**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Ok, that makes sense, all the movements have been quite low so far and although of course I would ask mw about reduced movement straight away if that happened its not an immediate cause for panic. Thanks girls, this place is so good for getting others experiences.
Ive got got a count the kicks band for £2 off their website.

I tried using an app last pregnancy but it was a faff getting it out and opening the app all the time and kept forgetting.
So im hoping this will help. Its a rubber type band so ill just have it on all the time x
That sounds like an excellent idea, I'll have a look. Also can now start thinking about prams (eeek, exciting).
Having a bit of a panic about money (for a change) I'm thinking I just manage getting by now on my wages every month how am I going to manage on Mat pay?! My New Years resolution is to be very tight with money! Anyone else feeling like this or am I just awful with money! Xx
I've decided I'm probably going to get this pram. I also have a silvercross but I'll need one for when I'm out and about on my own with both as I don't trust my son to walk when I have a buggy lol it comes with everything, not too wide, not too long and comes with built in speakers haha also the head support for newborns which some done have - padded straps and it's nice quality.

I will also check out some tandems but they're s bugger to push if you're on s budget and are shirt like me.


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Having a bit of a panic about money (for a change) I'm thinking I just manage getting by now on my wages every month how am I going to manage on Mat pay?! My New Years resolution is to be very tight with money! Anyone else feeling like this or am I just awful with money! Xx

Do u get tax credits? Ul also get child benefit for bubs aswel x
Kim im the same.

I went bk 16hrs after Noah then increased to 22hrs cos money was tight..
So dropping bk down to around £500 is going to be tough!
Just hope OH can up his hours and do more overtime as ill be home all day everyday..

Still not sure if ill go bk 22hrs or 16.. Ideally i want 16! But i need to behave with my spending!! Xx
Sorry I've been a bit quiet lately. Lots going on over Xmas etc! We're FINALLY going to get a wardrobe sorted tomorrow from IKEA, I've been waiting 9 months now to get what I want so well actually have space to put things!!!

I'm going to be dropping to about 1/3 of my current money on Mat leave - I'm dreading it. But I've done a massive big budget planner, I've calculated the tax credits/extra child benefit we'll get and done a big forecast to cover it, and it should be ok. Just means we won't make any savings and well decimate what we have but its all for a good cause (said in Miss Rabbits tone of voice....).

A week today we find out whether baby wiggles is going to be a brother or a sister! Can't wait now!! X
Yaaay! Anything thats catching your eye? Xx

We're going to be going through classifieds, ebay and local selling sites to see what we can find. I'm not too fussed about having a car seat that attaches. We have our old car seat which is fine and can just stop in the car - less faff with strapping it in every time. I'm going to invest in a good baby carrier for me to use to carry baby when dropping Freddie off at school or going round shops etc. So going to get a spare car seat to go in oh car that grandma can also use if needed, wont need to spend a lot on it as only for occasional use. So looking for a pram that's got a rear and front facing seat, having a carry cot option would be lovely but for the amount of time baby uses it for not really a necessity. Easy to push and put up and down, folds fairly small as we have a dog to get it the boot of the car too, or shopping dependant on what I'm doing.

I didn't think I was that fussy but reading that, I guess I am! Haha!

We are saving money at the moment to help with things when I'm on mat leave, all bills are covered by oh's wages but food etc comes out of mine. We should be ok but will need to be careful. Luckily found out my mat leave package is more generous than I thought, still not enough to go crazy though.
Also, just seen an April mummies thread start up in Tri 3, which means...... WE'RE NEXT!!!!! Aaaarrrggghh!!!!
Also, just seen an April mummies thread start up in Tri 3, which means...... WE'RE NEXT!!!!! Aaaarrrggghh!!!!

Scary isn't it...I've got 10 days till Logan is viable and I hit tri 3 in 5 weeks!!
Scary how close we are to tri-3

My best friend had her dating scan at 12:30
And still not heard anything from her - I really hope she's just busy celebrating and it went off ok
Mental that we are now approaching V day ina few days/weeks and tri 3 ina month or so!

Aw jojo I hope all is ok! We were delayed having all sre scans and hosp signal is bollox at mine! X
Eep what a lovely 20 week scan today!! Stayed team yellow and bubba was even sucking their thumb at one point. Absolutely adorable!! Everything is measuring exactly as it should be!
And we got our pram yesterday, beautiful silver cross wayfarer Eton grey limited edition. I just want to play with it already!
I have a silver cross. It's a pain to get through done checkouts but love it.

My friend U.S. dollars good :) due 8 weeks after me but lucky six gets to go back in a few weeks to get more accurate measurements. If j wasn't pregnant id be broody lol
Happy new year (I'm
On nightshift) were all having babies his year :)
Happy New Year all you beautiful mummies and mummies to be!!! Woken up this morning to some lovely kicks off baby and my OH full of cold!xx
Happy new year new. Now Xmas and new is over our babies will be here before you know it.x

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