**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Bloody hell, that's scary seeing the Tri 3 post up, suppose its not long now! Kim I hope your scan goes well, I'm sure all will be fine with little one. My bump has a day or so when its achey and sore and then it relaxes a bit so I think it must be when there's a growth spurt happening.

I'm that excited about mat leave I'm counting it down in working days, of which I have 31!

Well I have Freddie's cold in earnest now, he's got over his ok. I'm coping with some menthol sweets and ice cold drinks as I'm so thirsty but would really like it to do one before work tomorrow.
Thanks....can't believe I'm on my last week of tri 2, so much has happened and changed over last few months but I can finally see positivity in it all.
I'm hoping that me and Chris are sorting out our differences and he's going to get the help he needs to control his depression and his anger. And I'm praying that we're stronger because of it x
Evening all... I've had this a while now and only happens at rest really, but I get like a pins and
Needles type sensation just below my left boob. It really strange. I can't work out if it inside or out. Anyone else had this type of sensation?
I'm going off last week of February/first week of March. So not long at all for me

We're currently in a 2 bed council house but mum is considering taking out a buy to let on her 2nd house and renting it out and said she would rent it to us for the price of her mortgage and the price of her landlord insurance - it's a 3 bed... She's looking into it tomorrow so hopefully that will work out for us
Aw jojo that would be fab!!!

Eaw i have no idea! I get pins and needles in my hands alot! What even causes it!? I dnt wanna google incase it says im guna die lol!
According to Google you're always going to die.lol
I'm not sure about pins and needles under your boob, but in your hand sounds like carpal tunnel! It's something I bizarrely only got AFTER I had my son, and this pregnancy has made it ease up again!!
Yep, I thought in your hand/fingers it was carpal tunnel, pregnancy makes all the tissues swollen so some women get it as a result. Last time it was only the very tips of my fingers that went numb which was weird. Under the boob though? Could it be that you're lying on a nerve/blood vessel when your sat or laid down and that's what's causing it?

I've succumbed today, had to take day off with this cold. Sinuses so bad not only my ears, eyes and nose ache but jaw and cheek bones as well, so had to sleep propped up on my back last night as couldn't lie on either side of my face. Well, I say sleep, the pressure in my sinuses led to 3 nosebleeds so sleep wasn't really happening. Had to get up to take Freddie to school and had to email cover work in. Already feeling guilty about missing lessons today, amd thinking about the work I'll have to catch up on when I go back in. If anyone has found the switch that turns your brain off could you let me know.
I think you could be right bobkat regarding my pins and needles.
Maybe as baby shifts a bit Eaw it'll ease up. I've tried gong back to bed to sleep but restless leg syndrome well and truly kicked in now. Had only been getting it in the evenings but ok when laid down, well now its morning and I was laid down so hope its not like this everytime I stop and sit down for 5 minutes now.
I've started to see my belly move today! My OH found it amazing and kept tickling where it moved and baby must have ticklish feet as everytime my OH touched it I got booted and my tummy moved!! It's so weird to see but I loved it too! :) xx
Awww Andrea, can't wait for that! It's amazing seeing your tummy jump around!
I haven't really seen my belly move but it does make the bath water move
He seems to be quiet in the bath, but as soon as I want to sleep he decides it's playtime!! It was a bit freaky when I first saw it but now I'm fascinated! Xx
V day for me today too.

Pins and needles in hands certainly sounds like carpal tunnel, although I get this normally due to laxity in my shoulders, so it could also maybe be caused by the way you are lying and yourligaments relaxing. Not so sure about the pins and needles in the boob though...
Happy v day ladies :)

I made the mistake of atta eating to move furnature around a little tosh while the little monster was awake,.. My bookcase is now a shelf for his toys lol

I really hope this house thing works out for us because this house is too small for two kids lol
Anyone getting jittery the closer to due date you get? This pregnacy was 100% planned but as time goes on I find myself questioning if I've done the right thing. It's my first so I guess it's fear of the unknown and I'm sure it'll be different once baby is here but I can't help but fret and worry.

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