**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Tbh you can't lose much while pregnant anyway to bring you down, best thing is to discuss it with your midwife. Just wat as healthily as you can - I read the average amount to put on in pregnancy is 2stone... But don't forget that your placenta + fluid + baby can weigh quite a bit... I'm sure I read that by the end of pregnancy baby+placenta + fluid can weigh a stone by itself

My birth plan first time round basically said "have baby" lol I don't really care what kind of birth in have as long as it's a safe one... Im having a section this time... But I'm a very clinical
Ive gained 1st 9lbs already hun!!!

But im 6ft so can hide it a bit better and my bmi was 23 at booking in.. In Noahs pregnancy they only weighed me onxe and that was at my booking in! I gained just over 4st on Noah but i still got a water birth.

Same so far this time too! Only weighed once..
But im guna mention slimming worl at my 28wk check as i dnt want to gain that muxh again. Wanna try and maintain what ive alreasy gained.
Ive heard and been told that mw can refer u to sw or ww and that means u get about 12wks free if she thinks itll benefit you!

so ill ask her to weigh me and see what she suggests.
I cant do it from home cos i give up easily lol xx
Yeah I'm really weak and my OH has a high calorie diet due his medical history so have fatty and carby foods. I'll mention it my mw when I next see her. See what she says/advises. Somethings have happened today that have made me think and I just want to do right by my little baby,and I'd like to weigh less after my pregnancy than I did before. Thanks for the reassurance xx
I'm struggling tonight...baby Logan is getting increasingly stronger but I'm so sad that Chris isn't here to experience it.
I don't know if the some of the emotions are down to tiredness or what.
I'm still waiting for the police to ring me regarding Chris's breach of bail but I suppose if he didn't threaten me and hasn't come near me it's not urgent.
I might try and ring the domestic violence coordinator tomorrow as she gave me the office number but then I don't know if she works on a Sunday. There's a womensaid number online but they're only someone to talk to and I don't think they'll be able to answer my questions.
I'm 24 weeks tomorrow and it's also mine and Chris's one year anniversary which is just making the whole ordeal worse :'(
How are you feeling this morning Emma? Have you had a good sleep? I've no idea about the practicalities of what goes on in these situations and who to talk to - hopefully your domestic violence officer can point you toward some good charities?

We've got 2 potential baby girl names this morning; Robyn and Evelyn. I'm not keen on eve as a shortened version so that might rule that one out. Robyn is growing on me more and more by the hour though! We won't decide on a definitive name until she's here I think. I'd like to see what she looks like first I think. Really tempted to suggest a 4d preview scan to hubby - they're £79 and can be done from 24 weeks just to double check gender mainly
So far we have Eleanor, Jennifer and Lucy I think

I'm also weak lol .. Tesco had a sale
I had a few broken hours but I'm still struggling-I've just had to go to tesco to get basic shopping and it took literally every ounce of strength to get there and get round.
Chris was going to take his life yesterday but his mum and cousin talked him round, he's asking to see me and has tried ringing me again.im waiting for the police to come to take my statement amount him breaching bail the other night. I can't even concentrate on been pregnant.
I've got my gtt tomorrow at the hospital pregnancy centre-if I asked do u think someone might check me over...bp etc just to ensure that everything's ok? xx
Aw god hun!
Glad his mum has talked him around!

Defo ask to have a onfe over hun, they have bp machines to hand all the time so im sure it wont be any bother to them xxx
Of course, I'm sure they'll 100% understand your need!

As hard as it is, telling you things like that is just emotional abuse now. He needs to stay away from you, and he can't be passing messages like that on (even if he's not specifically asked someone to tell you, he clearly knew they would). It's SO hard to know what's the truth and what is an attempt at manipulation? Xxx
I don know that he'll be in a dark place but knowing his cousin is supporting him has given me some comfort-apparently he spent last night sat in a bus shelter by the river front crying.

I've got a mw appt on Thursday but don't know if to go to doctors before then anyway, I'lol need a sick note from Thursday anyway xx
My husband finally got a good kick from baby this morn. He didn't like it lol
Police have been and are going to do a welfare check on him because of my concerns over his mental state and then take him in for breach of bail...I feel so bad xx
How are you feeling this morning Emma? Have you had a good sleep? I've no idea about the practicalities of what goes on in these situations and who to talk to - hopefully your domestic violence officer can point you toward some good charities?

