**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Looks like I'm joining the single mummy's club...my other half has another episode today and it ended in him head butting me :( he's been removed from the house by the police but I don't know what's happening now x

Episode of what?

Also if he touches you then you want him out the house, you deserve better
He has bipolar so has manic and depressive episodes. I've still got his daughter here but they can't find anywhere to bail him to as his mum has refused to have him. I'm supposed to be at work tomorrow but I don't know what's happening x
He's been charged and released on bail pending court at the end of the month. He's not allowed any contact with me and I've got to contact a solicitor in the morning to sort out injunctions. I just feel so numb and scared at the moment x
Oh Emma I'm so sorry. I hope you're physically ok from it now?? A close friend of mine has just gone through a domestic violence case (it finished 2 days ago when he got sentenced) and I've seen just how tough it's been on her - and she doesn't have a child with him, or other young children.

You've done the best thing for your family by contacting the police. Don't let him guilt you. He may have mental health issues but that is NOT an excuse for violence. Don't let him try and persuade you it is.

Hope you're as OK as can be xxxx
I'm just going through the motions...I need to be at work but I also need to be at the other side of the city to drop his daughter off so her mum can come and collect her, I need to ring a solicitor and start the injunctions. I'm also due a call from some domestic violence support and probably social services as I noticed on the paperwork last night that they'd contacted child services. I've got 10000 jobs to do and just feeling so many emotions at once x
Awful situation :( and not at all what you need when you're pregnant :( but you can't have him near you like this - mentally ill or not, it's obviously not controled and he can't be near you and the kids in that state??
Sarah sun, that's great news. I'm surprised because mine won't even talk to me about a section date until 36 weeks!! Where are you? Xxx

I'm in Oxford.

Saw my consultant yesterday and given my history I.e twins, pre- eclampsia, second section due to an unstable lie due to a twin sized uterus, last pregnancy being a ruptured ectopic, the fact that I've never labored and my age... We did discuss a VBAC though she believes that a c section is the safest delivery option for me hence booked.

I would rather have been able to try naturally if possible though I'm happiest to go with whatever she feels is the safest option for me.
We've been put on high risk alert by the police and I've been advised to keep my doors and windows locked at all times. I've now got a domestic violence officer whom I can contact direct and I have an advocate aswel who is going to help me with the injunction.
Oh god Emma I hope this all comes good for you soon. Are you scared about what he might do? Obviously you know him best - do you think he'll try to come to your house??

What an absolute nightmare for you. I'm sorry you have to go through this now whilst you're pregnant, too xxx
He's so unpredictable I just don't know what he'll do. He's in a dark place at the moment and he could accept it and go through the motions or he could go into an angry state that he can't control and turn up here x
Just puked up for the 2nd time today. Always after being around food... I smell or and nausea kicks in
He's so unpredictable I just don't know what he'll do. He's in a dark place at the moment and he could accept it and go through the motions or he could go into an angry state that he can't control and turn up here x

Is he bad enough to be sectioned?
Sarah sun, that's great news. I'm surprised because mine won't even talk to me about a section date until 36 weeks!! Where are you? Xxx

I'm in Oxford.

Saw my consultant yesterday and given my history I.e twins, pre- eclampsia, second section due to an unstable lie due to a twin sized uterus, last pregnancy being a ruptured ectopic, the fact that I've never labored and my age... We did discuss a VBAC though she believes that a c section is the safest delivery option for me hence booked.

I would rather have been able to try naturally if possible though I'm happiest to go with whatever she feels is the safest option for me.
Well the midwives know best and if your happy with that then hope all goes well! Are you leaving us to go to April mummies or are you staying with us?:) xx
I might do a little bit of both as I've come to be rather fond of you guys but theoretically I guess I'm an April mummy now! X
He's so unpredictable I just don't know what he'll do. He's in a dark place at the moment and he could accept it and go through the motions or he could go into an angry state that he can't control and turn up here x

Is he bad enough to be sectioned?

Yeah I think he is but that's out of my hands now....he's pulled me into his dark place and it's not a nice place to be. Knowing that the one person I love and trust could hurt me so much is destroying me. I had to say goodbye to my stepdaughter knowing that il probably never see her again and that she may never meet her baby brother absolutely broke me today xx
Aw bloody hell hun this sounds so awful and upsetting for you!

You have done the right thing though! You and the boys and his daughter need to be & feel safe.

I hope he gets the help he needs but I know as he's bipolar this will be the same for the rest of his life.
Have u got support from your family?

I really
Hope u didnt go to work today!!!! There no way i could with all this going on!! Xxx
No I didn't go in...well i walked in and stayed 2 minutes then walked out again. My head office have been really good and have said that I need to concentrate on me and baby. I've spoke to the gp who said she would give me a physical examination if I needed it but apart from a bruise on my nose I'm physically fine. It's the emotions that I'm having trouble with. I had a half hour nap earlier and felt better when I woke up but then everything just starts up in my head again and I break down.
My mums coming shortly to pick her puppy up as I've been looking after it whilst she's away and I really don't want to break down again x
It would be a horrible situation without all the pregnancy hormones ontop of it hun!
I dnt blame u for not sleeping and ur head must be going a million miles an hour! Pls dnt rush bk to work? Spesh as they r being good with understanding it all too!
Just forcus of u and baba and ur boys xxx
Emma, I am have read through the last couple of pages in complete shock. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and your kids, it would be awful at any time, let alone being pregnant. Please keep talking about it on here, just to let yourself vent a bit if nothing else, don't let it get bottled up. Don't go back to work until you feel like you have a handle on what's happening, get signed off if need be. So thankful that physically you are ok, please take care. x

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