**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

I have finally started sorting the boys bedroom out and Logan's space on the top floor is slowly coming together....I'm actually quite scared at how quick time is going now. There's so much I need to do (and pay for) Xx
Same Em!

We need to get Noahs room sorted and repainted. Buy him his kura ikea bed.
Build a storage thing in the garden that we bought beginning of the month! Bought it as Noah has 2 single cupboardsnin his room and one has been used as storage with all OHs tools etc in! So all that will be going in thos container thingy in the garden lol! Then Charlies clothes can start being hung up!

Need this shite weather to go away to build it!
I'm just sorting through the mountains of clothes my mum has brought and what I've been given. How's best to store then do you think? In the chest of drawers or in the carry bags. 99% of it is second hand.
I banged it all in draws or bags until it was all washed at 34wks. Then the folding commensed lol!!

They have a single built in waredrobe each which has hanging space and shelf space. I may need to get a 3 draw chest of draws (he currently has a 4 draw one but this wont fit under his mini bunk) but ill see how it goes and judge on what it all looks like once the waredrobes r sorted and his new bed it up!

Need to limit space as much as poss as they will be sharing until we afford to buy a 3 bed now! Xx
I think baby has more clothes than me. Just need to sort through all the stuff to actually see what we have and don't have. Feels like we've been collecting so long I don't know what we've got.
The nursery is taking shape. Brought some lovely curtains in dunelm in the sale. So pleased with how it going
Im the same i sorted all of Noahs old clothes out before christmas and its all re bagged and sized in the attic but i couldnt tell u at all what i need or dnt need lmao!
Then i went mental and bought loads in the next vip too! Soo clothes overload here!!!!

I have sod all clothes!!! These babas defo get spoilt lol x
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I need to have a food rejig when I start my leave in March.

I don't have much to buy this time
- just a perfect prep machine (£70 on tesco baby event)
- double buggy (mother is buying this monstrosity)
- video monitor (although won't be needed until about November when both kids go into one room
I really need to make a list.

But from what i can think of:

Maybe a new bouncer
Maybe a chicco next to me (depending on if the moses basket and bassinet is still in ok condtion from being in attic for 2yrs!!)
So we shall see!
But literally have everything else!

I like the idea of a prep. My friend said i can use hers but i dno if shell be done with it by May. So wont be buy one as i found making up bottles the way we did it quick and faff free anyway. So will only have one if shes happy for us to have it still.

Otherwise the main money is being spent on redecorating their room and getting Noah a bed so Charlie can have his cotbed x
Phase one of our rejig is complete. Oh took both our bed and Freddie's bed apart today and swapped them into the different bedrooms and then put them back together. I, in the meantime, went out for afternoon tea and had some yummy cake!
Next phase will be taking stud wall out between what is now our room and the tiny boxroom/large cupboard. The it'll be over to me to sort the cupboards and clothes out so I'm putting my feet up while I can! Also got to decorate them at some point.
I've bright the prep machine. Can't wait to use it.
I was a bit torn abut it but I figure with Luke just 26 months I'll need all he help I can get with time management lol well spend £40 on it and £30 tesco vouchers
Morning ladies, I've had a busy busy weekend(nothing to do with baby bits either!) went for a lovely long walk in the snow yesterday, but my days I was shattered, but woke up having nightmares about been rushed into hospital, and since about 6pm I have felt sooo sick again, the sickness and nausea is really starting to get me down again now, just want it to end. On the plus we're nearly into tri 3 and tbh it can't come quick enough!xx
Well we have had to replace thenmoses basket.

OH got it out the attic and it was all bent and squashed! Hes had an old tv and carseat on it for 2 sodding years! Nice one idiot!!! Lol

Luckly r stand is ok. So we just popped to asda and managed to grab a gorgeous moses for £13.50 in the baby event!!!! :)

Im also making him build that storage thing in the garden today, in the rain lol! The longer we leave it the less time i have to try and sort out the boys cupboards and clothes!! X
I haven't been on in ages, working these new hours (2.5 hours a day!!) is taking up so much time, it's ridiculous!

Hope you're all doing ok, I can't believe we're approaching V Day already :) it scares me how quickly this is all going.

I started having a proper look at the extra seats and bits that we need to make our pram a double, it's so blooming expensive - the problem with choosing an iCandy lol!
They've just brought out a newer model so don't seem to be stocking the colour that we need, I can only find really girly colours, I do like some of them but I'm too scared to commit to a pink pram, just in case baby ends up not being a girl...haha I mentioned this to OH and he said he wasn't convinced either since the lady doing the gender scan wasn't overly convincing, and they wouldn't confirm at our 20 week scan. So he said he'd been thinking about having another scan :-D of course I agreed straight away and said I'd wanted one (3/4D of course haha) for ages but thought he'd just think I was being greedy seeing as we've already had an early scan and a gender scan (we had nothing but the nhs scans with Oscar so feel kind of bad). We do both still think it's a girl, but feel like we need confirmation just to be sure. And it would be nice to hopefully get some decent scan pics of this one as she's been shy and wriggly for all the scans so far so pics have been rubbish.

Exciting for the scan Jen!!!

Really hoping we can afford one next payday.

Wooop yay jojo! :)

just been to my physio consultation. She was lovely. Been giving loads of leaflets to help, a belt and a sheet thing to lay on that helps me turn in bed.
Got 4 sessions of antenatal pilates classes to attend with her too starting next tues xx
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I've just bought a perfect prep machine for £33.50! Also 5 pairs of tights and,some leggings firv£8 and 3 tops and 2 pairs of leggings,from pumpkin patch for £16
Jojo thats a bargain!!
Is that cosnu used tesco vouchers or is there one that price somewhere!!!? Xx
It's £70. I used some vouchers to . Drop the price

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