**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Could I just ask about EDDs, because I'm still a bit confused.
Baby still hasn't been accurately measured - 12 weeks scan she was really wriggly, same with 20 week. EDD is still going by LMP, but I know I ovulated 4 days early - so would be due at the end of May rather than the start of June. I know it really doesn't make any difference in the bigger picture, 4 days is nothing, but I would still really like to know when to "expect" her. I was hoping for a proper EDD, rather than just going by LMP

Its so hard to really work out!

With my LB I gave myself the 6th July based on lmp and cycle length (never 28day average for me).

My dating scan put me forward to 1st July.. He arrived 11th July! 10 days late!

Similar has happened this time, I believed to have EDD around 11th May based again on the fact I new i didnt OV till cd26! But my dating scan was out forward to 6th May! I really do think I'll end up going over again, but we shall see.

I can put you down end of May if you wantes Kitty? I remember when you got ur bfp you thought it was going to be around the end. You can float between as Kanga is in a similar situation with her dates x
Did they not give you a date at 12week scan?

Only going by what I said my last LMP was!

Could I just ask about EDDs, because I'm still a bit confused.
Baby still hasn't been accurately measured - 12 weeks scan she was really wriggly, same with 20 week. EDD is still going by LMP, but I know I ovulated 4 days early - so would be due at the end of May rather than the start of June. I know it really doesn't make any difference in the bigger picture, 4 days is nothing, but I would still really like to know when to "expect" her. I was hoping for a proper EDD, rather than just going by LMP

Its so hard to really work out!

With my LB I gave myself the 6th July based on lmp and cycle length (never 28day average for me).

My dating scan put me forward to 1st July.. He arrived 11th July! 10 days late!

Similar has happened this time, I believed to have EDD around 11th May based again on the fact I new i didnt OV till cd26! But my dating scan was out forward to 6th May! I really do think I'll end up going over again, but we shall see.

I can put you down end of May if you wantes Kitty? I remember when you got ur bfp you thought it was going to be around the end. You can float between as Kanga is in a similar situation with her dates x

Would you say I should go by LMP or ovulation? I'm absolutely positive what day I ovulated on, so surely I should go by that... xx
Keep the edd from your OV date in mind, but honestly it really is a guessing game! If you don't think dating scan was accurate at all then go by your OV. But the mws and drs will go by the dates they have given you unfortunately.

Are you planning a 4D scan nearer to tri 3? Most of those give a growth report and measurements, i'd have a better idea then. But then again its always judged against the average! I'm 6ft and my OH is 6ft 1 so we will always have lanky babies lol!

Some babies arrive weeks earlier and still have impressive weights of a full term. But if theres anything i've learnt is not to get annoyed what that due date comes and goes. Being 10 days late annoyed the heck out of me!

He was a chunk at 9lb 9.5 too lol!
Is there no official date in your notes? My friend couldn't get a date so she had Togo back to check it
God so they never actually gave an offical date from scan! They should of called u bk to retry! Hmm! X
Is there no official date in your notes? My friend couldn't get a date so she had Togo back to check it

Official date is 2nd June, but that literally is just going by LMP. I think we plan to have a 4D scan, I guess I'll ask midwife as well? I'm sure I should have had a proper measurement!
You should've. Thing is if that's the official date that's your EDD when it comes to your matB and stuff so I'd go by that
I'm getting kicks/punches in my ribs today, what a strange feeling.
In your notes, in the section with the scan bits in, does it give a CRL? (Crown rump length). If it does, you could work out how many weeks that would have put you and go from there. If you KNOW when you ovulated, and they didn't measure baby, I'd go by ov date. It's only 4 days but it starts to become more important when you go overdue and might need the extra monitoring etc. Dating babies after 12 weeks is quite unreliable apparently xx
I've just had my first belly wobble experience!!! No limbs yet but a werid wobble
I'm loving the belly wobbles, just had a bath and baby was playing a great game of keepy uppy with the soap!
Baby movements r my fave part of pregnancy!
Until ribs kicks and cervix punches happen haha!
You're in double figures Babyslog! Only 99 days to go. Me tomorrow!
I don't like any part oft pregnancy lol

In was measuring 28weeks at last appointment.
Hi ladies,

Hope you're all enjoying the second tri 'glow'....if it really does exist lol.
I haven't been around much lately, feel like I have no time for anything lately with work, Oscar and trying to keep on top of the house while Rich is away. Oh, and my Aunty had her baby last week so I've been squeezing in lots of squishy cuddles with the gorgeous boy �� Oscar doesn't quite know what to make of the baby, I'm hoping he'll be used to the idea by the time his sister arrives.

24 weeks today!! Feel like it's finally sinking in a bit more that I really am pregnant now I've got a proper bump coming along, starting to feel more movement, and it's V day :)

I had my physio yesterday for pgp. Turned out to be the same group class that I went to when I was 7wks. Apparently they don't do one-to-one around here because it's 'easier to get everyone seen to in one go in a group session'. So I've just got to plod on and rest as much as possible (yeh right!!) and take paracetamol/co-codamol as needed.

I also brought a few bits from aldi today. I picked up a Moses basket stand, bottles, V pillow, Muslins, calpol, sudocrem, dummies, snacks for Oscar, nappies and loads of wipes :) love a good bargain.

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I'm 23 weeks today..1 week til v day! Feeling loads of movements now and loving it!! Hope ur all doing well xx
Lol rest?! Your ticket says your baby is 16 months... Good bloody luck with that one lol.

I hope you manage to get some rest though - make sure you let others around you know you need to rest and get them to help

The 2nd tri glow is none existent, I've felt sicker this trimester than any other! And the acid?! Urge so much acid!! I'm
Living in renitadine, rennies and milk!!

Another girl I work with is pregnant Whixh mean 2 of us will be off at the same time lol oops! There's something in the water

I'm waiting for MW as I'm an idiot and lost my notes, then off to work to hand in my MATB1 and remind them I finish in 4 weeks lol
I got married last year, June 13th, in the big local church, was amazing. Great lady vicar. Anyway my husband owns his own garage and gained the vicar as a customer. She went in today for some work on her car so I told my husband to ask about how we go about a christening, well he went and booked it lol June 12th !!
So it's not left me much time... I wanted to turn my wedding dress into a christening gown, has anyone done it?
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