**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Anyone getting jittery the closer to due date you get? This pregnacy was 100% planned but as time goes on I find myself questioning if I've done the right thing. It's my first so I guess it's fear of the unknown and I'm sure it'll be different once baby is here but I can't help but fret and worry.
I'm like that too. Again 100% planned and also my first. I think for me it's not knowing what to expect. I've had a lousy pregnancy so far with sickness and tiredness. For me it's the thought of birth:stupid I know, how else is baby gonna get out?? And also what if I'm a crap mum,what if he won't take to breast feeding, what if I can't comfort him? My OH thinks I'm been stupid and I don't wanna mention it mw or family for fear of been judged, I'm also worked about post natal depression (it took me months to admit I had depression:all sorted before I got pregnant) xx
The birth doesn't scare me, I'm kind of looking forward to the experience of it. I'm scared of the huge change, I was watching tv last night and found the idea of having a Moses basket sat next to me daunting and when I was in docs the other day there was this little boy running a d playing, very sweet and I found myself asking myself "what have you done". I feel awful for thinking it. I haven't ever had depression but I do worry about post natel depression coz of these thoughts.
I have said about it to couple friends and their faces sat it all, I won't bring it up again.
These questions that you're asking are completely natural and also mean you're going to be great mums - you are showing your concern and love for your baby and obviously want to do your best by them.

When I was pregnant with Freddie, because I spent so long trying to get pregnant, and then had to actually stay pregnant (my ttc journey was a lot easier than some though for which I'm grateful), I was that happy to be pregnant that I didn't really consider what happened after, it felt like the most important thing had been achieved. So it was when he was born I had the oh god what have I done moment, especially after we came home and my oh went out for a couple of hours and left me on my own. I wept.

But after those few initial shock days, I got more in tune with it, natural instincts kick in. My oh took Freddie out for a walk to allow me to get some kip and after 20 minutes I was ringing him, crying, wanting him to bring Freddie back. You will adjust (hopefully better than I did because you're already having these questions now), and although lots of things with a newborn are hard and trial and error to work out what is best for your lo, you will get there. And even though that might mean your baby cries a little longer the first time you're working something out, they will cry less the next time, and the next. All they need to know is that you are there, holding and trying to soothe them, they know you care just from your voice and your touch. Remember they are trying to work you out too, I remember smiling through tears and taking deep breaths before I said anything when I was at the end of my tether, because if they learn that you are calm (even if you're not) then they will respond.

Freddie is 5 now, I do not regret a single day. You will all be great mums.
I really wasnt nervous about labour with Noah. Im not this time either as we just simply can't stop anything from happening.

I didnt have a bad labour with Noah though, it was also quick. Maybe if it was different i'd feel more nervous.

But im so excited!
Anyone getting jittery the closer to due date you get? This pregnacy was 100% planned but as time goes on I find myself questioning if I've done the right thing. It's my first so I guess it's fear of the unknown and I'm sure it'll be different once baby is here but I can't help but fret and worry.

Baby wasn't planned but i am honestly terrified! I'm 24, little ones dad walked away at 10 weeks... i am in full on panic mode of what i need to get now... and I've had dreams since 13 Weeks that she will be born premature :(

I found cooking and cleaning keeps me calm... that and cuddling my cats in down time :)
Im sctually more worried about Noah while im in labour!
Ibthink the in laws r minding him as my mum will be in with my OH as BPs. I just feel on edge about making sure hes been collected and ive got time to still get to hosp etc!
My panic this time babyslog is my little man. He's never slept anywhere else but our house unless I'm with him, so my dad will come here to watch him. Terrified my inlaws will be here when it all happens and tell me dad they'll do it (he doesn't know them as well AT all) and just generally what if he's upset?

The fear though is TOTALLY normal. I have to admit though, it wasn't as much of a shock to the system as I expected the first time. I spent days just not really "clear" because of the tiredness etc, but having a baby was easy. They take AGES to get to the annoying toddler stage - when they're so little they just eat, sleep, poop and cuddle! It's amazing. And you never have to give them back, they're yours forever. And they love you totally unconditionally and with every part of their being - it's amazing xxx
I just hope my mil doesnt take the piss with arriving! She only lives 10mins away but knowing my luck shell be out shopping or something bloody stupid!

Ideally is like my mum! But i need her with me for the birth lol.
Even my step dad as hea Noahs best mate lol!! But he does long distance lorry driving and unless i go in labour in morning or afternoon it just couldnt come bk and he travels around the UK all evening delivering!

Ahhh try not to think about it but im guna have to tell my OH to drill it into his parents to be on call!
I asked him had he mentioned it to his mum and he was like ' no but im sure its fine as long as its not thurs or fri when shes in work' uhh..... :shock: NO she will have to tell bloody work that her dil is about to have her grandson and she needs to get her ass home to mind her other grandson!!!!!!! Lol
By the way - as I'm one of the later ones in May and might have more time than the rest of you I'm happy to start up the tri 3 thread! Someone will have to talk me through doing it a bit fancy though, I'm rubbish!!
As hun i did it the other day when Emma asked! I can happily delete it though if you want to as ive done this one!! Xx
I keep worrying about getting Millie to were she needs to be when I go into labour, my mum and dad are usually around though so hopefully it will all go smoothly!

Had my growth scan today, all was ok he is just small. He is just on the lowest line so I have to go back again for another scan to keep an eye on him. Hopefully he will have a big growth spurt over the next few weeks! Xx
Glad scan went well Kim, I'm sure there'll be a growth spurt, plus so many women on here have been told they're having a small baby and then they've been born 7lb+. Good they're keeping an eye on you though and you get to see your little one more often!

Oh has agreed to a 4d scan, there's a place near us does a 15min appt for £59, does that sound ok? Nothing on Groupon for near me at moment. They only do it between weeks 25 and 28 though, I guess because it gets a bit more squishy in there after that. They have Sunday appts, so do I go this Sunday 26+1 or the Sunday after? We do get a rescan if baby's at a bad angle. We're team yellow so just going for head and body shots lol, we had some with our son and thought be nice to compare.
Just thought, 27+1 might be nice then I'll have had a scan in all 3 tris.
Just thought, 27+1 might be nice then I'll have had a scan in all 3 tris.

I just booked mine hun. 11th Feb. Ill be 27+6. Ours in HD so they offer it up to 32wks, but i didnt wanna risk hi being all squished!

So 27+1 for u will be perfect! :)
I have a scan at 32 weeks but idk if it will be my final scan.
I have a mw appointment today and my GTT on Tuesday...

I seem to have gone into nesting mode.lmy Kim got rejected for her mortgage because a business loan she had with the same bank 15 years ago came up on their internal credit check. So our house move is on hold for now. I'm
Hoping that her new application with another bank gets proved for 2 reasons - 1, the house has been in our family for 60ears and I love it 2, we need more space 3, I don't want her to have to sell at auction and get a really rubbish prove for that awesome house.
Also we THINK we may have 3 name choices.

Anna Elizabeth Leia
Felicity Anne Leia
Lucy Annabelle Leia

My hubby insists on Leia being in he name because he's a starwars geek and I won't let him ne her Leia lol

My son has 3 names so we want to keep it the same

My son is Luke John Steven

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