**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

I feel bad because my boss is texting me asking if everything is ok at work and I've just been saying yeah everything's fine-I don't want to worry her because she's got enough on with her daughter x
I don't mean to sound harsh but you need to do what's best for you, not thinking about other people. Work is work and if your colleague is a professional she should support you in every way possible. Is there no one else there you can take into confidence about the situation, even if its not her? Sorry if I've misunderstood. x
She's manager and I'm deputy, her daughter (14) had brain surgery yesterday to remove a brain tumour. I'm supposed to now be in charge but obviously I'm not there and at the moment I don't have any intention of going back...I just can't deal with work pressure aswell as all this. The court date isn't until the 28th January so I'm going to be living in limbo until then. It scares me so much that I've got to keep doors and everything licked and I feel like I'm living on eggshells because of it x
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Bless you, is there a friend or relative that can come and stay with you till then, might help you feel a bit safer?
I've had to tell the younger boys that the man they idolise isn't here and isn't coming back...they are devastated and can't understand why they can't ring him or anything x
Aw hun this is devestating :( :(

I no her daughter has had major surgery but that doesnt mean ur life and problems r any less important. Seeiously dnt even think of work right now!
No the little ones have no idea, my eldest knows about it because of previous incidents.
I've just had a google about what the domestic violence officer said to me earlier. She said that we had been assessed as high risk so this puts us in a category as at the most risk of serious injury or death through violence and I know there's going to be a Marac meeting which involves different agencies meeting to discuss our safety. The officer said it was a good thing as it means I get all the help available but I can't help feeling like such a failure for not protecting my family from this man and even though I knew of his past I wa as stupid enough to believe that he had changed and that I was strong enough to take on anything.
I've been trying to sort money out and I don't know how I can survive on sick pay...I'm such a mess right now.

Thank you all for listening to my ramblings-it helps to have somewhere that I can just rant xx
Hun ur not rambling!!!!
And dnt go blaming yourself! You cant help who you fall in love with!
Does he not take medication for it? Or isit just simply not making any difference to it??

Just think, the boys are ok and unharmed, yes he hurt you, but you Nd baba are still ok & now it means he cant do that ever again!
I know it looks bad at the moment. But you can do this hun.

Can you call tax credits and explain that he has left, you could be entitled to something that they could sort out quickly for you?? Xxx
You aren't rambling. It's better you post in here than bottle it up xxx

It really isn't your fault. His behaviour is NOT down to you, this couldn't be predicted. He's unwell and that's made him unpredictable - you had no way of preventing this. We all take some risks in life and falling in love is ALWAYS a risk, it makes you most vulnerable.

You've protected your boys well - none of them have been hurt xxxx
I've just had to call 101 as he has been texting me and breaching his bail....I feel worse than I did. I feel so guilty for reporting him but I'm worried for his safety as well. I'm so scared he's going to hurt himself. I love him so much and my heart is shattered knowing that he won't be a part of my life again. He's sorry for what he's done and said he'd go on medication to help him and do anything it takes to keep me with him but I know deep down that he will never change.
Hope things start to look up for you this weekend Emma.

Reading my scan notes, I have a fundal placenta again this time. After a bit of googling, I think that's why I never had the rib kicks last time so hopefully won't again this time!!! I think her kicks are strong enough to feel from the outside now, but we never have our hands in the right place at the right time and she stops as soon as we put them on!!!
Hope things start to look up for you this weekend Emma.

Reading my scan notes, I have a fundal placenta again this time. After a bit of googling, I think that's why I never had the rib kicks last time so hopefully won't again this time!!! I think her kicks are strong enough to feel from the outside now, but we never have our hands in the right place at the right time and she stops as soon as we put them on!!!

I hope so too but it's so difficult at the moment.

I Always wondered why my eldest has been the only baby that had got his feet in my ribs-never even thought it could be down to placenta placement but it not seems obvious x
Ohh tigger ur not missing out of the rib kicks! I used to have to push Noahs away it was minging haha! So incomfortable!

I have a posterior placenta this time, Noahs was anterior and did block an awful lot that let to reduced movement and being up the hosp a few times end of tri 3.
So it'll be fun to see how mixh this one boots me lol!!

Im really and seeing him loads already though, OH and even Noah have felt him which is nice :) xx
Emma it's never going to be easy. Just surround yourself with as much support as you can. It will get better - it has to. It's just so hard to see when you're in the horrible foggy bit xxx

Ohh babyslog that's so lovely to be able to get your little boy involved! I can't even think what Jake is going to make of it!!! We've tried telling him he's getting a sister the last few days... Doesn't care. Not even sure he gets what that means!!
I dont think Noah has a clue whats inside mind u!
He called my belly 'baby Charlie' lol.. Some days hell kiss bump, some days he doesn't want to know lol! Im hoping as he edges closer to being 3 and May arrives hell understand a bit more!

I think he'll stll have a shock when there's a new baby about! Lol x
Oh Emma I've just caught up, I'm so sorry to read what you've been through. It looks like the girls on here have been a fab support as always :) I hope the court date comes round quickly for you and sorts everything out so you can try and carry on with your life. Just try to concentrate on yourself and your boys for now, they'll keep you going. You're definitely strong enough to get through this :)

How lovely that Noah has felt baby, I bet he found it strange?! Oscar hasn't a clue what's going on. I feel bad that he's too young to understand what's going on, so we're just going to arrive home with a baby one day, the poor boy won't know what's hit him!

I'm feeling a little more movements, but they're still ever so gentle and all by my right hip. I can only feel it when I'm lay down, very occasionally when I'm sitting. I guess the anterior placenta is blocking most of it :-(

Hope you managed to get some sleep Emma, you are being incredibly strong, and you did the right thing. Hugs x

Freddie finally felt baby move this morning, we have been trying to get him to feel for ages but he never sits still long enough to wait, but he came into our bed this morning while baby was doing their usual morning exercises and he actually felt it. Look on his face was priceless. He gives bump a kiss and cuddle each morning and at bedtime, and when he comes home from school. Its very cute, just hope its the same when baby's born!

I have an anterior placenta too but either due to where it is exactly or how baby's lying in still getting lots of movement. They seem to work themselves lower during the day so get lots of kicks in the food but early on they are quite high up.
I puked up 7 times yesterday, 7 times!! No joke... Doc thinks it's all down to acid.

Feel a little better today but left tablets at mums :(
Aww no jojo hope your feeling better today.
Beelen reading thru my notes and worried I won't be able to have a water birth as my bmi is classed as high (I'm 5ft7 and have a bmi of 32) and now I'm worrying it'll be even high due to the weight I'll have put on while been pregnant. I've put on 5lb in 14 weeks, I'm worrying this is too much and if I should start a diet eg slimming world/weight watchers. Have you guys gained much? Xx

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