**** • May 2016 Mamas • ****

I was posterior last time too so didn't even consider it lol.
My aunty's placenta is low lying, she's having a scan New Year's Eve to see if it's moved, otherwise it's a c-section sometime in Jan.

I've been feeling some movements already, but they're right down low near my right hip. I guess it just means I might not feel so much as I did with Oscar :-/ xxx
U will in tri 3 hun, but i felt them either right ad thr top, bottom or sides rather than front. And some days depending on Noahs position hardly at all, which led to hosp visits cos i was paranoid lol!

But onces shes bigger ull be having toes in ribs and all sorts dnt u worry lol! Xx
I has anterior last time and this time too, it's a pain in he arse lol

Just be aware that you may not get as many movements that you can feel.

We had the heart chamber problem last time, had to come back a week later hit she was so calm just said- because baby isn't playing with us we need to ask you to come back just to check the other chambers, good news is you see baby again. Vey breezy!

This time was so different! The woman was very calm but it was that she thought he stomach might be in the chest cavity - luckily we went away for 30 mins and went back again. I googled it after and if it had been in the chest there's a possibility baby wouldn't have survived! Or needed to be on a ventilator until they could have an operation... So glad it was fine! Luckily hospital signal is shit or I would've checked it while I was waiting and panicked!

Has anyone told people what the gender is yet? We're announcing r Xmas day... We have a sparkly pink bauble for Christmas tree (seen as its Xmas) in a bag with pink tissue paper and the label says "to granny and grandad, love baby stacey" (stacey is surname)

Also I think I might be winning hubby over to considering Anna as a name

One of my friends' mother had a low lying placenta with him (32 years ago
Mind) but was harder to diagnose - she was in the bath and her placenta came (she was 36 weeks) luckily he was totally fine!
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Gosh it must be a May baby thing. We had the exact same thing yesterday! They could only see two chambers and couldn't see something in the brain or the input and output valves to the heart.

We had to go have a walk, empty my bladder and try a different machine which was so much clearer. They still had to press on so hard that my c section scar is bright red and really bloody sore!

Glad everything was alright for you and for us too though! :) xxx
I was gonna wait till Xmas day too and FaceTime my family but I couldn't wait! I called my mum from the hospital and she started crying! Thank you for the info on the placenta I'm guessing mine is ok if I haven't been told anything about it. Xx
I only know mine is anterior because I asked specifically because of last time.

I tidied the house when Luke was down for a nap and it's a tip again! *sigh* when he's In bed in baking gingerbread Xmas trees for Santa
Oh jojo u just reminded me! Ive not made anything! Normally make cookies!

Im nipping to tesco at 7am tomorrow, did an online shop tues and accidentally removed items so i need to go and get nibbles and cheeses argh! Ill grab some stuff to make cookies! Xx
Actually I cheated and
Some Betty Crocker cookies for Santa and they were surprisingly nice! (I'm
An old school cook lol) but I accidentally ate them lol (only made 4) my dad came by to collect Turkey and he ate one and I ate one and Luke ate one and I'm going. Wat last one and tell hubby I burnt them lol
Making cookies and cupcakes... That's enough for him lol

Me and hubby have a bet - he the inks I won't wait till
Xmas day and if I tell mum I have to pay for the snacks when we see starwars, if I keep it a secret then he has to buy. I'll be getting the biggest bucket of
Popcorn you've ever seen in your chuffing life! Haha
The lady was lovely about it all tbf. She did say that they used to do the anomaly scan from 20 weeks, but now they think they can do it from 18 weeks which is just too early for some, so is causing problems when they can't see what they need to see because it's al just too small. The heart is around the size of a thumb nail at this stage so no wonder it's not always clear!!

Your all so good baking for Santa!! I had a cookie mix in a jar as one of my presents from work, I keep meaning to make it but haven't got round to it yet.
I'm meant to be going to sainsburys tonight to get a few bits, decided I can't be bothered haha.
We've got a few crafty presents to make tonight, and I need to start on the chocolate cake and lemon roulade that we're taking for Christmas Day pudding....best get to it.
Oh god. I've got a gammon to cook and some stuffings to do. I'm going to do them in the morning. My body aches from cleaning most of the day. Phewfff. Christmas is exhausting! Hope you all get chance to put your feet up :* xxx
It really is exhausting isn't it!! I was hoping to have a good clear out and sort our house out over Christmas....it looks worse than ever now ��

I'll add the scan photos, they really aren't that good, the poor lady tried her hardest but this is a shy and very wriggly baby girl!!! She somehow did it so we've got 2/4 smaller images in one pic :)


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Oooh they're the wrong way :-/ no idea how to change it tho....
They look great! Better then mine! I'll upload them when I'm done cooking

I've managed to
Make gingerbread and forget to add sugar so had to fold it in - it works but gives a kinda crystallised crunch to it lol
Goodness me, these babies like keeping us on our toes don't they, quite pleased we've got to wait till 21 & 1/2 weeks for my scan, hopefully baby big enough for them to see everything they need, I'd go into meltdown if told to wait a week so they could recheck the heart or something.

We're planning on taking Freddie with us, he's 5 so should be ok. Plus we're taking Grandma to watch him while they do all the measuring bits and then hopefully get him in for a couple of minutes at the end. Hopefully the sonographer will let us.

Just finished wrapping everything, tomorrow I have lots of baking to do, bread for Xmas tea, apple and raisin tart and a chocolate cheesecake for those that don't like Xmas pudding. Glad i made that in advance. Oh. And we're cooking the turkey tomorrow evening otherwise the veg won't fit in the oven on Xmas day.
I usually make geese cake or tiramisu but not this year because all the best stuff has alcohol in lol.

I made 50 cookies lol
Morning girls! I'm impressed by all your baking. I should do some - Jake LOVES a bit of baking, but he's very messy!!! Like most 2 year olds baking I imagine!! I made some chocolate brownies on Monday night (THE best recipe in the world), so I think Santa can have those tonight.

Glad all the scans have had positive news (eventually!). They're (in my opinion) the scariest scan of them all.

I've got a stinking cold coming on, just before Xmas. Wahhh!! Actually nearly dripped snot on the toddler at bed time with no tissue handy. Oops!

Not too sure what to do with our day today. Daddy's working until 6pm-ish, so might go and annoy my mum! I need to go buy some cream - keep forgetting random bits I need for dinner - yesterday I had to go buy gravy.

I'm so excited for tomorrow and seeing the little mans face when he opens his presents! Baby's been giving me a few kicks too - wasn't sure when I had my leg bent up if I could feel it on my leg where it was touching my belly - if that makes sense? Desperate for daddy to feel him soon!!! X
Morning everyone well I've only got a 5 hour shift today! So got last min presents to wrap this afty and chill! Well for me and my OH it's our last xmas as a 2 some...next year we will have a little 7 month old to keep us occupied! Can't believe it. We're so excited.xx
We're going to watch Santa clause he movie this morning and this afternoon and mummy is going to hoover so Santa isn't ashamed by he state of the house and still leaves presents lol. To right we go to church and then come home, get elf box and go to bed so Santa can visit! And meanwhile I'm having takeaway with hubby then to bed :)

Hubby came up with the name Eleanor yesterday- I didn't like it a few weeks ago but I think it sounds timeless and classy and lots of room for shortenings so it's on the list with Anna and Jennifer

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