frequent monitoring x
That's all I found with my low papp a levels too. I gave up googling. Just go to the appointment and see what the professionals have to say it will just be more frequent monitoring x

I really should stop but it's like I can't help myself. All googling is doing is making me panicky and nervous. But the midwife said yesterday that if levels do come back high then in Shrewsbury they induce early so it looks like I'll be having a March baby! I guess it will all depend on how high levels are and just how much danger baby girl is in.

I suppose frequent monitoring isn't a bad thing. At least I'll know she's ok :) x
SiL had it Cossie. My neice is two in June xx
Thanks Lander, I'm sure all will be ok as baby is moving just fine. It's just me being silly and googling it when i really shouldn't!
Your levels might even out and all work out ok.
These April girls are causing us trouble already haha.
And just think you can still vbac with an induction too.
Definitely cholestasis. ALT levels were at 214 and bile acid levels were at 45. I’ve been given some medication to try and bring down the bile acid levels. I’m now to go back every week for blood tests and monitoring. She also mentioned about weekly growth scans and induction is very likely around 38 weeks. So I could very well end up being a march mummy!
Awww cossie sorry your results came back high, a lady in my November mummies group had that when I was pregnant last time and all was fine with her and baby,she just had to be induced early think around 38 weeks but baby was totally fine. They'll keep a close eye on you and take good care of you both I'm sure xx
Thanks Mrs cookie, I just really wished I hadn’t googled it! You tend not to hear the positive stories, only negative. Silver lining - I get to see baby girl on a weekly basis and she’ll be monitored regularly so I’ll know she’s ok rather than assuming :) apparently different NHS trusts deal with it differently and some won’t induce early unless it’s really serious, but ours do as a matter of precaution so she’ll be a march or very early April (possibly even an April fools) baby! Xx
Look at you getting to see baby every week.
If this one don't turn I'm also looking at the possibility of being a march mummy.
Just remember April 1st is Easter weekend and could be skeleton staff ideally hoping to be in and out by then haha wishful thinking for me x
Thanks Mrs cookie, I just really wished I hadn’t googled it! You tend not to hear the positive stories, only negative. Silver lining - I get to see baby girl on a weekly basis and she’ll be monitored regularly so I’ll know she’s ok rather than assuming :) apparently different NHS trusts deal with it differently and some won’t induce early unless it’s really serious, but ours do as a matter of precaution so she’ll be a march or very early April (possibly even an April fools) baby! Xx

I hope it all goes well for you. My cousin had it (& had to be induced) with both her children but now has the most wonderful two girls! Fingers crossed it'll all go well for you & enjoy the perks of seeing her regularly! X
That's my silver lining Loula :) That's quite cool that we could both end up being March mummies! :D

Thanks Meg, there's just not much info on what it actually does to baby which is the worrying thing. I don't really care (to a certain extent) what it does to me but as long as baby girl is ok that's what matters :)
Hello tri 3!

Hope youre OK Cossie, at least you know what is going on now and will be closely monitored.

I've woke up with the worst headache and a very hyper boy...really doesn't mix well.

How exciting everyone is over here practically.
The last hurdle x
Thanks CD, :) I'm hoping all the monitoring will help keep the anxiety at bay! Hope your headache goes soon and you start to feel better

Yep, all across here now Loula! Not long to go now! :D

I've got my first growth scan tomorrow, but this one is because bump is measuring big for dates. Future growth scans will be because of the cholestasis. Then Wednesday I have more blood tests and the consultant. I'm not sure if this consultant appointment will confirm whether I will be induced early or not... We shall see!

If your baby continues to be breech Loula, does that mean you'll need a section?
Hope your scans go well. I was quite nervous for mine so far not sure why though.
I have blood test tomorrow to see if the iron tablets have worked and then midwife for a check.
Yes if she continues to be breech I shall opt for a section. Having spoken to a obstetric SHO at work yesterday she said to consider the manual movement if it comes to that but I'm not sure. .
Going to have a word with the midwife this week and say I will give it u til my next scan at 34 weeks and then I want to start having a back up plan in place if she's still breech. I really don't want to go into labour and have them prodding and poking me prepping for a emcs when it could all be in place for an elective.

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