**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Baby bobkitten is also making itself known, and I can see the stronger ones now, as well as have oh feel them.

27 weeks seems like ages away but then I've said that about lots of things during this pregnancy and then its flown by. Back to work tomorrow and that always makes things move along quicker. Mat leave 11th April, but 2 weeks Easter hols before that. 44 working days and counting!

Been looking at prams, think we're going to get one off ebay once we've decided which one we like. Ideally want a forward and rear facing seat, that reclines flat so can use from birth, but also folds up small enough. We have quite a big car but if going out and about we have a dog and bags to fit in too. Any suggestions?
We have a silver cross surf saved from my 1st baba.

Does all of the above and we got it for £350 ehich included the carseat, all the accessories and seat that had an newborn insert so it layed flat & didnt need the carrycot.

We got it from here https://m.facebook.com/iver.biggin/ they also have a shop if you love local (we dont so we tried out the pram we wanted in mothercare then bought off their fb page and paid £20 more for 48hr courier which they offer anywhere in UK).. Its all ex display or very good condition 2nd hand.

Ours has never failed us and is still in good nick ready for Charlie bear! :) xxx
Think its 27wks! Xx
Only 5 weeks left then, then it's the final hurdle!! Went into a huge mama's n papas yesterday and saw so many cute little babies!! Made me so happy seeing them! Soon be us!xxxx
What dog do you have bobkat? Could you not put bag on back seat/floor under car seat (if safe to do so) we've gone for a Phil and teds smart lux from mothercare(got it half price,chuffed as it was the one we wanted!) It is quite bulky even when folded down but we don't have a dog and both our cars have rather big boots. It's got really chunky wheels - which is good as we like our walks. Xx
Anyone have Instagram?? Im back on a health kick after weighing and finding I've gained 1st 7lbs already.. Booo!! Determind not to gain anywhere near what i did in my 1st pregnancy (4stone!!)

My IG name is: @dani.healthyliving

I set it up when I was losing my baby weight from Noah, so keeping it going to try and control my preg gains and use it again afterwards to get to my old self again! X
I'm not going near the scales. I too, last week, have started the healthy eating again, and the husband who seems to baking his baby!! We started healthy in summer but then my nausea put a stop to that.
Yeah i started healhy from the go. Then nausea & xmas messed it all up for me lol!!! Xx
How is everyone?

Realised I haven't been on for a few days, we've been busy trying to sort the house into some sense of normal before going back to work today. And trying to sort out the drama of work too :-/ I'm half expecting to go in later and for it to all have changed again, who knows what's going to happen but I know I'm not looking forward to it.

I packed all our bags for today and got Oscars lunch AND tea ready last night, feeling so organised for once haha!

We've had a chat with OH's parents about money :-( always a horrible subject to discuss with anyone, but they were so good about it all. OH sold his car recently (it had been sat on his parents drive for over 2years since he got his company car!) so we were planning on saving the money and using it towards buying our next house. Since all this has happened with work, that won't be happening for a long time now, we're gutted :-( so we've decided to use that money to pay off the bit we've stashed on the credit card and to pay off my next account. But I'm under strict instructions to hand my card over and not use it!! It just means we'll have a bit extra cash each month to make up for my loss of wages, and to hopefully start saving again once we've got all we need for the baby. We were in such a good place financially in summer, now it's just gone terrible, right when we could do with the extra money.

Really starting to feel little lady this week, OH even felt her last night, he was so happy :) it prompted him to start a discussion on names :-O I was in shock as he normally just gives silly suggestions lol

I've stared following you babyslog! Not sure how much I've put on, just seems to have come out of nowhere in the past 3 weeks, but since my nausea seems to have stopped my appetite has picked up! And my stomach seems to have just ballooned!xxx
I'm somehow still not at my pre pregnancy weight, I'm hoping it will take me a while to get back there yet! I seem to have stopped at the same weight for ages now. But I know as soon as it starts, it will all pile on far too quickly so really need to start being more careful with what I'm eating :-/
Just starting following you too :) how amazing does your food look?! Making me hungry!! Xx
Pitta bread has just gone on my shopping list!haha!xx
I've had kickin nausea and acid last few dats, blood pressure keeps dipping and i think bsby is in weird position as I got a bit of a dodgy tum :(

I also look huge lol


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How is everyone?

Realised I haven't been on for a few days, we've been busy trying to sort the house into some sense of normal before going back to work today. And trying to sort out the drama of work too :-/ I'm half expecting to go in later and for it to all have changed again, who knows what's going to happen but I know I'm not looking forward to it.

I packed all our bags for today and got Oscars lunch AND tea ready last night, feeling so organised for once haha!

We've had a chat with OH's parents about money :-( always a horrible subject to discuss with anyone, but they were so good about it all. OH sold his car recently (it had been sat on his parents drive for over 2years since he got his company car!) so we were planning on saving the money and using it towards buying our next house. Since all this has happened with work, that won't be happening for a long time now, we're gutted :-( so we've decided to use that money to pay off the bit we've stashed on the credit card and to pay off my next account. But I'm under strict instructions to hand my card over and not use it!! It just means we'll have a bit extra cash each month to make up for my loss of wages, and to hopefully start saving again once we've got all we need for the baby. We were in such a good place financially in summer, now it's just gone terrible, right when we could do with the extra money.

Really starting to feel little lady this week, OH even felt her last night, he was so happy :) it prompted him to start a discussion on names :-O I was in shock as he normally just gives silly suggestions lol


Aww hun!! I hate how much money causes so much bloody stress!!!!!!! Xx
I've had kickin nausea and acid last few dats, blood pressure keeps dipping and i think bsby is in weird position as I got a bit of a dodgy tum :(

I also look huge lol

Awwww bump!!! :)

Aww is ur BP still dipping!? :(
When's the "right" time to pack your hospital bag? Been playing on my mind for a while.
When's the "right" time to pack your hospital bag? Been playing on my mind for a while.
I've just started doing mine today, only toiletries so far not sure when to start packing baby clothes as obv I know they need to be washed but not sure when to wash them xx
I'm not oe king mine until 36 weeks. Also taking far far less than last time, the lists of things yiu "need" are rediculous

And yes my bo still dipping, making me feel sick and dizzy.
When's the "right" time to pack your hospital bag? Been playing on my mind for a while.
I've just started doing mine today, only toiletries so far not sure when to start packing baby clothes as obv I know they need to be washed but not sure when to wash them xx

What do you all recommend washing them in.
Is it non bio? And what's the difference? Fabric conditioner?

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