**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

I feel like a docked ship!!

The nurse at work is forcing me - FORCING - me to sit down until I look
A better colour! She won't let me do anything... She's Romanian and kinda scary so I dated not obey, especially as she's threatening me with a blood
Pressure cuff! I feel like an invalid!! And useleas, I feel especially useless
I feel like a docked ship!!

The nurse at work is forcing me - FORCING - me to sit down until I look
A better colour! She won't let me do anything... She's Romanian and kinda scary so I dated not obey, especially as she's threatening me with a blood
Pressure cuff! I feel like an invalid!! And useleas, I feel especially useless

Do as you're told. Us nurses are bossy and more than happy to use blood pressure cuffs as a weapon ;)

I work with a lovely Romanian nurse though most people think she's scary too!
I haven't had any leakage...yet. been so busy at work that I haven't had much time to write here. How's everybody been? Jojo do as your told and rest, don't want you passing out xx
Agreed - rest when told to!!!

I've not leaked at all either Andrea - I didn't with my first, but as soon as my milk came in, they were like taps I couldn't turn off :lol:
Exactly! I've got the weekend off, so I'm booked in at the hairdressers for a freshen up! Then off out for a late xmas/bday meal for a friend so ill be the designated driver!
Think I may finally be going off coffee,just had my first cup of the day and it was just like drinking warm water..burgh! We picked up of pram on Wednesday...it looks brilliant but it's at my oh's nans house. Got a big box that's 3/4 full of baby stuff already. Can't believe I'll be 24 weeks on Sunday!xx
I feel like a docked ship!!

The nurse at work is forcing me - FORCING - me to sit down until I look
A better colour! She won't let me do anything... She's Romanian and kinda scary so I dated not obey, especially as she's threatening me with a blood
Pressure cuff! I feel like an invalid!! And useleas, I feel especially useless

Do as you're told. Us nurses are bossy and more than happy to use blood pressure cuffs as a weapon ;)

I work with a lovely Romanian nurse though most people think she's scary too!

Lol she's good scary, she just looked after me. Today she actually ripped gloves off my hand and barked "sit!" Lol she said if I faint she will slap me to wake me up- her husband said she says it out of love lol

My mother is a nurse and also threatense with blood pressure cuffs especially as I have a tendency to have blood pressure dips... I have a low baseline that means that normal person high BP is sky high for me and once I had my gallbladder out (I was very very ill with it) they refused to operate because my BP was so low.

I have just 6 weeks of work left before I go on leave thpugh -12hr nightshifts with 23 residents can be tough at best of times
I've just added breast pads to my shopping list for tomorrow. Although I've not leaked yet I certainly don't want to be dashing to the shops when I do and squirting the cashier in the eye! Pleased you're being looked after Jojo, take any opportunity to rest at work when you can.

We're starting to sort the house out this weekend for baby's arrival. We have 2 double bedrooms but next to the one Freddie sleeps in is a tiny box room (would literally fit a cot in, just, and nothing else). So we are swapping bedrooms with Freddie and will then take stud wall out to between his old room and the box room, as well as stealing a bit of the landing to make 1 bigger room for baby to share with us. Then, if needed we have a room big enough for both of them to share a couple of years down the line. Should all look great when we've done, the only thing I'm worried about is when oh takes Freddie's cabin bed apart to move it he wont remember how to put it back together again, I remember it being a nightmare to put together when we first got it.
Hey ladies thought I would update u on my 20 week scan..baby is nice and healthy and is still a girl :) We've also booked a 4d scan for 29th Feb..can't wait to see her again! Hope ur all well and I'll add a pic thru tapa talk cause it doesn't work this way for some reason xx
Brilliant pics Sarahlouise, scans are amazing aren't they. Just debating whether to book a 3d one, cant believe if I don't the next time I'll see them is when they're born!
Oooh and happy V day to me! I have a viable cantaloupe according to my fruitometer!
I was contemplating a 3d scan but I think I'm going to wait til baby here to see them for the first time. All add to my surprise of boy or girl and rendering who they look like. Though it does look amazing!
Id love one.. But didnt gave one with Noah..

But did wnd up having 2 growth scans in tri3 so i did get to see him again..

The thought if waiting till birth now kills me lol! Im terrible xx
We did have one with Freddie, even though team yellow, got some great pics but still couldn't tell if girl or boy at the time. That's why I'm considering it, I guess I want to treat both babies the same. Might be hard to explain in a few years why we got some pics of one but not the other. There's a place nr me with a Groupon voucher for a scan for £49, just got to get oh to agree.
Hi ladies hope u r all ok, loads of you know your gender!! How exciting :) we had our 20 week scan last week and all went well :) we are still team yellow though!! It took some strength but think the surprise at the end will be worth it :)

Started feeling kicks and hubby felt one from the outside! Only managed to get him to feel one!! Every time he puts his hands on baby stops!

I love feeling kicks :)

I am a bit worried about my pelvis/back I have been for a dog walk today and done quite a few things in the house so lots of bending up and down, now I am in agony!!! It really hurts to get up and walk about :(

Loving my bump :) everyone says I am huge for how far on I am but I love it :) xxx
Hey huni!!

Aww im the same with my hips. Ive had spd/pgp with both pregnancies now. I have physio on Tues so fx that helps! Xx
Loubalouba we are just the same. Baby goes crazy and as soon I get hubbys hand in my belly all goes quiet.

We are also team yellow too, and keep getting people telling us how much more exciting it is. Means the phone calls after baby arrives are more exciting too. Think 'it's a boy' rather than 'he/she is here'
I think we all have little monkey's mine little one does exactly the same when I get my oh's hand. He's felt a couple of kicks but most time baby goes quiet! Xx
Team yellow is,exciting but tbh I am enjoying knowing what I'm having this time.

How crazy is it that I spoke to a lady at church about the baptism course for baby 2 lol. We will have it around July/August so I need to get into the course list.

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