We've got 2 potential baby girl names this morning; Robyn and Evelyn. I'm not keen on eve as a shortened version so that might rule that one out. Robyn is growing on me more and more by the hour though! We won't decide on a definitive name until she's here I think. I'd like to see what she looks like first I think. Really tempted to suggest a 4d preview scan to hubby - they're £79 and can be done from 24 weeks just to double check gender mainly

My middle name is Robyn so thumbs up from me! :)

Ive just bookedva 4d scan. They are £60 in Kiddiecare if you have one near to you?
Aww Emma so sorry your having a hard time, just remember where here for you to let it all out to.

I never liked the 4D scans but since been pregnant I'm liking them more, OH hates them, trying to talk him round.

Ended up in our MAC today as I hadn't felt baby move for over 24hours after a minor accident at work yesterday and it really worried me, but he was there, strong heart beat, but I've bruised my stomach muscles which is why my tummy was tender, I've got a water infection(again)but they've sent it off for tests to find out what antibiotics to give me. I was seen by 3 mw's, a student mw,a reg mw and a senior midwife, they all said I can go in as many times as I want and they will ALWAYS check me if I'm worried about movements which was so nice and reassuring to know. It's made me feel really relaxed about giving birth there.

Sorry for long post, how are you all?xx
Aww hun its always such a worry isnt it! Glad u and baba r ok tho from accident xxx

I think they have clamped down loads of reduced movements now. They never said no to be going in as i had it about 6 times with Noah. But i find since that charity count the kicks they really have listened alot more and take it more seriously..

If ever in doubt 10000% call!

Been to ikea today to get a few bots for the boys bedroom, like clothes organisers and tubs for their cupboards. Seen the mid sleeper bunk I want to get Noah too! He tried out the display and loved it :), his draws and toys will go under creating space in the room for Charlies cotbed.

Just need to find £190 to buy the bloody bed now haha! Xxx
I bought some things from count the kicks the other day, I think that's what pushed me to go in. Mw said from 26 they can keep me on a monitor for 20mins rather than just using a doppler atm with me only been 23 weeks.

Can't believe how expensive child's beds are and mattresses!xx
Ohhh what bed babyslog? We got Jake the Kura for his 2nd birthday because his room is so small. My OH made a banister for the trofast unit to make stairs, too:


And he has the bed tent on top to make it cosy! I absolutely LOVE it! I'm also a little obsessed with IKEA, I'm gutted I live so far away!!!!

Unfortunately, I don't know if they even have a kiddicare in Wales, let alone my opposite corner of Wales :lol:

I'm really pleased the MAC have been so good with you - it's exactly how they should all react! Glad baby's doing well, too. Hope your tummy heals up quickly!! Xxx
Yes thats it the kura!!!!! Ahh i wanted him to have that draw set as steps but his room is so bloody small!
Ive seen on pintrest ideas to make it a mini bunk bed for when charlies older. I want the tent but need to see how it looks in the room cos i think itll make it even more smaller! But i like it cos i think itll stop him from trying to climb over the side lol!!

They dnt have one in Wales! Closest to me in Cardiff was the one in western super mare, but they closed it! I dnt thi k theres many left around the uk now, they have gone alot more online based! Xx
I bought some things from count the kicks the other day, I think that's what pushed me to go in. Mw said from 26 they can keep me on a monitor for 20mins rather than just using a doppler atm with me only been 23 weeks.

Can't believe how expensive child's beds are and mattresses!xx

I was always on that trace lol! And Noah would always show me up and go mental and have alittle dance too! Just to make me look like this over dramatic mother to be ahahaa!

I bought the CTC wrost band.. Guna start monitoring him properly from about 26/27wks onwards. Hes still all over the place, but defo a little night owl like his brother was lol! Xx
Tummy still sore but with this little wriggler and bruising I imagine I'll be tender for a few more days. I bought the wristband and a couple of pens!
Had fajitas for tea...baby does NOT like them at all. :( just been sick. :(
We have an ikea literally 5 mins from us in leeds and ive only been twice! Xx

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