**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

Do you have a drop in centre? We have one at a local
Children's xentre and that's when I got mine last time
No we dont.
We only have an out of hours type of service in Cardiff. No drop ins.

Ill call dra tomorrow and tell them im still chasing. MW was spose to call last wed before they closed for xmas but didnt! X
Has anyone ever had sick leave for exhaustion?
I can hardly function (see my other post) and debating taking time off x
Not myself personally hun.

But id defo go to gp. Explain how u are feeling. They could sign you off if you explain everything to them. They can check ur BP and maybe take ur bloods again too xx
Sorry just read your thread.

Id defo go to drs hun. I no ur boss wants u to take charge, but having that responsibility alone is stressful enough. Spesh if ur worried ur OHs bi polar will peak if he sees you stressed and worried etc.

You dont want to knacker yourself out. You've also got all the boys to deal with too! Xxx
I've just got home and I'm so tired...oh has been a star though, he's cleaned and tidied everywhere, even unpacked the last boxes from when we moved in and I have fresh bedding on, all the laundry done, tea prepared and a bath run with a lush bath bomb in it. It must be obvious that I'm struggling because usually I'm lucky if he just cleans downstairs lol.
I've provisionally covered my shift tomorrow but I feel guilty for it-I've made the decision that I'm definitely not working the night shift on weds.
Oh has agreed to go back into sales so he can become the main earner and so that I can reduce my hours (he hates sales but is amazingly good at it) xx
You must go to the doctors love. You can't carry on like that. It won't do you or the baby any good. Your health and well being are the most important thing now. Let us know how you get on xxxx
I'm laid in bed but I've been wide awake for the past hour, at the moment I'm not even slightly tired but when that alarm goes off il be wishing I'd had more sleep, if I'm not asleep by 4 I'm ringing work x
Morning :)
I'm pretty sure I had a braxton last night, just one, woke me up. My whole belly clenched for about 3 or 4 secs. Does this sound right?
Yeah that sounds like it could have been-I usually get more than one x
I've taken today off work and I'm seeing a doctor at 10:40, I already feel guilty x
Don't feel guilty. I think it's really sensible. Hopefully the doctor will sign you off for a couple of weeks xxx
I got signed off at 9 weeks with exhaustion, I hadn't had a holiday/decent time off (occasional 2 day weekend) since feb and in October my body just broke down on me and doctor signed me (much to works displeasure) but it did me the world of good. Hope you pick up soon xx
Roll on mat leave... 15 weeks and counting!! Work ate doing my head in!! New boss trying to change things that have worked for past 8 yrs!
I've gotta have bloods taken in the morning and go from there....my boss has put on fb something about ppl you thought were there or been and ppl who you never thought would been amazing then thanking everyone for today....kick in the teeth?
Fuck em! Shouldn't be posting anything on fb about work anyway!! You are well within your rights to look after your well being. Xxx
Emma ignore her!

Hope your feeling better soon and take as much time and u feel you need ok! xx

I went bk to work today after being sogned off for 2 weeks aswell as having xmas leave so not been in since 1st Dec!
Main boss asked how iam and then gave me a funny look and said 'how can you have pgp so early? Baby isnt exactly big is he! Surely fant be putting pressure on your pelvis this early!?'

Fuck off! I didnt self diagnose myself and the gp would sign me off and refer me to physio for the fun of it!!!!!! Some bosses just think of work and money and numbers.
Not that their employers are actual real people with real issues and feelings! Xxx
I'm really good friends with my boss but I can't be doing with the bitching and back stabbing that goes on all the time...I really wish I could afford to go on permanent leave or take my leave earlier...I'm not due back at work till Friday night and won't see my boss until Monday then she goes on leave from weds...I'm well ready for my leave though
Unfortunately we will never get sympathy from bosses, all they see is one less employee in work and not care what's wrong. Same at my place, you are just seen to be a burden if you are unwell or off work.

Had my 20 week scan today, it's definetly a boy haha. Everything was fine except they said his stomach was measuring small and I have to go back in 4 weeks for another scan just to check it's ok. They think it is just due to him moving and not getting accurate measurements, so I will be worrying for the next 4 weeks now! Xxx
Aw kim! This may babas have been lil buggers for being wrigglers at the 20wk scans! Im sure uts just due to him moving. Try not to worry! Just think, ull c him again very soon too :)

Any names yet!!? Xxx

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