***September Mummies***

Hi all, new to the site, but our first baby is due on the 25th Sept. I am 17 weeks and 3 days today (well if that is correct, as LMP due date was 14th Sept, then the dating scan said i was further along than we thought, and also moved my due date back....confusing but we are going with the flow! lol!) Anyhoo, we have decided to stay team yellow when we go for our 20 weeks scan on 11th May, unless it so obvious we cant not know. We are getting so excited now..... we got married last week (started trying for the baby a little before the wedding thinking it would take ages, from everyones advice, and caught super quick lol.... but still fitted my dress which was lucky at the price it cost lol). Well.... hello to all you september mummies, keep well x
Hi :wave:

Your due 3 days before me! How are you finding things??

I'm getting married on the 1st july :shock: Only just bought my dress and I'm really hoping I still fit in it!! We decided to ttc in December and only :bd: once and I got pregnant, thought it would take a while as it didn't happen that quickly with my son! OH decided about 3 weeks ago that he wants to get married before the baby is due, I really really hope I still fit in my dress!!:shock:
Just bumping this for the September Mummies have I missed anyones team announcements? x
I was originally due 2nd September and they put me back to 31st August... Last pregnancy I was due 26th August and my wee boy was 10 days late on 6th September so maybe I'll be the same this time around and have baby in September! I'll jump over here in Tri 3 if i run late lol
I'll just add you anyway! I know what you mean, I thought my due date would be 25th sept and I just thought it would be an October baby as my kids were 10 days and 9 days late! Don't hold out much hope for an on time baby this time.
Will do, thought you'd popped over to tri 3 earlier but that was another Xcitedmum2b!!!! Congrats on team pink. x
well had 20 week scan today...... and although we had decided to stay vanilla flavoured (team yellow if that doesnt make sense) we couldnt have found out any way.... must have been a sign it is supposed to be a surpries, as when it was time to look down there bubba decided to writgle with head at the front and feet at my back, and cross its legs aswell.... just to make sure we couldnt tel lol all we wanted to know that was everything was as it should be and it is..... so smiles all round! hope your all ok.... and mumps are cooking nicely..... take care xx
Mine's a boy too! Can you update me please, thanks a lot.
Updated Binzy. Congratulations. There are a lot of blue babies in September!
Thanks! There are loads of Blue babies!!

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