*April 2018 Mummies*

Have had the bed to myself the lat few nights. DH sleeping on the couch as he's got a suspected herniated slipped disc in his neck causing his shoulder a lot of pain.

I feel jinxed, he had acute sciatica when I reached 29wks last time.

My shoulder is strained as well. DS had grown like a weed recently.

My cousin is due Feb 1st but following scan yesterday they're inducing next week. She's 38wks.
I can only dream of a bed to myself. OH is going America in September then I'll then the bed to myself haha x
I love it when I get the bed to myself! Doesnt happen anywhere near enough lately!
I've got a bed to myself tonight,3rd and final night while hubs has been working away. Haven't slept any better tho haha xx
I dont feel overly well today ladies. I wonder if my body has been waiting for the weekend when I can have some chill out time to allow me to actually be ill. I feel run down, a little queasy, very headachey, and completely exhausted despite a relatively good nights sleep!

Hope you all have a nice weekend! Xx

I dont feel overly well today ladies. I wonder if my body has been waiting for the weekend when I can have some chill out time to allow me to actually be ill. I feel run down, a little queasy, very headachey, and completely exhausted despite a relatively good nights sleep!

Hope you all have a nice weekend! Xx

I wonder if it's a growth spurt thing at this point. My diary with DS at this point suggests something similar and I've felt like that last 48hrs. I even gagged enough to throw up a bit for the first time yesterday !
Im back to throwing up too but blame the indigestion. Poor dd was up a few times last night,she's cutting her last teeth so even less sleep than normal here! Hope you can take it easy and get some rest today cossie. Hubby is home this afternoon so hoping he'll let me have some chill out time when he's back! Xx
I've had a few days like that. I've got 29 weeks today so maybe a growth spurt. I've had awful back ache when walking round the shops and school etc.
I've only got today to chill out and that includes a mega clean up before I'm back at work for a long day tomorrow and we are building storage for dds bedroom to get more toys upstairs.
Im actually starting to think Ive got an iron deficiency. Im also feeling extremely light headed, my heart feels like its pounding out of my chest and I cant seem to move without becoming breathless!! Ill be finding out in just over a week at my 30 week midwife appointment.

Shes definitely having a growth spurt as we are noticing more and more movements from the outside and theres less kicking and more rolling now too xx

Cossie ive been thinking the same,very out of breath lately and often have heart palpitations and this tiredness is unreal but illnwver find out with the midwives here. The two blood tests theyve already done that part of the test didn't work and they've not bothered to repeat it,will see if it works for the blood she took on Tuesday but not holding out much hope! Xx
That's really bad mrs cookie! I can't believe they haven't bothered to repeat bloods - I'd say they're quite important for making sure all is going smoothly with mummy! Hopefully you'll get more answers this time!
I must say that my midwife gave me blood forms to have done before I saw her at 28 weeks so I was given the results when I saw her. I have to have another before I see her at 31 weeks to check the tablets are working. Ring your midwife see of she had the results.
My group and save wasn't processed so I have to have that done again too.
I still get a fair few kicks bit alot of rolling and pushing out. Be interested to see how much she's out on in 3 weeks.
In scotland your notes are online so I've looked and results arent back yet. I know they seem a bit useless to be fair,booking bloods didn't work so they repeated at 16 week appointment but some.of them never worked again but they've never been in touch to repeat it so will have to see how this lot goes. Last time if something wasnt Right they would phone me and get me to go and repeat straight away,just very laid back here! Im just glad my request to deliver in Newcastle has been allowed,ill feel much more comfortable delivering somewhere a bit more hands on!

I think I felt hiccups last night,dd used to get them all the time and these felt similar just a bit fainter.
Loula im hoping i don't grow too much in the next 3 weeks,ive got a wedding the back end of Feb and the maternity dress i bought for a wedding last time i was preg just fits and i really don't want to buy a new one! X
Awww another little girl for the group how lovely.
It's going so quick but at least work are being good about it.
We have a litre group on Facebook if you want to join us x

Hi yes if love to If that's ok?
I feel so rotten today. I might need to call the doctors tomorrow afternoon and see if they’ve had my blood results back in. My heart feels like it’s pounding out of my chest and I can’t seem to pick a toy off the floor without feeling like I’m going to pass out.

On top of that OH woke me at around 5am because of his snoring and I haven’t been able to get any sleep since. I thought I’d do some cleaning and tidying and when he stood up and almost slipped on something he has a go a Me because (and I quote) “I don’t want to live in squalor”. He’s just winding me up today. And apologies for being miserable but I really needed to rant!!!
If you feel that bad is go to a&e or ring the maternity unit.
I know I should, youre right Loula, but I always feel bad for bugging people over potentially nothing

That's what they are there for. You'll be surprised how many people go for nothing x
I know that one! Our drop in centre is also in A&E and the amount of people that would turn up with a papercut or something similar is ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better today. Still getting light headed and a fast heart rate but it seemed to be all day yesterday. It's very minor today. Maybe because we had beef for dinner last night and my iron count is up slightly? I don't know how quickly it all works through the body!

DS has a cough and a high temperature today so he's feeling sorry for himself bless him. As for me, I am starting day 1 of 5 left at work! I'm so excited and I'm really looking forward to being with DS more before baby girl arrives! :D

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