*April 2018 Mummies*


How is everyone doing? I'm feeling ok - just a bit tired and uncomfortable at the moment.

I have a quick question for you about growth scans... I've just had my first measurement and my bump is considerably smaller than it should be on the graph so I'm being referred for a growth scan. Is anyone else having growth scans? Does it mean she is a little baby? Or just very curled up?

I'm not worried - she is kicking like a little cage fighter - more curious to know what is going on in there! :)

What did the tape measure say you measured. Are you on a low percentile on the chart?
I've had one and baby was measuring on the 50th percentile. I wouldn't worry until you've had the scan x
The tape measure said I was under the 5th percentile. I definitely don't feel small!! :) xx
They say for how many weeks you are is how much the tape measure should say and I know when I had my daughter you was allowed 2cm each side.
Maybe baby is right in your back or really low or could be small. Your scan should give you a better idea.
I have my 2nd on the 6rh x
That happened to me last pregnancy megs,towards the end i measured as tho bump hadn't grown for a few weeks so was sent for a growth scan,its was at around 39 weeks and scan said she was 6lb and the only bit measuring a bit small was her leg length which they said they never worry about as some people are just short. She was born a week later 8lb9 and 98th centile for height even now at just over 2 she's on 99th centile for height and in 3-4 clothes and some of those are small so she most definitely wasn't short lol. She must of just found room somewhere so bump wasn't as big but she ended up massive! Xx
Thanks, that's all good to know, scan booked for Friday late afternoon. I, looking forward to seeing her! X
So I had my midwife appointment on Monday and now have gtt Tuesday next week. Then got a call yesterday from the surgery saying as I've moved house in out of catchment so j have to change doctors. I'm at a fantastic practice and didn't want to change half way through pregnancy let alone in the last few months. Really upset about it but nothing I can do. Hope it doesn't affect my care.
Looks like I will starting my maternity leave a few days early. Ive picked up this fluey but thats going around. Im on antibiotics and have told my manager that I wasnt well enough to go in today and it is looking doubtful I will be well enough for tomorrow. I got a reply saying that as theres not many in on Friday that I can have that day off too - friday was my last day! Not sure whether im happy about this or a little disappointed


How is everyone doing? I'm feeling ok - just a bit tired and uncomfortable at the moment.

I have a quick question for you about growth scans... I've just had my first measurement and my bump is considerably smaller than it should be on the graph so I'm being referred for a growth scan. Is anyone else having growth scans? Does it mean she is a little baby? Or just very curled up?

I'm not worried - she is kicking like a little cage fighter - more curious to know what is going on in there! :)


Meg I had a growth scan at about 25 weeks due to my bump measuring wayy small on the graph. I was like you, not worried as she was wriggling around but a bit confused. When I actually went for the scan later that day, Baby was measuring towards the bigger end!! They said I just had a tight bump! Plus side is you get to see your little baba again. Mine was so squished in there, her nose was squished right against the edge of my womb haha x

How is everyone doing? I'm feeling ok - just a bit tired and uncomfortable at the moment.

I have a quick question for you about growth scans... I've just had my first measurement and my bump is considerably smaller than it should be on the graph so I'm being referred for a growth scan. Is anyone else having growth scans? Does it mean she is a little baby? Or just very curled up?

I'm not worried - she is kicking like a little cage fighter - more curious to know what is going on in there! :)


Meg I had a growth scan at about 25 weeks due to my bump measuring wayy small on the graph. I was like you, not worried as she was wriggling around but a bit confused. When I actually went for the scan later that day, Baby was measuring towards the bigger end!! They said I just had a tight bump! Plus side is you get to see your little baba again. Mine was so squished in there, her nose was squished right against the edge of my womb haha x

Awww thanks Beth, I think she is curled up, she has been curled up in her other scans! I hope she isn't too big though.... have you needed anymore scans or is everything ok now? X
No I’ve had none since Meg. Will see what happens next week when midwife measures my bump again!!

Let us know how it goes :) enjoy seeing baba again xx
No I’ve had none since Meg. Will see what happens next week when midwife measures my bump again!!

Let us know how it goes :) enjoy seeing baba again xx

Everything ok with baby :) she was just in an odd position! Have been told she has 8 weeks to sort herself out so should all be fine :). Lovely to see her again! X
What kind of position was she in, breech?
Did you get an estimated weight?
My bump is all one side most of the time because of where she lays x
meg, I've had to have growth scans in both my previous prgenancies as i carry small. but my babies have been 7lb 1 (2 weeks early) and 8lb 3 (on due date)

some people just carry super tucked in babies. My last midwife said it is just routine to send for a scan if measuring 2cm under expected on fundal height
What kind of position was she in, breech?
Did you get an estimated weight?
My bump is all one side most of the time because of where she lays x

I didnt get an estimated weight, but she is really curled up and laying horizontally. They weren't worried though as she has 2 months to get herself in a more sensible position. My bumps fairly symmetrical, but I only feel movements on one side because of how she is lying. She was in the same place at the 20 week scan. X
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Oh didn't they put a print out in your notes or fill in the chart?
At least being transverse she can have a good wiggle. Mine was breech when I had my scan her head is on my right hand side and I feel movements low which is her feet and where her arms would be. Praying she turns but what will be will be x
Dare I jinx things by saying I’m starting to feel a little better after 5 days of non stop coughing and a bunged nose, high temperature, increased heart rate and various other bits. I actually managed to drag myself out of bed today and get off my backside! I still feel lightheaded when I do too much but all in all, fingers crossed, I’m on the up! Just a shame I can’t take anything to help speed things up. All I’d really like right now is a lemsip!

In other news, I’m officially on maternity leave!! Not quite sure where the time has gone but I’m now very excited to start getting things ready for baby girl!!! 30 weeks on Monday and it feels like a HUGE milestone even though it’s not but I’m very excited! My mood is slowly improving too which I’m sure is helping with feeling baby move etc - I’m just excited now!

Just about to snuggle down in front of the channel 4 player and watch me some One Born Every Minute! :D
Glad you are feeling better. Have you tried hot lemon and honey with paracetamol?
I found out yesterday I won't get smp so ive got to apply for maternity allowance I kind of knew it was coming.
That’s all I’ve been taking to be honest. I just kinda hoped that someone somewhere would say that lemsip and sudafed are actually perfectly fine to take in pregnancy but I’m fully aware that’s not going to happen :lol:

Oh no :( is it difficult to apply for maternity allowance?

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