*April 2018 Mummies*

Ive been rubbish checking in on here,its much easier on facebook lol. Anyone else still snowed in? Our village has been closed off since Wednesday and the shops are nearly out of food now,wish this snow would bugger off! We were planning on hiring a carpet cleaner this weekend and giving all the floors a good going over but that's had to be put off,I'm getting a bit anxious that I'm so unprepared and baby is coming next month!! Aim for today is to move his changng table draws from dds room to his and get some bits sorted and put away. Might try and pack my bag too! Hope everyone is keeping well,almost at the point it could be any day for some!! x
The snow has gone here. It's actually warmed up a little and there is no sign of snow. I am so happy haha. I went from Tuesday to Saturday without leaving the house.

35 weeks now eeek x
There's just a few bits of snow left here where the sun hasn't hit and what's on the paths has turned to sludge from the rain yesterday.

You've got plenty of time mrs cookie! Granted it will fly by but just get done what you can, and as long as baby has somewhere to sleep, clothes and you've got what you need to take to the hospital then everything else can be done afterwards if you need to!

I'm 35 weeks today Loula! Ah! It's starting to all feel very real now. I have my consultant appointment on Thursday which will be discussing how I am going to deliver and whether I will need inducing or not! Eeek! :D
I think I remember the midwife saying to me that we are going to discuss birth plans etc as it will be effectively my 36 week appt.

Our furniture is up just needs a good wipe down and can start filling it x
Been diabetic clinic. Still staying on just metformin. Consultant happy with me trying for vbac starting with sweeps etc which may well start from 37+2 29th March.
Had my midwife appointment today,baby is head down and measuring just fine. Also got on the scales for first time since booking appointment and weigh exactly the same even though I have a belly full of baby so must of lost some weiggt with all the sickness,every cloud lol xx
Hi everyone, I didn’t get a chance to move around here as we moved last Thursday in all the snow so have been getting sorted. Baby Bailey decided he wasn’t waiting until April and made an appearance on Monday just before midnight with my waters breakingvat work. It was a fast labour which resulted in him being taken to NICU for support for his breathing. He is still there now but just due to him not keeping his milk down. He weighed 6 12 and was 35 +5 at delivery so not too bad. He is so chilled out! Hopefully Home in the next 3-5 days 😄
Oh my goodness can't believe one of our April babies is here already! Massive congratulations. What a good weight for 35 weeks! I hope he continues to do well and you get home soon xx
As congratulations. That's a great weight my daughter was 6lb1 at 37 weeks. Hope you both get home soon x
Eeek how exciting. If someone could tell my little pickle to get a wriggle on would be great haha, I should be careful what I wish for.
Kia girl. We have a Facebook page if you would like to join. Pm me. I know you've got alot going on x
Congratulations! What a fab weight for being a wee bit early. My wee guy was born at 38 weeks and was 5lb 11oz. Hope you are both doing well and home soon x
Massive congratulations, cannot believe our first baby has arrived <3 such a fantastic weight to! Hope he starts keeping his milk down and you are both home soon xxxxx lots of love x
Wow!! Our first April Baby! Massive congratulations Kiagirl and what a beautiful name! :D

I hope everyone is doing well!

I now am having to make the decision as to whether I opt for a caesarean. It's down to 3 factors. The first being that I have had a section previously so that automatically means more pressure is put on scar and certain risks are increased. Second is that I am measuring big and after a quick scan, she is too. Her tummy was measuring at 38 + 6 where I am 35 + 3 - she is estimated to be at 7lb already. And lastly is because of the cholestasis I have to be induced early. Inducing puts even extra strain on previous section scar tissue because of how quickly and how strong the contractions are brought on and even if I opt for VBAC and to be induced, if the first pessary doesn't work they don't like risking any more pessaries or the drip because the risks of that scar tissue opening up apparently are quick high, so they would end up doing a section then anyway.

It sounds like they are really pushing for the section and I have spoken to a friend who was in almost the exact same position as me a few years ago and she said that her consultant said if the word caesarean is kept being used then it's usually because it's what the medical team deem best for mum and baby but they can't tell you that that is what needs to happen. It has to be your decision. I voiced the concerns I have about a planned section to my friend and she has put my mind at ease a little and I think the section is the way I'm going to go, but I'm still so scared about the whole thing! The thought of it terrifies me! Even though I've already done it!

Anyway, there are advantages and disadvantages to both and I think I need to just come to terms with the need for a planned section. I know it's not the end of the world and won't change anything, it's just a little disappointing x
Congratulations kiagirl so exciting can't wait to see photos x
Ahhh congrats kiagirl! Hope you have your boy home soon! Cant believe were at the stage the babies are coming already,I really need to pack my hospital bag!!!

Cossie when will you get a date if you choose the section? Must be so surreal when you're told the date you'll have baby here,exciting times! X
Wow!! Our first April Baby! Massive congratulations Kiagirl and what a beautiful name! :D

I hope everyone is doing well!

I now am having to make the decision as to whether I opt for a caesarean. It's down to 3 factors. The first being that I have had a section previously so that automatically means more pressure is put on scar and certain risks are increased. Second is that I am measuring big and after a quick scan, she is too. Her tummy was measuring at 38 + 6 where I am 35 + 3 - she is estimated to be at 7lb already. And lastly is because of the cholestasis I have to be induced early. Inducing puts even extra strain on previous section scar tissue because of how quickly and how strong the contractions are brought on and even if I opt for VBAC and to be induced, if the first pessary doesn't work they don't like risking any more pessaries or the drip because the risks of that scar tissue opening up apparently are quick high, so they would end up doing a section then anyway.

It sounds like they are really pushing for the section and I have spoken to a friend who was in almost the exact same position as me a few years ago and she said that her consultant said if the word caesarean is kept being used then it's usually because it's what the medical team deem best for mum and baby but they can't tell you that that is what needs to happen. It has to be your decision. I voiced the concerns I have about a planned section to my friend and she has put my mind at ease a little and I think the section is the way I'm going to go, but I'm still so scared about the whole thing! The thought of it terrifies me! Even though I've already done it!

Anyway, there are advantages and disadvantages to both and I think I need to just come to terms with the need for a planned section. I know it's not the end of the world and won't change anything, it's just a little disappointing x

I'm glad you've come to a decision about a planned section. I do hate how the advice is so different at every hospital. I had an emcs with my 1st boy, a successful vbac with retained placenta with my 2nd. But my 3rd I was induced at 37+5wks by breaking my waters then I had the drip. Labour was just 40 mins long and yes contractions were intense but put that down to the speed of labour rather than the drip alone. It was by far my best labour, placenta came out nicely and I had no tears, which I think is pretty good for an induced labour xx

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Mrs cookie I&#8217;ll tell them at my next appointment on 23rd March and they&#8217;d give me a date then, quite probably within a week. I think that&#8217;s the most surreal thing to know when her birthday will be before she&#8217;s here!

Thanks kanga, I&#8217;d love to try for a VBAC but with all the risks they&#8217;re saying could happen id never forgive myself if something happened to baby just because I was selfish and denied a section. It would be nice if the advice was consistent across all trusts xx
Thanks everyone , still in hospital but making real progress now. Loula - I&#8217;ll pm you xx

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