**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

8 blues
7 pinks
4 yellows

:) eeeek! Can't wait to know what everyone else is having x
Aww congratulations tigger on a little girl xx
I was so convinced it was another boy (who's name I did have sorted!) that I haven't thought of a single one. All suggestions welcomed!!!! X
Congrats Tigger on your little pink bundle. Hope yours goes ok tomorrow Kanga, I got the fear about mine too so completely understand.

I know what I've been experiencing today is entirely normal but wanted to know if there's anyone else that's experiencing the same. My ladybits feel really swollen and heavy, and almost like the insides want to fall out of me, to the extent I'm quite nervous about peeing even though its obviously ok. Baby has been kicking really low as well past couple of days, right in the foof so I know its just them resting on me a bit lower that's causing all these weird sensations.Just felt the need to share!
Defo normal hun!
We get that increased blood flow so it can do that down there!
Not had it this time so far, bit did a bit with Noah.

Im getting alow of cervix kicks and it feels so weird i dnt like it lol!!
I know, certainly don't want another 17 weeks of going to the loo and expecting to see a little foot waving at me from down there! Or of having to walk round like John Wayne - not yet anyway!
Today I've decided it's time to give up the horse game :(
My big horsey went to live my sister back in September and so I'm left with two Shetland ponies. But I just don't enjoy it as I used too and see it more as a chore than fun. I only hung on to them in the first place to keep my rented yard for when my big one come back but to be honest I doubt he'll be back for a few years so it led me to the decision today to sell up and enjoy a break. So both my little ponies are up for sale along with masses of stuff I have acquired over the years. It really is amazing how having a baby changes all out looks on life. I always promised id keep my horses if I had a baby but I'm more than happy playing house wife when I'm not working.
Thanks everyone :)

Babies change EVERYTHING for you, it's mental. Things you totally never expected would change. Feelings you never thought they'd have any reason to impact on!! I'm sorry you're selling your horses on though, especially if its such a big part of your past too.

The heavy swollen feeling I get on occasion! I think we'll be feeling it on and off till the end now. Hopefully baby will wriggle around into a new position for you soon!! Xxx
Aww I know how you feel, I had to give up my cob a few years ago due to moving, was absolutely gutted but was right decision in the end.
Got the sterilisers today, she'd never used it so brand new steriliser for £10.
How's everyone feeling?xx
Also made a purchase from count the kicks: they just so happened to have a sale on (not expensive I know) but bought 3 sperm & egg pens and a wristband.
Had my consultant appointment today and my c section has now been booked for the 26th April.

So exciting! :)
Aww I know how you feel, I had to give up my cob a few years ago due to moving, was absolutely gutted but was right decision in the end.
Got the sterilisers today, she'd never used it so brand new steriliser for £10.
How's everyone feeling?xx

It was new!!!! Amazing!! X
Sarah sun, that's great news. I'm surprised because mine won't even talk to me about a section date until 36 weeks!! Where are you? Xxx
Looks like I'm joining the single mummy's club...my other half has another episode today and it ended in him head butting me :( he's been removed from the house by the police but I don't know what's happening now x
Aww I know how you feel, I had to give up my cob a few years ago due to moving, was absolutely gutted but was right decision in the end.
Got the sterilisers today, she'd never used it so brand new steriliser for £10.
How's everyone feeling?xx

It was new!!!! Amazing!! X
Yeah I was very happy to say the least!xx
Looks like I'm joining the single mummy's club...my other half has another episode today and it ended in him head butting me :( he's been removed from the house by the police but I don't know what's happening now x
Aww that's not good news at all, but you need to keep yourself and baby safe. You don't want him to end up getting you in the stomach. Hope your ok.xx

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