*April 2018 Mummies*

Hopefully you are getting over it now.
I think it's a case of some questions and sending it with the forms work sent me and then wait and see xx
Hopefully you are getting over it now.
I think it's a case of some questions and sending it with the forms work sent me and then wait and see xx

Yup, the application forms are on gov.uk. mines currently being processed xx
GTT has apparently come back positive though since the test I've had a temp over 38°c and a rotten cold which can affect levels as well so will discuss everything with them at consultant apt on Tuesday. Growth scan tomorrow first though.

Been on the fb GD support group already.
Oh no Lander - I hope you haven’t got what I’ve had :( it’s been really rotten. Hope you’re feeling better soon lovely
Oh no Lander - I hope you haven’t got what I’ve had :( it’s been really rotten. Hope you’re feeling better soon lovely

Just been a constantly groggy sinus headache with stuffy nose and dodgy throat. Bigger issue was DS being the same and up repeatedly the last few nights with it. Thankfully last night he didn't do more than whinge once or twice as cough a bit. Didn't have to go in to him.
Oh no Lander - I hope you haven’t got what I’ve had :( it’s been really rotten. Hope you’re feeling better soon lovely

Just been a constantly groggy sinus headache with stuffy nose and dodgy throat. Bigger issue was DS being the same and up repeatedly the last few nights with it. Thankfully last night he didn't do more than whinge once or twice as cough a bit. Didn't have to go in to him.

Aww bless him, I hope you're all feeling better soon xx
Yay I’m over in try 3 now, I’m due on 25/4 not 26th but I’m sure he’s gunna come early anyway! X
Walking around London at 30 weeks had broke me x
Walking around London at 30 weeks had broke me x

How far did you walk Loula? I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to walk around London heavily pregnant! Hats off to you!

30 weeks today! It feels like a massive deal but I know it's not that big a milestone! :D
We did a good few miles but it was ok actually.
I've just got back ache but if little miss hasn't moved and is still back to back then that will explain it. Rest now for a few days x
28wks growth scan done. Baby measuring good. Perfect middle line 50th centile, estimated 3lb 1oz and head down.
Oh didn't they put a print out in your notes or fill in the chart?
At least being transverse she can have a good wiggle. Mine was breech when I had my scan her head is on my right hand side and I feel movements low which is her feet and where her arms would be. Praying she turns but what will be will be x

Ah yes, they did, she is 2lb 14oz at the moment and definitely having a good wiggle! I hope yours turns nice & quickly.

Lander - pleased to hear your scan went well to!

Quick question, is anyone else suffering with Rob pain? I've had mine for about 6 weeks but it's getting so much worse! What are you doing to help it?

Oh wow I have a diddy one. Can't wait to see what she's weighs on Thursday at my next scan.
Is it the baby wedging themselves up there. I always find I have to get up and move about and it gets better x
Oh wow I have a diddy one. Can't wait to see what she's weighs on Thursday at my next scan.
Is it the baby wedging themselves up there. I always find I have to get up and move about and it gets better x

Are you having another growth scan? How teeny is she?

I don't think she is wedged under my ribs I read that transverse babies cause more rib pain. I've got a birthing ball which is helping

Good luck on Thursday!
Did they not tell you what position she was in? They told us and it's on the print out. She was breech at the last scan.
Yes I have growth scans every 3 weeks. At 27+6 she was weighing in at 2lb7oz x
Did they not tell you what position she was in? They told us and it's on the print out. She was breech at the last scan.
Yes I have growth scans every 3 weeks. At 27+6 she was weighing in at 2lb7oz x

Yes they did - she is transverse. It must be lovely to see your baby every 3 weeks! :) x
To be honest it is nice but I don't really see much. They are more interested in the measurements and as baby gets bigger it's more difficult to do. She takes up the screen haha x
At least transverse she is half way turned to position x
Hopefully you are getting over it now.
I think it's a case of some questions and sending it with the forms work sent me and then wait and see xx

its a very simple form for MA and if your work have given you the form to say they arent giving smp it should all be very straightforward.
29wks today and now under the diabetic clinic. Also had protein in my urine which I think is from me being ill. Blood pressure was good though at 111/64.

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