**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Non bio fairy is what i used as a newborn with Noah.

He has normal bio surf stuff now what i wash all our stuff in.
But loved the smell and feel of fairy on his clothes :) x
What dog do you have bobkat? Could you not put bag on back seat/floor under car seat (if safe to do so) we've gone for a Phil and teds smart lux from mothercare(got it half price,chuffed as it was the one we wanted!) It is quite bulky even when folded down but we don't have a dog and both our cars have rather big boots. It's got really chunky wheels - which is good as we like our walks. Xx

Hey, we have a collie dog, and also my mil to get in car. She's widowed so we normally take her out with us when we go on day trips and holidays, so with 2 kids and grandma on the back the boot is really the only place to put stuff and the dog. So I've started looking for buggies/strollers that are suitable from birth until baby is walking about as it will need to squeeze down the side or can loe on top of things. I looked at the Phil and ted, think will have a look at again. Also seen the Obaby Zezu Pramette which looks good. Gpng to invest in a good baby carrier for use where possible as well.

I have decided not to weigh myself. I got a new watch a couple of years ago before I lost a lot of weight so it was fitted to my fatter wrist. I've never had it readjusted so as long as it moves loosely on my wrist I know I'm sort of ok. Plus I'm still going to zumba, although the thought of it tonight after first day back at work is not attractive but know I'll enjoy it when I'm there. Even if my hips won't! Ache so much after teaching a full day after 2 weeks off, hopefully it'll improve as I get back to the swing of things. I have also developed a huge bump this past week and its not all Xmas pudding!
When's the "right" time to pack your hospital bag? Been playing on my mind for a while.
I've just started doing mine today, only toiletries so far not sure when to start packing baby clothes as obv I know they need to be washed but not sure when to wash them xx

What do you all recommend washing them in.
Is it non bio? And what's the difference? Fabric conditioner?

We use fairy non bio but I also rate tesco loves baby non bio

I'd akways use non bio on bsby clothes because it's less likely to irritate their skin,
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Has anybody tried the asda baby cleaning range? I was in tonight and noticed the have a range (a lot cheaper than fairy) and won't washing my clothes separately to baby still agitate baby when I'm cuddling/holding etc? Xx
Babyslog I bought some pitta bread tonight! Along with a fridge full of salady stuff!xx
They're prob similar to tesco and tesco is great. I use tesco for everything- their wipes are awesome and nappies. Little angels nappies are good I hear and their wipes too (although I founf them s bit thin).

Asda Nd
Ly cream us great SND their nipple cream us great if they still do it.

I wash all my boys clothes in tesco non bio and tesco conditioner.
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Oh I might give asda's range a go then. Just don't wanna fork out all that money on fairy for one little person when another brand cheaper will do same. Xx
Decided in mat leave and last day of work!

Last day being 19th April (37+4), taking annual leave (only works out 4 shifts as im part time) then Mat leave starts 3rd May (39+4).
Hoping I last that long as I'll be due back 2nd week of Jan then.
But I'll be saving 70hrs (returning on a hopefully 16-22hr contract) so by using up those 70hrs i shoukd be well into mid/end of feb, maybe even march before I'm back.. FX!!!

I just hope my pgp doesnt cause me grief near the end and have to leave earlier. I only work Mon-Tues 8.30-5 and Fri 8.30-2.30. Hope being PT will help manage that long x
I only work 2-3 times a week but I work 8pm-8am. I can't wait for my maternity leave... I'll
Leave the week of my sons 2nd birthday
Wow you guys are going on mat leave really late compared to what I was thinking! I'm hoping to stick it out till end of march. But tbh I'm getting that annoyed with work I don't know if o can manage that long! They've introduced a new sickness policy, if anyone phones in sick for 1 day they have to provide a Dr's note...For 1 DAY!! I ended up in hospital on the Sunday just after Xmas and they want to see my maternity notes to prove I was ill as I was off on the Monday morning! I'm so angry!xx
Aw jesus jojo thats horrible hours!!! Id be leaving for mat leave asap if i had to do those hrs so dnt blame you!!! Xx
Wow you guys are going on mat leave really late compared to what I was thinking! I'm hoping to stick it out till end of march. But tbh I'm getting that annoyed with work I don't know if o can manage that long! They've introduced a new sickness policy, if anyone phones in sick for 1 day they have to provide a Dr's note...For 1 DAY!! I ended up in hospital on the Sunday just after Xmas and they want to see my maternity notes to prove I was ill as I was off on the Monday morning! I'm so angry!xx

Surely they can't!? Your legally allowed to self cert and no dr would sign you off for a day! Thats crap! Xx
Wow you guys are going on mat leave really late compared to what I was thinking! I'm hoping to stick it out till end of march. But tbh I'm getting that annoyed with work I don't know if o can manage that long! They've introduced a new sickness policy, if anyone phones in sick for 1 day they have to provide a Dr's note...For 1 DAY!! I ended up in hospital on the Sunday just after Xmas and they want to see my maternity notes to prove I was ill as I was off on the Monday morning! I'm so angry!xx

Surely they can't!? Your legally allowed to self cert and no dr would sign you off for a day! Thats crap! Xx
I know this is the argument I'm tempted to give them when I go into the office! Anyway I'm trying to destress as baby didn't move much yesterday and I've just started to feel him again today xx
Screw the salads tonight.... I'm having dominos!!!!

I'm going only leave on 15th April. Can't wait, on countdown now!!
I have no idea when I'm going on maternity leave. I'll be finishing next week if work carries on the way they are!! 2 days in to the new hours, and it's hell :-( no management in once I'm there, they're literally all stood at the door waiting for me to arrive so they can bugger off home. None of us know who is meant to be 'in charge', God knows what we're meant to say if a parent queries it....which I kind of hope they do if I'm honest! I have no idea what's happened in the day apart from a few brief messages left on the board, so I look stupid and clueless in front of parents when they ask me anything about their child that day. It's just a total shambles, I'm embarrassed to be working there at the minute :-(
Poor Oscar was so overtired yesterday from not sleeping (he normally has a good sleep in the afternoon but that was disrupted with having to go to work), so he was foul at bedtime last night. I sat downstairs holding back the tears listening to OH try to calm him down, he was so upset :-( if this carries on all week, I'm not doing it. They can bugger right off! It's bad enough winding me up, but upsetting and disrupting Oscar so much just isn't fair.
I'm waiting for a call back off the CAB tomorrow, hoping I can finally have some idea of where I stand with it all and if there's anything I can do. I just feel like telling them to f*** off right now!

Anyway, off to cook a yummy roast now, hopefully de-stress me a little!!

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