***September Mummies***

Updated again ladies. Looking forward to scan news and team news. Anyone else want adding? x
My 20 week scan is 16th May and I do not want to know the sex xx
I'm due on the 6th, it's my first and have just had my 16 wk appointment today! Heartbeat fine yay!
I've got my 20wk scan on the 26 April....seems ages away! And we're not finding out the sex, I love surprises!
hello! i am also due a september baby! can i join in please? my 2nd baby is due on the 20th.
Just a quick one, i have noticed that alot of you ladies due around the same time as me (25th) already have your dates for the anomaly scan. Did you have to get in contact with your midwife after your 12 week scan or did you just get sent the date? As i was told to book with her at 16 weeks and that was it. xx
I was due on the 25th then moved to 19th after the 12 week scan, I got a letter from the hospital for my next scan although mine is at 18 weeks (they're done between 18 and 21 weeks I think) as they want to check on an ovarian cyst. Thinking about it some hospitals will book your 20 week scan while you're there for the 12 week one. x
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hmmm, i suppose i will just have to wait and see. Im next due at midwife on 14th Apr so hopefully will have heard something by then if not ill ask her about it. Thanks!! :) xx
aawww smith1980, i had my appointment and heard the heartbeat last week, was amazing! also heard a couple of kicks hehe xx

It's fab isn't it :))) could listen to it all day every day!! Resisting the urge to buy a Doppler as I'll become addicted lol!

Love it love it ha xx
Hi All

This is my first time posting - although ive been stalking the site for a few months! I am due 10th September and my anomaly scan is on the 3rd May.

oh i want my next scan date lol, i go see midwife 6th april for triple test thing and maybe she might listen to heart beat x
a was at hospital wednesday she tried let me hear heartbeat but a couldnt hear a thing the machine made more racket than anything a go bak this wed so am gonna ask her do it again cos wasnt happy she didnt seem bothered been playing on my mind now x
I'm a mummy of 2 boys and my next bundle is due in 14th sept :). Sexing scan 5th April xxx

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